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The Dad Crew sits down to talk about episode 44 of season two! They get into whether or not Freddie's new rogue class even matters with his character sheet blindness, the reason that Ron just shows up in the episode, and how multiple players set the table for great emotional turns in other characters. 

They also talk about Beth's trip to Europe during the international bed bug scare, Freddie's dream to be a cut man for a boxer, and Matt's belief that Judas was snitch-adjacent but not an actual snitch.

Question topics include favorite cursed media, small joys in life, and things to get for your first apartment on your own. 




First time this early.


Lol that whole celebrity intro bit is being done at live My Brother My Brother and Me shows. It's hilarious


"Oh that's right, Tony's a racist." Is pure gold.

Fava and Bedderman

"yeah there's always a lake near by in Michigan... But no, there's no lake near by"-Will Campos

Kuko Creations

6min mark, Freddy loses his train of thought, and I'm like "Bruh, I know the feeling..." As always, nice to hear from the cast!

Fava and Bedderman

The heaven / hell morality in this universe is great. It feels like okay and decent people went to heaven and got shittier, but terrible people and cool people that technically soon went to hell and became better people. Now heaven is just full of a bunch of shity people bathing in spaghetti and hell is a bunch of cool people hanging out and having fun

Larsen Godfrey

Freddy’s right, dung beetle or bust

Doyle Just Doyle

"At some point, the mustard's empty." -- Matt Arnold

Lachlan Topp

Kettles not being a normal thing every American has is still the strangest thing to me

Emily Hassett

Matt! I also have an Artemis! He's a very stinky black floofy cat!


Matt's mixed idioms are Yogi Bera level

Yael McCue

John is the simp gospel btw Freddy

Evolved Unicorn

100% the bug I’m coming back as is a tardigrade/water bear/moss piglet 💛🩵🩷 Something I never thought I’d think about 🤩 This Teen Talk was a wild and hilarious ride!!!🎢🎡🎠🚎🏍️🚕🚲🤣

Meickel Ridings

Dark and darker is so fun we gotta play sometime !

Dugald Macdougall

Blowing your nose in the shower is straight up bliss.

Ernesto moreno

Lana Del Trump claymation is my fave cursed media

Christopher Lasasso

Lin Manuel's father is a venture capitalist who has done nothing but harm on public education in Puerto Rico. Fuck that slimey thin moustached nepo baby. Also highly recommend "The Haunting of Lin Manuel Miranda," by Ishmael Reed. Toni Morrison even funded the play's run.


I get what Matt is trying to say when he says to clap back on the whole “let people like things”, but at the same time there is a difference between someone liking a schlocky movie and someone who likes news media that spreads hateful misinformation. They’re not one and the same. The world is a god forsaken dumpster fire, and if someone gets joy from watching a mindless blockbuster, just let them do that. You don’t need to yuck their yum.


I get what Matt is trying to say when he says to clap back on the whole “let people like things” thought, and yea if someone likes watching content that spreads hate and information, roast that shit, but if someone gets joy from watching a schlocky movie or mindless blockbuster, just let them enjoy it. The world is a hateful dumpster fire, and you don’t need to go out of your way to yuck somebody else’s yum.

Simon J Caldwell

Arguments are vital to understanding your own position.

Darryl Holiday II

Sorry Matt. Judas is a big time snitch. Like the snitch of all snitches. Made worse by his suicide. He believed in Jesus and asked for forgiveness. Which if your Baptist, is enough to get you into heaven. If you're catholic, he's definitely in hell. If you're Dracula 2000....he got cursed and is a vampire.

Darryl Holiday II

I have ninja and I love it. Do I want stew/souo, do I want to aid fry, do I want a roast. Set it in the morning and it's ready when I get home. Love it


I think you guys are looking for the difference between a rat and a snitch. A snitch will roll over on you when it benefits them, a rat is an inside informant. From what I understand, being a snitch gets you beat badly, being a rat gets you killed.

Lauren Jacob

When Matt was talking about “Paris Syndrome” I 100% thought he said “Pears Syndrome” and was like yeah that tracks, they look like they should taste better than they do so you’re disappointed

Luna Luna

This is so sad. I’m out of Dungeons and Daddies

Phil H

Matt saying I'd marry that man in response to Will's pressure cooker meals echos Darryl and Henry all over again.

William Harteis

I had a coffee pot in college with the same kind of timer as Beth and it was amazing. Another kitchen gadget to get is a instant hot water tap for your sink.

Casey Francis Alger

"One of you will betray me", Jesus knew Judas would betray him, setting into motion the events leading to his *~big moment~*

Fudge McFreely

Ed Miliband ate a bacon sandwich, the ridicule factor is real

Wembley’s Mama

I felt the same way too when I caught up. The good news is now you can go back and relisten to them all and catch all the crazy things you missed! Some of it is even funnier/more poignant when you know what the end result is.

Luna Luna

I’m probably going to restart and listen to the uncut versions and missed talking dads

Oak Lane

Matt forgetting that he knew how Glenn died in season 1 gets me, oml xD


I miss dad


A snitch is someone that is on the job and working with the cops. Just like judas

Peter Joncas

Anyone else think that two face in straight out of Gotham sounds like Pepperoni Tony?


I've always said that Will was indeed the Clown Prince of Rhyme.

Rina eden

Demodex mites

Jose Alvarez

Ahhh my company made the Dunkin Ad

Jake Lee

I love you guyyssssss

Patrick Morris

Never heard that straight out of Gotham before. Checked it out it's way better than how mad at it matt was. Like for a parody pretty dece

Patrick Morris

I hate Matt's elitism of rap. If you're a suburban white kid don't rap unless you're as good as Eminem?!. The reason rap has grown to be as popular as it is is because of it's accessibility. You don't need to know how to sing or play an instrument you just need to have rhythm and be able to rhyme some words. Like I get it some people are bad at it but at the same time alot of people are good at it, and I feel most people are doing it for the same reason. They want to create music and they can without having to overcome the barriers that are knowing an instrument, and/or having other people just as interested and invested. I started rapping because my friend wanted to start a band but no one wanted to put in the work. So I put invested that time on my own and made my own music. Admittedly terrible at first but you get better. I just hate hearing Matt try and put down people for trying to make music in a genre that he what thinks they can't because their struggles are different, or they're not gangster enough? Like I don't understand why suburban white kid can't rap? I don't think Mac Miller, as far as lyrical ability goes, is as good as Eminem but he was still a great rapper. Or Chris Webby, another white suburban kid who is also a great rapper, again probably not as good as Eminem. So to Matt's benchmark both of them should have stopped making music. Ridiculous

Jose Alvarez

I’ll agree with Matt. White suburban kids shouldn’t rap, but granted I have a strong opinion on White people profiting off culture that isn’t theirs

Patrick Morris

So what's the alternative? White kids can only make music if they have a band and sing? I have seen plenty of white rappers being problematic ofcourse and not respecting the culture of hip-hop, and that's a problem. I think those people shouldn't rap but does that mean that right off the rip you shouldn't even get a chance to participate? KRS-One said the pillars of hip hop are breakdancing, MCing, DJing, and graffiti. So does that mean white suburban kids shouldn't be do any of those things as well? And I think there's a difference in making and recording rap songs and profiting off a culture that isn't theirs. Can't things also grow and evolve past their original roots?


When they finally get a divorce, I want Lincoln to become an Oathbreaker.


“I know the mind of asian women” got me so badly 😂😂😂😂


My favourite cursed media is fanfiction. Often it's because the authors themselves know it's cursed

The Overthinker

I've been really struggling not to buy Dark and Darker and now I may have to rethink my choices.

Ashleigh Swinson

Love the show, just finished doing a relisten from season 1 episode 1. My siblings and I want to start a campaign but I'm the world of Percy Jackson, would you guys have any system recommendations or any ideas on how to go about that? Thank you so much for keeping my narcoleptic ass awake at work!

Emalee Russell

Nooo! The Biore nose strips are so bad for your skin!!

Dj Travioli

"Chili it's so spicy" also works.

King Humble

A snitch gives information passively when asked, and/or is more covert about their involvement with intention to continue surveillance/involvement. A tattletale is party to a "wrongdoing" and volunteers the information willingly to encourage (perceived) retribution/justice based on moral objection.


the snitch debate is dadsplaining trap 2.0

Tessa Bell

Why is Matt becoming a basic white girl? I say this with love

Holly 🍁

Beth your Scottish accent was 100% authentic well done 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤪 (sending love from Edinburgh!)

Daniel Acton

Freddy, FYI- the gospel of John is the simp gospel lol