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The dice decides that the Season 1 dads must befriend an uwu animawl.

Some sections of the video have elements just outside frame.

If you prefer the audio podcast version, click here! 


Emily Hassett

Woooo!!! It was an AMAZING show! Thanks for coming to Seattle!!!!



Maria M

Smiling the biggest, dumbest smile right now

Victor Ste-Marie

What was the door code? I dont get it

Nehemiah S

lmao guy in the lower left front row clearly has no idea what this podcast is


Matt got that dog in him

Stephen Schuler

Hilarious! Y’all’s chemistry is insane.

Julia Comer

Shout out to the dude in the pic at the end with a fucking moonlantern equipped

Henricus Basien

"They went this way; towards the plot." must've been one of the best lines in the entire show! 🤣

Julie McIntosh

What is the door code referencing?

Julie McIntosh

Dang I didn't hear Freddie right I was googling 80085ft and Google showed absolutely noothing! Like those numbers couldn't have been close to annything.


oh man I totally would have been there, but it was sold out by the time I tried to get tickets!! Amazing show; so glad u could record it!!💜 Pls come back to Seattle sometime!!☺️

James Pobanz

I just got Patreon and I wanted to see this tour so badly and I finally get too this is awesome!!


Who got louder screams, Beth or Anthony


The auto generated captions are occasionally unintentionally hilarious, during the intro it said "is there a Bath Man in the house" when Freddie was introducing Beth. For the only woman in the group! How dare they! 😂😂 (Also whenever the crowd goes "ooh!" about something, the entire screen just fills up with the letter o and you can't see anything else lmao)



Alexandra B-D

I think you’re referencing my hubs in the back at the end of the aisle and it’s just the light hitting his VIP pass haha


the video isn't working ;((


Seeing them as real people (visually) is surreal

Megan Clapp-Clark

You better believe I'll be at the next tour (please let there be another tour)


I turned on captions to see if it could pick up what the audience member said during the Jesus moment. Imagine my surprise when the whole screen was filled with individual "ha ha ha"s lol

Thiago Lemos

Oooh I see! Makes sense to me now, so Freddie fumbled it a little, cause he said: "80880085" 😅😅 I guess Anthony gave him a pass cause it was close enough, his intuition was right and the intention was certainly there, plus it would be more funny that way instead of correcting him on small details 🤣🤣

Bex Boster

Quick question for anyone... Any suggestions on how I can watch this on my TV? I usually start the YouTube videos on my phone then I can jump to the app on the TV but with this one I'm not sure what to do and I don't really want to hold my phone for an hour and a half and watch on the little tiny screen. 🤷‍♀️ Thanks everyone!


I watch these every month or so and each they're great.

Amy Klaver

I just signed up to their Patreon today and this is the first time I've seen them!!! This is amazing, I can't stop smiling! <3