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The teens get their bearings as they acclimate to their new surroundings.

(sorry for the reupload Patreon had a weird issue with the previous post)

This episode contains profanity, violence, sexual content, and body horror.


Aylis J Lind

Hermie got really chill with everything very quickly.

basil grayson

everyone sleeping on the lore drop that YuGiOh is still prevalent enough / retro enough for kids in the apocalypse to own YuGiOh watches is hilarious. thank you again will campos


Beth "I didn't ask how big the room was, I said I cast fireball" May

Rachel Bathgate

Came here to point out Freddie’s background “the other one!!!” Teen Girl Squad Homestar Runner reference loll


So wouldn't calling May Hails be absolute hell, because of the time dilation she would only be hearing thier (the PCS) responses aka the words they speak minutes apart word by word. That's the funny thought I had 🤣

Phoenix Vizva’i

I had the same reaction as Matt when Will called them out on doing Story Break 😂😂 “Yea!! Oh right sorry…” 🥺 hahaha I miss Story Break too, Cyberpunk 21776 is the absolute rowdiest firehouse of improv energy I’ve seen and I’d personally love to see the next DaD campaign or mini in a similar setting 🥰

Mathew Reyes

am i the only person who doesnt trust may? she seems sketch af, like are the dads gonna vouge for her, or are they gonna say they dont know who she is? i bet shes either related to willy, or is an incursion. Sidenote, i bet scary is actully willys biological great grandkid cause he had another kid that we never heard about during his cheating on his wife period. also, they called Nick, Nick Close in the opening, is he not foster anymore? and please, ffs, willy is the great grandfather, not the grandfather, ron is the grandfather.

Mathew Reyes

by that logic the kids should hear her speaking a million miles an hour


Agreed that would be hilarious to hear Anthony role play


When do we get the Ron Thigh-High, cargo socks?


I am absolutely loving the direction this is heading! Can't wait for more! This series has inspired me to finally work on my own campaign, very homebrew, very much don't know the rules of dungeons & dragons in general. But this taught me that you don't really need to have all the rules, you just have to have fun. And I ran my first session of a space horror campaign and the four players were absolutely ecstatic by the end of the session. I am so thankful for everything that y'all do, it has been an absolute inspiration for me. Not to mention that this series has gotten me through one of the toughest years of my life.


Eyyyyy, another 1T Mathew, cheers! And Anthony confirmed “Nick Close” was him mis-speaking.

Mathew Reyes

We are a rare breed, brother. Take pride in your singularity, as we are the superior Mathew's! Suck it maTThew arnold!

Liam Eastman

Intro made me miss Story Break

Mo Mackenzie

Holy shit wait they joked about the papa johns thing in episode 6!!!!


Unworthy is an Oak. My guess. From…. Lark?


Hey so I often can’t get the subscriber feed podcasts to play on Pocketcasts. Says download is forbidden and it won’t even just play normally. Any advice? I love pocketcasts as it is the best playlist options I have found and this is the only thing it has trouble with. Luckily I can listen here. Soo behind. Got a new puppy….

Ashley Nicollette

Hey there! It sounds like Pocketcasts is having trouble across the board with RSS feeds. We recommend reading this guide, trying to set it up again, and if that fails maybe trying to find a better app? https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-Subscribe-to-your-Audio-RSS-link-on-the-Patreon-app


All hail Father John

Jay Morrorless

Absolutely fantastic hearing Beth- the diehard non-DND player- admonishing Freddie and telling him to roll real dice. Had me dying, the game has another convert.