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One way or another, Hell's getting a new puppet dictator...

This episode contains Violence, Sexual Content, and Profanity.



Larsen Godfrey

Listening to this dive into national anthem trivia after seeing 3 different renditions on football Thanksgiving gives it some extra daddage


Me, a Marine Vet, listening to this episode hearing “no marines listen to this podcast” 😂😂

Teagan Turner

the teeny costume was armor in the first few episodes btw


Matt was right. I thought it was will in the opening


I’m a marine vet and Freddie’s joke about every generation after yours sucking is so spot on.


The one live listen i miss!!! AND THE ENDING IS MY PUNISHMENT


You would be surprised how many marines listen to this podcast


You know those episodes of cartoons where the one slightly unlikable character gets unnecessarily beat up to the point that you feel bad for them even if you didn’t like them? That’s what this episode is with what’s been happening to Normal

Julien Zubkov

okay I’ve finally caught up. and I’m a bit sad that after listening to the absolute end of every episode that neither my name nor my item have been included :( I know there’s a lot of submissions but it would have been nice to:)


This episode disproves any claim that Anthony is a good dm, he's an excellent and funny storyteller, but just saying a guys damage went from 8 to 32 is bs


I'm a US Marine. Been listening to this show since about episode 10 of season 1. This episode had me crying laughing absolutely love it. Punching things and amphibious operations is on point. This podcast was shown to me by another Marine so there's at least 2 of us listening Beth.

Thomas Webb

Another Marine here that has also been listening since season 1 😂🤣😂🤣 love the part when they said I don’t think marines listen to this

snake janders

it's whatever but it's a little annoying how Anthony pretends like he consistently follows any sort of rulebook. Like how he said he can't tell them how hurt an enemy is because 5e doesn't have "bloodied" rules (even though it does. DMG page 248) right after making up a 4x damage rule for no reason. idc how you run your game. just own it, at least.

Just Drago Games YT

"Dude.... I think it's time... To be a bad girl" GAVE ME CHIIIILLS BRO