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The teens recover from their epic showdown in HELL!

This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.





Samantha Mann

Oooooh, I wanna try a reverse mimosa now!


After leaving hell Hermie just sat in the Livingroom with a pipe and a book under a dim lamp



Jack Stone

Is Hero Oak technically named after the hugest mistake the twins ever made???


He did such a good job veering away from having to send Scary to a space station 😂

Lile Grey Churn

Matt please let someone else talk and drive the story for once lmao I’m with normal on this one the link decision have been soooo all over the place I need more normal and Taylor in my life taking charge. link and scary are just one “surprise” after another it’s exhausting (at least for me) love the show and will always support curious to hear others thoughts on this! If it’s just me it’s just me lol

Lile Grey Churn

Like Matt saying I would not like to kill the doodler after just snapping the pickI literally threw my hands in the air I was like dog make up your fucking mind hahahahah

Yadi bo Body

This was such a funny episode, love it!


The next episode is gonna be fire! can't wait

Cryptid Winkler

im so in love with Mrs. Swallows-Oak-Garcia

David Esarey

Oof, hearing Scary trying to deal with angry Willy gave me some Little Ron flashbacks.


Scary and link would be the most stressful couple in the world.


Beth is doing so good with keeping in character with Scary vs what would make the doodler problem easier. Frustrating me in a good way from when I was a teen!! How is Hermie feeling about Nick????


I love Veronica Decides to Die. Changed my life.


Theeerrre he is! That's the Willy we all remember


I am so sad for Nic


!!!Spoilers!!! Don't read if you haven't listened yet. Me too! Relistening now to see if I missed anything. Can't believe he's dead and in such an anticlimactic way!

Max Wilson

Omg nick, nooo! 🤣


Man these guys are so good at making frustrating and shitty characters for like only select moments like Scary and Link are awful to the group yet I still like them which makes it even shittier feeling


I’m pretty sure Darth Maul comes back as a cyborg or something insane in the Star Wars universe so I would be more surprised if this will be the last we’ll truly see of Nick. Hope so anyway.


This episode ruined me


Why did Anthony kill Nick like that? Like at all im legit confused

Patrick Fisher

VERY curious about Scary's fact this week.

Tiffany O'Donald

I hate Willy so much, and only hope that Scary see the truth soon.



Jill Klatt

Everyone’s mad at Scary but Link is the lowkey villain. I love it.

Kait O’Mara

I love that scary got a taste of the true Willy. I’m not gana re word that. I said what I said. Fml lol y’all know what I mean


Anthony casually kills nick


What an intense episode. Hope Beth is okay 🙈

The Overthinker

Jimmy's dad fact made me laugh so hard I had a coughing fit and my neighbors asked if I was okay.


With Scary betraying the group and being manipulated by Willie…. I am surprised Taylor has not realized the similarities their adventure has to Naruto. Hermy should become a secondary villain called the Six Paths of the Unworthy lol.

Mathew Reyes

So is nick actually dead now? I feel so bad for link, he’s trying so hard but nobody’s happy with him (except Taylor his best bud!) And can scary please just stop, get some help 😂

Jared Knight

wow. I just don't by any support for Scary what-so-ever.




Also did anyone else notice that HERMIE knows how to get to the goof realm??? But NO ONE NOTICED


Yikes 😬

Ethan O'Connell

Freddie just say Ethan so I'm counting it as my name lol


I love this show but I can honestly say..I friggin hate Scary. She became my least favorite and genuinely disliked character the past few months.

Ruben Blake Espinoza

I’ve been riding with the show for a minute and they’ve had some hilarious episodes this season but damn this talking in circles arguing gets old pretty quick lol

B. J. Boyd

I admire everyone roleplaying true to their characters even when it makes things more complicated. That said, the Scary vs. everyone is getting a little played out. Time to wrap it up and move on the the next chapter.


this could be my favourite episode so far! thank you all for sharing this talent to pull me into another silly story with seemingly silly characters, and making me feel real emotions.

Gay Icon Yog-Sothoth

I really hope they do an aftercare session (see what I did there?) after big confrontational sessions like this, or that they are very good at separating their characters' feelings from their own. Drama/frustration in game can easily bleed into real life, and this session was brutal for everybody.


I honestly think Beth May doesn’t know what to do with the character Scary. One minute she makes her seem like this naive innocent person desperate to be cared about then the next pure evil. Really hope she’s planning on either on killing her off or has an actual plan that comes to fruition soon. Her character has felt forced in to the team


I really hope there's some payoff to the Scary drama next episode, because it's really bogging down the overall story and becoming frustrating to listen to. Reminds me too much of the PVP drama that killed a D&D game I was a part of. :(

Jeff Grant

It’s crazy how mad I get at scary about her and willie, but then you hear willie grooming her and the awful way he’s complimenting her then belittling her. She wanted to choose a father figure and pushed those away that loved her because of how forced on her she thought they were, and now she seems super desperate for willies approval. But now she’s killed 2 people because of him, pushed her friends away, and apparently is about to set the Garcia house on fire. I’m excited to see where this goes, I hope they can show scary what an evil twat she’s being

Anderson Van Dang

I super like Scary and I noticed how Normal recognizes that Scary had an absent father (when they were in Anger hell) but Normal can't recognize that Willy is trying to manipulate her by filling that void in her.


I’ve been following the show for a long time, it’s got me through some rough times and I love it! So I know y’all kinda follow the rule of cool and don’t really give a shit about rules lawyers, which is fine and I respect that. But Nicks death pissed me off and not because Scary did it. It’s because devils have literally two immunities and poison is one of them. So not only did Scary kill Nick with one of the worst cantrips in the game she literally did it with like one of the only things that can’t even hurt him. I understand the stakes it provides the conflict between the party but Nick got done dirty and it was lazy write out of his character. Like if she casts a baller fifth level spell, cool I get it. But that was a cop out death.

Adam Sutton

There are so many pockets of hilarity and wonderful content... and then there's the weird internal confrontation loosely tied to the story that's dragged on for episode after episode. It's just... so disappointing.


Reading through the comments, feeling largely the same as many that I saw about wanting the split party portion to end, but Scary in the last second pulling it out. Congratulations Beth May. Solving an awkward social situation with Fireball? You are truly a D&D player now.


There is definitely a chance for this Scary B plot to be incredibly satisfying. Some of the best stories have genuinely hateful characters either getting redeemed or having their comeuppance. I trust the Daddies to get there narratively. But it is dragging on a little long.

Andrew Jemas

you guys really need to wrap up the Scary bullshit. it got old 4 episodes ago, and it's just the same argument over and over again. I'm sure someone's going to comment "but it's what her character would do, she's being manipulated/she's nice deep down/she's just confused" but I DON'T CARE. it's not fun to listen to, and it's halting any progress and sapping the opportunity for character development and funny moments.


If they need to take a month off to figure out where tf they're going with this I wouldn't be mad at this point. It feels like I've listened to the same episode about 5 times in a row now and it's getting exhausting. Like, introduce cool character from the past but now they're ~traumatized~ or some other edgy thing, have mechanically weird fight with or against them, party says "guys we gotta trust Scary", Scary suddenly but inevitably betrays them, rinse, and repeat. I should say I don't think this is anyone's fault, TTRPG's are always susceptible to this kind of stuff happening, the story just isn't progressing. And instead of the setting allowing for that and having goofy 5 footers that were funny, it just feels like a slog. Idk, the funniest part of this season so far imo has been Taylor and Glenn having their "duel" and I think that's because that's the most agency Freddie has had in awhile so he crammed it full of everything he wanted to do. Idk, I'm rambling now, but I hope the next episode reels it all back together. Love you all, and thank you for the show so far, regardless.


no one in this comment section enjoys CAMP. no one enjoys DRAMA. interpersonal STRIFE. you can all be boring all you want but these past few episodes have been my favorite in both seasons. do agree that its gotten a lot darker, but its been so consistently funny ['SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THERE'] that I'm in shock that anyone could view THIS episode as a slog. if this show kept going in the direction it's going, I'd be having the time of my life. literally the highs of the show for me are when the teens are together just arguing and sorting out their shit. that's not going to be the case for everyone, sure, but to each their own! angry people are more likely to comment than happy people, regardless. every opinion is worth having. but literally the only complaint i have is that i want to see the kiddads more and that's not even a complaint i just miss them

Megan Blackburn

The amount of people who are only just now realizing Willy hasn’t changed is um…wild lmao


The issue is primarily Scary gets a pass for everything and it then results in wild situations (scary gets a long rest but everyone else gets a short rest?) that are completely against the book and only lead the story going into complete butting heads. It’s just a bummer


“OK so I cast Fireball.”


Deadset Scary just do the absolutely, positively most spell caster thing in the history of spellcasters.


Honestly I'd enjoy the drama more if Scarys motivation for her actions were more than just being a contrarian. Like if willy had threatened Terry at some point and Scary didn't want to admit her growing attachment to Terry so shes deceitful to the group. Right now she's just being a dick with no clear reason and listening to the one guy everyone called an abusive asshole because he..... Validated her a little bit? And that's wild because her entire gag is that she constantly is seeking validation and honestly she ignores the validation she gets so she can keep complaining. I might have to relisten because I don't actually recall willy doing anything for scary to even act like this. They aren't even related he's straight up just some old guy. So why is scary destroying all her social connections for this? I won't lie even if scary had a redemption arc right now it would be pretty meh since the only lesson she can learn from this is "oh I shouldn't have listened to the guy everyone told me was dangerous" or "I shouldn't seek validation from creepy old guys."

Logan Reed

I like scary like I like daryl


What an absolutely fantastic episode. One of my favorites!!! Like damn, I admire this group for being able to have PC conflict like this xD I would not be able to take it when I play myself but daaang is it fun to listen to!!! 🥹 I'm also really looking forward to diving more into Oak family and chosen one drama! Matt also became just one of the best people at improv I know across the DnD podcasts I listen to, it's so so good. The way Beth plays Scary is so wonderfully infuriating and I enjoy it immensely. Can't wait to see where this will go. My heart broke so many times this episode in the absolute best ways. 💕

Jordan Tompkins

Ugh, Matt being so contrarian is getting old. I get that he’s playing confused but it feels like he is always the one throwing the team off for no plot-related reason. And his manipulative method in arguments might be realistic for kids, but it’s also annoying and feels cheap coming from an adult actor. Would be nice for Linc to have some nuance and not just be a needy brat.


say these words in the ring 1v1 fight to the death lincoln is literally the best character in the show and it's not even close

Dr Giggles

This season is going swimmingly! Let characters die! Yes! "Are you not entertained?!?" There are so many of them. Now, we finally get to one of the main courses! To be honest, I hope either Linc or Scary dies just as casually as the beloved Nick (even though I'm confused on how royalty of Hell is extinguished so easily).


am I'm the only one who doesn't think nick dead. people here seem to assume he dead but he 20th level demon with portal powers


I love Anthony, but damn. Let ‘em play coach. I really liked that we have trying to have what seems like a climax to the tension between Scary and the group. I even liked that Taylor made a good play. But I feel like Anthony isn’t putting in enough or working with the players like he did in the last season. Party gets rowdy and off the rails? Alright I’ll course correct and write a bit to make this feel cohesive. The party is taking interesting directions but I feel like Anthony has been squashing them and I don’t understand why. I agree with another comment about Scary’s motivations getting muddled. I think we need Scary to split from the party a bit and just see her with Willy or something. Or really anything. I can’t keep hearing the party needlessly arguing.


I’m tired of all the arguing. Where is the comedy podcast I signed up for?


very excited about all the setup happening. what's going on in the world? is there going to be a real party split for a while? is anthony gonna allow another party split? what are the other parents and hero up to? is this turning into a race for the anchors? there are so many ways it can go, i hope they do something weird with it


In combing through the comments I’m glad to see I’m not alone in my feelings of disappointment. I’ve been a fan and patron for years, but short of Sons & Sonsability, everything else has lacked; the campaign is at episode 30 and the narrative parlour tricks have long since worn thin, shambling in the well worn treads of season one but lacking direction and passion and soul and so many of the elements that made the groups’ works so fantastic; one shots, MBICs and Tesn

Uria, Lord of Searing Games

Man I can’t wait for another week of Scary being a bitch and them constantly infighting about how untrustworthy she is and keeping her around because the plot demands it…yaaaaay


I'll miss Jimmy! 💕 He is always such a wonderful addition to the podcast!!!


What if Jimmy played Hermie?

Henry Watkins

This season rocks. I like it. Don't listen to the haters (or do if you want)


Far to much piss in this episode


Damn, what an episode 👀


L opinion from Freddie. The Alchemist is great. Also tired of all the infighting. Glad it’s heading to PVP because the arguing is too much.


It's becoming a chore listening to this. No one is redeemable, the characters from season one are all tainted, and Link and Scary are so unrealistically awful and unlikable. I'd say everyone is unlikable at this point. The players couldn't even roleplay the parents and grandparents giving a shit about the characters they also play! I'm rooting for the doodler at this point. Or a giant meteor. Kill these awful characters and start over.


I don’t wanna be too critical cause I’ve mostly been into this podcast for the laughs rather than the story but man it’s been the same argument going in circles ever since the Tony thing this is really starting to get on my nerves


And the way Anthony kills off nick (though I’m sure he’s not actually dead) really just felt like the cheapest cop out way of saying “I don’t want him to be here for this next part”

Haley Kuehner

Idc what the comments are saying, I really enjoyed this episode and I'm sad to see all the negative feedback. I'm thriving off of all the interparty conflict thats happening, its fun and anxiety enducing chaos. I also don't think that Nicky is dead, just feels like too casual a death for such a beloved character


in one of the more recent teen talks (it mightve even been the most recent one) i remember freddie saying something about how this season seems structured like a jrpg? and my god every episode recently has felt more and more like that. we got our personas in there. we got our final fantasies. maybe thats part of why im enjoying this season so much more than last season [<-- enjoying jrpgs is my number one curse] but this season REALLY takes all the best aspects of that whole vibe without having to suffer through the gameplay and the tropes i could live without. loving it

King Humble

Link and Scary are going to be the real Clash of the Titans, and I'm hanging on by the edge of my seat waiting to see how this shakes out. Link, Normal, Taylor... Im rootin' for you!

Chloe Dyck

It’s a little ironic how half of the comments are saying the Same thing about how they are mad the characters said the same things. This episode was great, with lots of plot development from Anthony (Hero, Willie, even with Nick supposedly dying) along with lots of comedy and an upcoming fight. I agree to some level the arguments are getting old but I would rather them because if the group just chose to not do anything about scary killing Tony it would be totally unrealistic. Scary has also contributed to the “death” of Nick so now Taylor has a strong reason to be livid at her and can join Linc if the argument continues which will add a new dynamic to the situation.


I have to agree, listening to the podcast has become a chore for the last two episodes. I felt like the first hell episode was really fun and the group found IT again but all the Circle Talk and arguing has made me kinda bummed out. When the dads argued I always felt there was some narrative weight to it since it was often there some reflection on like, parenting styles. Daryl’s more traditional approach vs. Henry’s more modern crunchy approach. That arguing had some points of interest/grounded aspects even if it dragged. This arguing feels like an obligation and has very little relevance for me. Killing the mood.


I think it's time for Scary to split from the group for a while. I actually really like her character still, but I have to agree that the constant circling infighting is getting a little old, and I'd love to see what kind of development might happen with a separation like what they did when Glenn was in prison. All that being said, this was a great episode- really funny intro, solid jokes, intriguing plot reveals, exciting cliffhanger, and a great reminder that Willy is still Willy.

Silent Rain

Scary gives off Evil Morty vibes but if Evil Morty was wrong in the end


Holy shit the phub intro had me dying. I've listened to the episode 3 times and still can't get over it 🤣

Michelle McCartney

Wait, wait, wait so Normal supposedly only got sub par doodler powers because he was Sparrow's second kid... but if he really is Lark's son then he's just as much a contender for chosen one as Hero, right??? Ohmigawd I hope this is the case, that's so exciting!!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


its good to here another great episode from our favorite brunch boys


i love that in the beginning normal says "you four are the only people i have" finally acknowledging hermie

Darryl Holiday II

I'm still singing the outro theme music. It's such a banger

Brandon Sifuentez

This new dynamic is crazy! I love everything happening between link and scary! I really look forward to where this is going!!! TBH I hadn’t got fully invested in this story until the Tony Pepperoni death RIPTP 😂


The mental image of Tallest Brunch Boy Linc wearing Normal's Short King Khakis has had me cackling for two days now.


I hope you do something with nick… sort of took me out of the episode tbh


That Scary and Willy scene is just chefs kiss


i’m somewhat surprised & interested to read the comments !! i don’t personally fall into the opinion that the podcast has gotten bad & i actually do like it a lot !! for what it’s worth though - it has been really difficult for me to listen to this season, esp as it’s progressed. i personally attribute it to my anxiety, & my reluctance to consume media that is more anxiety-inducing… with each new episode, i usually have to wait a week or so before i can start it, & then it takes me a few days to get through it b/c i press pause during stressful moments & such (eg im paused mid episode right now) so i guess the texture of this season is pretty different from the first, but i still think the creators are still just as amazing as ever (they just decided to go a different direction w/ this project) which is why i am still trying to keep up with it even if its totally not my preferred genre >< i hope that makes sense! tldr i still greatly admire the group & think they have lots of reasons to feel proud of this season! its just not for me but i will continue to listen & hopefully in doing so will expand my horizons :’)


Anyone else unable to download this episode?

Ben Sokol

I'm not sure if Freddie is doing his Howard Cossell impression or if he's doing his impression of Futurama's Howard Cossell impression.

Tessa Bell

This show is my safe space and I love every episode. It's different then the first season but that doesn't mean it's worse. The story is more complicated.Teenagers are often very dramatic since they are dealing with these emotions for the first time. The character are more dynamic then the dad's from the first season, and their motives are messier bc they didnt choose to be in this situation (wheres as the dad's where given outs at certain points in the plot and chose to stay and fight). Sometimes it's hars to process a whole story/character arc episode by episode when you're listening to it for the first time. There were section in the first season I thought dragged on (like the pyramid and the deck of many things) that I didn't enjoy until the second listening since I had a better understanding of why that scene was important and where it was going. I would compliment how Anthony is DMing and his storytelling but I know he doesn't like that lol. Instead I'll compliment how the story is pushing boundaries. There's a consistent theme of trust, motive, and what it means to be "good". Because the world the teens live in is much more complicated then the black and white world the dads' lived in. I can't help but questionable whether I think Link is "good" because his morals align in way that is actually justifiable or if it's just easier to get behind. Is Scary wrong because I'm applying my morals and logic to a situation that is actually much more convoluted then good and evil.


I'm just upset scary did all that talk to realize she was out of spell slots just for Anthony to be like "yeah a red vine will do it"🤣


I have to say, I was worried when the second season started because as they have pointed out multiple times, its almost impossible to catch lightning in a bottle twice in a row. But I definitely agree with you about the seasons feeling different. Last season felt like the dads had such a clear goal in mind of "get our children back" but this season is messier and more emotional (no like cry emotional but it feels like the characters don't have a handle of their own emotions nearly as well as the dads did, but that makes sense because teenagers). I think that season 1 was certainly goofier and but I think that I am starting to like season 2 more (starting with this episode) because it feels like the kids are more REAL somehow. I DM my own games and I allow conflict between players but I have a hard limit against inter-party violence because there really is no going back from it. Scary absolutely terrifies me because at times my heart breaks for her thinking that she just wants to be loved so she is almost daring herself to go darker to prove herself to Willy, but at other times she seems to genuinely enjoy to pain she is causing the rest of the group. I feel so frustrated with Link for the end of last episode but I can see how a real kid would do that to try to make amends and keep things together. I find that I am personally closest to being Normal, he reminds me a lot of myself when I started high school of wanting to be liked so desperately that I would sit on the fence of any argument just so I didn't upset anybody but you can feel that there is such a lake of real emotions and opinions that he is trying to not not rock the boat on. Taylor is..... just Taylor. A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, all in a weeb. But at the end of the day, the interpersonal complexity between the characters truly makes for a more interesting and tense season. Granted there was a lot at stake in season 1, but throughout 2, it feels like at literally ANY moment Scary is gonna just snap and it's gonna get messy. (sorry for the long rambling reply. TL;DR I agree)

Jake Lee

Scary is honestly insufferable. Lol

Angela Shrader

Relistening and this opening just really gets me every time. Freddie’s bridge section…it’s just so good. Lol


“Do you wanna blow this popsicle salesman?” 🍦

Carlos Sepeda

I fell like Nick did need to go at some point, but the way he went just felt lazy! Maybe it’s just because I love the character but cmon a hell demon who’s been through all he has just gets cut in half because a tween with daddy issues sprayed one of the weakest cantrips Into his face and he out of sheer stupidity and lack of special awareness leans forwards into his own portal only to knock himself out and cut himself in half. Besides that I think this was an amazing episode, it was one of the many time I was actually mad at what scary was doing which just shows how amazing Beth is at playing her character. Hats off to you all! (Just got to the next episode and dang I was bamboozled, I love this podcasts)