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The Dad Crew sits down to talk about the latest episode of season two. They get into the big pivot they had to think twice about that had implication for the broader lore of Daddy Magic, the core themes running through the Close and the Stampler families, and the towering achievement that is Normal's yearbook club teen fact, and Freddie's fugue state playing both Glenn and Taylor.

Plus they answer some questions and get into the moment that everyone knew they weren't a kid anymore, obscure references in the show that no one has recognized, and everyone's version of heaven.




1st 30 seconds I thought my headphones went out lol

John Bakker

Thought my phone was busted

Anthony Lavine

Thought someone highjacked my bluetooth

Bob McCoog

I thought I had gone deaf LOL

Tanner Torrio

I kept reseting it thinking patron was being shotty again lol

Jill Klatt

POV: You’re checking the comments to see what’s up with the audio

Helen M

Worked fine for me, must have been fixed. :)

Christian Parr

Best teen talk yet. I had to pause a few times just to let things sink in, and I’ve never done that before. Thanks guys

Ryley Henry

Couldn't be more on Freddy's side at the beginning of this episode.


Could someone explain to me why Matt thought Glenn was as bad a dad as Bill? Im just not seeing the similarity in intensitiy

Jake W

I love it when the get into deep thought provoking conversation

Hunter Mcdonald

No matter how bad of a day im having or whatever the circumstance is this show allways without fail make my day better🤘

Erika Salazar

Finding out Glenn didn't actually become a good dad didn't hurt as much as the realization that Morgan probably wasn't as great as i imagined her to be but also that makes sense

Leo Hall

I actually get Glenn's deal now


Dude I am here for Freddie talking about people's ability to change. Glenn was my favorite arc in s1 because he didn't just get the right answer and get his perfect ending. A lot of humans dont grow when given the chance, it's not neat and tidy

Damani Miles

Y'know I think they keep forgetting that they could only really be in Hell once. It's kinda sad cause it seems like Scary and Terry Jr. really can never be together again. I feel like that arbitrary rule shoots them in the foot dramatically more often than not but sometimes it works out

Katie Rose

I loved hearing about Matt’s adult realization - I didn’t really think I’d be interested in hearing about how you all started your careers but it’s fascinating to think part of it was in a warehouse post Disney interning lol

Maxine Bailey

Anthony, how's the gay porn script going

Doot Doot

Wait did they “boys will be boys” Glen? Specifically with “glens just a dog! So It’s alright :3”


No, they specifically say he's a pos, which he is and because its a podcast we can laugh and not feel bad about all the heavy stuff.

Doot Doot

“He’s not even actively bad (empirically false) …then instantly like a dog he just forgets the lesson he had” Freddy then eats this line up laughing n shi, because that’s exactly what the character is supposed to be. As a man I can confidently say that there’s a lot of things we like, this right here in particular is the idea of ‘haha! My lack of growth is actually endearing and in character!’ Which we LOVE to believe And while they say “aghh he’s a POS” there’s zero consequences for that character. And he still gets to exist as the purist teenage boy fantasy. But that’s just my two cents, sorry to go off but something abt that resonated with me.


Freddy is right, and I hate it. This episode was hard for me to sit through

Ryken Wright

I love the idea that Freddie went full Ultra Instinct when playing both Glenn and Taylor. Just reacting to the improv without having to think


22mins in, Listening to this as a therapist with a wife and kid 😳 oh noooo

Caitlyn Russell

I think Freddie's original point about Glenn was so wonderful. He makes me think of an addicts journey very often.

Julia Name

It’s because Nick has so many dad related problems, and Glenn barley mentions Bill.


My personal heaven would be Me being some infinite time traveling ghost who can fast forward and rewind time.. there are infinite things happening at once, I can just follow individual thing ever ever or sit in one stop forever

Simon J Caldwell

I agree with Freddy that the simple statement that all men need therapy is odd. You can get healthy introspection from many sources and relying on the American idea of therapy for that is not giving credit to any other introspection.


So the razors being sent is because you filled out the social security info. That’s why they targeted you

maude the goblin

This is the best talking dad. 🙌

Zack Houser

Me, a therapist, scowling at Freddy this whole Teen Talk.

Imogen Looker

I wish they’d finished the conversation about how they think Nicks up bringing affected him comparatively to the others, that would have been really interesting

Kendall Crosby

Dammit Freddie lol a spoonful of sugar always gets rid of hiccups. No idea why but it has never failed

Harry French

Always strikes me as odd. It's a quasi-medicalising of...just being a person? The idea that everyone needs therapeutic intervention by default seems entirely symptomatic of profit driven health care. I've never understood it, but maybe it's just not very British.

Bobble-hedd Chucklefuck (steve)

I’ve shared the same thoughts that Freddy explains with my family but they live in blissful ignorance that an apology or showing up once every few years absolves any history of events. I only get frustrated when i try to express what Matt did, that a relationship requires consistent effort to get the relationship you want.

ace of diamonds

My personal heaven is when the MBICs come out on time


So sad that we're already on episode 45... season 2 has already been almost 2 years!

Darryl Holiday II

Matt: I don't really like spaghetti. Me: Anakin, you're breaking my heart.

Kurt Dimock

In the same way that every family is a unique blend of people and circumstances and to reach reconciliation is gonna be a different path, every single person is gonna have their own journey with themselves and self-interrogation/introspection. A therapist is just a professional facilitator of that to avoid falling into cycles, spirals, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. The hospital analogy was bang on. Sure you might be fine not going, and you might become a victim of malpractice, but that survivorship bias and stigma respectively prevent people being willing to get the help they might desperately need. I also have Canadian bias where healthcare and often mental health support are free, or at least not as batshit as the US. You guys talking about student loans made my stomach sink into the 8itch layer of hell


You are waaaay too obsessed with therapy there in the US....

Daina Scully

nah y’all just straight up assassinated glenn’s character. this was not the way that glenn was bad in the first season either - this wasn’t a continuation of glenn’s story as you set it up, it was a sharp turn into something worse and the fact that y’all are pretending it was a simple following of the path laid out is frankly just… bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like i think maybe you guys are misremembering things that happened or the way people were characterized in s1. because glenn was a lot of things, but he was never absentee. Matt is right when he says that this episode is easily the worst y’all have ever shown Glenn to be. and frankly it’s sad and upsetting not in a “this is a heart wrenching story” way, but in a “why did the creators decide to ruin a beloved character just to further the angst of another character” sort of way.

Daina Scully

like ofc you can do whatever you want with the podcast and they’re your characters to destroy as you see fit but. yeah long time listener first time hater here. you did glenn so dirty.

Megan Shively

i should have never come to this comments section, but i do have to say that these people keep me grounded in reality in the most effective, non-terrifying, non-pessimistic way and i couldnt be more grateful

Megan Shively

its almost like we care about mental health because its an epidemic here 😱


I think mental health is a massive issue in a number of places. And I think it's amazing when it gets more attention and is treated with the importance it deserves. But, from the outside, it's hard to think that the epidemic in the US and a profit driven private therapy industry are entirely unrelated. And I'm not sure that sentiments like "everyone needs therapy" helps people that most need support. I suspect there are broader issues in a society that produces 100% of people that feel they need therapy. "Everyone needs support" is undoubtedly true, life is a team sport after all. But implying that everyone needs and indeed can be helped by a therapist is too reductionist in my opinion.


I enjoy it too. Hope my comment didn't upset you, I should have been more nuanced in what I wrote! Kia kaha Megan.

Nicholas Myers

So the canon that Nick was left at home the entire Christmas season while Glenn toured. Or Glenn most of the time ignoring his son to let him play video games and only hang out in a completely oblivious way where Glenn knows almost nothing about his son? And that was when he was his DAD not some weird uncle, Glenn no longer had any real responsibility as a blood parent to Nick and degraded into exactly where you'd expect him to go with even less responsibility would equivalently have him become more of a POS person.


I really enjoyed this teen talk too, I think this is what I've been waiting for and I'm very satisfied!

Lollie Roberts

Iove been insane about "This is as good as it's going to get." since the EP came out. Everything about the Close-Foster-Swifts stuck a cord with me and it's amazing everytime.

Jordanasaurus Lamb

I am glad I wasn't the only one to think this. I love danddads and never like to shit on it because it is one of my favorite piece of media of all time. but this episode really wasn't good. I always like to give Glen the benefit of the doubt, he isn't a good person and that's okay. In season 1 he at least seemed like he learnt something by the end of it but here there was no redeeming qualities. Even when he was apologizing he backpaddled. Freddie keeps reverting his characters to being "The Cool one" and its really a detriment to both Glen and Taylor.

Stevie Rose

what i think is really interesting is when we talk about generational cycles and trauma, just how many we canonically have. we know from mountains of dadness that bill close never knew his father, how does that affect his ability to be a dad?

Frances Marie Glorioso

I think that's just the difference between your personal background and the background of people in the US. sure, "you should go to therapy" is a broad strokes type of statement, but I think people can figure out in conversation the deeper meaning behind it. As an american, yeah, there are a multiple amount of reasons why someone has mental health issues - everyone isn't a carbon copy of each other. I think what we mean by the therapy comment, is that people need to recognize amongst themselves that it might be time to try other methods and I think therapy is just one of the ways that it could help. A good therapist can be that 3rd person, outside of your personal connections, that could give you tools or provide perspective to help you live your life. I don't really want to comment on the private therapy industry because I think that's taking a step outside of the main conversation.


You say "everyone isn't a carbon copy of each other". And that's exactly my point. Everyone is different. We each have our own needs and wants, our own strengths and challenges. Why then would "everyone need therapy"? It can't be the case that in a wonderfully broad and varied world that the same thing will be of benefit to everyone. I can totally understand someone sharing how beneficial therapy has been for them, and encouraging others to consider it. That's awesome. But to say that everyone needs it? And I think the nature of the therapy industry is very much part of the discussion. If you assembled the world's best branding consultants and asked them to come up with a great strapline for the therapy industry "everyone needs therapy" would be on the shortlist. I have absolutely zero doubt that many people are paying money for therapy they neither need nor derive a benefit from, but which, of course, financially benefits the therapist. Statements like "everyone needs therapy" serve to neatly package up society as a homogeneous consumer, ready to have some of their worth extracted. This is something that happens way too much, in my opinion.


Gotta love Wills panic at the disco reference

Erik Canady

Personally I think they remembered everything fine. Its stated multiple times before Jodi shows up that Glenn isn't around during the christmas/holiday season because he was in a christmas cover band that toured during those times. And then later its revealed that he was secretly a DJ the rest of the year. Meaning multiple times a week if not every day he would leave for hours on end without his son ever knowing where he was going because he thought his dad only had the one job. And then Glenn admits that instead of having meaningful conversations with his son when hes having a hard time he tries to fob it off by watching Face Off or playing Call of Duty. That is also being an absentee parent. You can absolutely be an absentee parent and still be in the house with your child and Glenn was exactly that in season one. This episode was bad but the characterization was not why.