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Let's go!!! Ace finally free :D

Malcolm dean

Let’s go y’all the best I know you usually don’t do sats but this has def raised my spirits I was having a rough day now I can watch this


i like to think that garp intentionally hit marco so hes able to go up against luffy so he can let him pass since the way that garp looks at luffy after he was hit and then closes his eyes indicates that he planned to let him through from the start, but thats just headcanon.


Regarding your comment about how the whitebeard pirates are struggling and the whole mention of yonko(emperor). Whitebeard is a yonko, his crew is not. His crew may be really strong but they are not yonko level just because their captain is. Whitebeard is also sick and injured, so the way the fight has been going, he seems to keep getting weaker every time he attacks, thats probably why he can't use his Haki or do anything stronger. Additionally, the admirals are supposed to be VERY strong thats why everyone is struggling against them. The only real person who could realistically go against an admiral is a emperor like whitebeard but he is sick&injured making that very difficult for him right now.


They always do Saturdays for patreon. They don't do saturdays for youtube, which means we don't get Friday patreon.


The admirals are supposed to be up there with the 4 emperors, don’t underestimate them. If white beard used his conqueror’s Haki, he would’ve wiped out most of his own crew and then have to go against the 3 admirals, sengoku, garp and most likely mihawk. Also, inazuma was confirmed a revolutionary when he was introduced.


Whitebeard definitely has Conquerors Haki. But he's too old and sick to use it. If you remember a few episodes back whitebeard stabbed Aokiji with his spear... Then Whitebeards crew said he killed him because he was stabbed with Haki. He has it he's just too old and sick to use it.


Yaaaassss!!! BTW, next set is of 3 episodes guys, if you please - i.e. 481, 482, 483. And then after that, 2 - 484 and 485. Thanks! Love ur guys’ content!


The admirals probably have CoC too. Do we want a war with just them knocking out everyone? That would be boring.


There are only 4 Yonko (Emperors of the sea) There's Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido and Big Mom, These four individuals are powerful enough to scare the world government, their crews are powerful too but without one of these Yonko as a captain, they aren't nearly as threatening.


Cut whitebeard a break... yes he's the strongest man alive but like he said, he's just a human, a human who suffers from the same mortality as everyone else, meaning he gets old, and sick as their body grows old. He's definitely the strongest alive tho, like sengoku said White beard has the power to destroy the world, but he's not gonna go all out cause he's not dumb and he doesn't want to hurt his crew/family. His biggest weakness is that he actually cares about his people, while akainu doesn't... Also stop underestimating the admirals, I'm not sure if they're on the level of a yonko but they can definitely hold their own against one.


Admiral = Yonku, do not underestimate them, especially akainu, he controls his fruit so well that he has made it the biggest attack power of the devil's fruit and Oda said in an interview « Akainu is so powerful that he was a pirate he would become king of pirates in less than a year » ...


Also, Garp HAS to be there, he's the HERO of the marines, he's a symbol (similar to All Might). It's not that he is forced to fight luffy but he also has to honor what he means to the rest of the world, he can't just let these pirates do whatever they want (even if one is his grandson), he has to fight for what he believes just like Luffy, whitebeard and Dragon does. He can't throw all that away for Luffy and ace, who he a million times told NOT to become pirates, they have to deal with the consequences of their actions


No, Admiral Does Not equal a Yonko. Its just that Whitebeard is too old, and got stabbed by Squard. But still, Admirals are up there, just below the Yonkos.


I'm gonna try and clarify some things from this reaction : First of all, i loved it, second, There is no way you can compare a Yonko level and an Admiral level...Two big powerhouses, anything can happen.And last but not least, There is a BIG difference between Strong and Powerful, Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world, he's among the most powerful people in the OP universe, and he's also an old guy with a disease...These outcomes are beyond understandable. And also Haki means will power in japanese, if your will is shaken by a disease, a fatal injury, or depressing thoughts you obviously wont be able to use it. Thats not everything but i hope you can get something from this.


Even a top commander/1st commander/right hand man is not equal to an Admiral. Think of it like, a top commander can fend off an Admiral but not defeat. An Admiral can fend off a yonko but probably not defeat in good health. This isnt documented in the manga word for word but that’s the way I see it


5 episodes !!

Barre Bonds

You guys saw Rayleigh use that Haki as well back in Sabaody


Why did he clearly see that white beard is sick more than once. And also know that he is old. Was stabbed, burned a hole still feel that he is the strongest man in the world ?


REGARDING GARP ...dont forget that pirates are the bad guys in one piece world garp wanted his kids to become marines so they dont become scum bags ..... and i know navy have some scum bags also but garp isnt and he wanted his kids to become like him heroes


the whitebeard here to rescue ace ... there is no time for 1 v1 for admirals that kinf of figh will last for days .... as jembi and ace fight lasted .... even luffy couldnt afford any time loss to talk to coby

benjamin freeman

lmao yes whitebeard has control of ALL haki... man idk what your watching how can you not see whitebeards strength? he could flip the entire island over and kill everyone one from 10 miles away he just cant cuz ace and he crew around wrecked 2 giant vice admirals with one hand in one attack each and it took ALL 3 ADMIRALS TO STOP HIS BLAST AT THE TOWER!!!! whitebeard op as fuck