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Yooooo y’all blowing through this show. You love to see it! 😭😭🫶🏾

Arnav Mekala

Trust me, you are not the only one that assumed that the bald girl in episode 6 was the head popper! Everyone did, until we find out its been Congresswoman Neuman the whole time. If you watch the court scene in episode 7 again, Neuman kept darting her eyes around the room and you can kind of see that a person's head exploded whenever she looked at them.


The bald head girl Cindy was a diversion congressman Victoria was the only one around for all the head popping go back and look at all the episodes with head explosions you’ll notice it

Devante Vickers

Cindy didn't explode things, see imploded things. They almost look similar.

Arnav Mekala

Yes but the first instance didn’t show exactly what her powers were, so it’s understandable that some people thought she was the head popper


I agree with mel this show like top 2 or 3 for me as well


lmao yes during some interviews he makes the same faces as he does w homelander id be so scared to interview him

JacksOnion Lee

Yeah he got arrested in Spain for assault, even said the line "do u know who I am, I can do whatever the f I want" to a waiter 💀that boy wilding

JacksOnion Lee

My top 3 shows in order (of all genres): One Piece, The Boys, One Punch Man

Randy Petitmaitre

If you pay attention in the last episode there were hint that it was her because everytime she turned her head in the courtroom people's head were exploding.

Shenahatsu Kyjiin

One of the best season finales to grace tv imo, super dope how they finished the season in such an entertaining way, it perfectly sets up so many conflicts. Butcher for a moment was gonna kill Ryan, yet he also needs to protect him, that in itself makes for a super intriguing plotline in addition to all the stuff happening already set in motion...cant wait to see S3 reactions.