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We kick off a new season and talk about all the stuff that went into that first episode!



Kay Ashley

Okay okay wait wait. That vampire campaign that Will mentioned, is that just the plot to that movie that’s about to come out called “Renfield”?!?!?!?!!?? LIKE WHAT

Patrick Morris

So funny to hear Freddie talk about his bad experience with monk, and now he plays a ranger and feels completely useless class wise. Well until they try and break into the school


As a previous escape room employee, we absolutely try to make sure people only just make it. It's harder to throttle it when people are doing really good, but there were tons of times where we would pause the timer when no one was paying attention to try to give them just enough time to finish. You hit the nail right on the head

Quentin's Corner

Really like the mixing of more horror, loved mountains of dadness.

Chequavia Dallis

Last season when the dads are teaching the kids how to drive, Terry Jr does so poorly that he says that he's never gonna drive again. Cut to this epi and he's in the passenger seat and his wife is driving. Wonder if that tidbit was intentional...


Yus yus yus I’m so fucking ready!


more like ween talk


Ty daddies

Denny Oh




Spencer Shay

Thank you Daddy Master and Assorted Daddies!


Hell yes I’ve been so excited

Clint Mcintosh

Like a junkie getting a fix right now. Jesus.

John Brady Anderson

They did catch lightning in a bottle once again, one episode in and already I am eager for more. DnDaddies got me through the Pandemic and this feels like it could do the same.


Perfect first episode as a patron!!!


It’d be really funny if Taylor Swift’s dad is just Glenn. Just skip a generation for fun


Lawful Neutral is such a good idea!


I do want to mention that it might be a good idea to roll to hit in some cases. For example there is nothing more funny than if you go off on your own and you run into an enemy that there is no way you should be able to beat, but because the DM rolls garbage you do it anyway.


If “What up cucks” doesn’t become a pin that I can buy from the website then I’m done with this podcast lol!

Darryl Holiday II

Okay if no one else will mention it, love the last minute Fort Minor reference/joke, Beth!

Darryl Holiday II

Super excited for this season. Love the darker tone. Love the characters already. Love the promise of a dungeon. Love more magic items. Love this cast. Not having to hit breaks spells and class features. Like the dodge action or anything that requires saves. You can't skimp on to hit and then expect mages to still abide by the rules for saves. But you don't want everyone to automatically take full fireball damage every time or get disintegrated instantly. So I'm psyched to see how Anthony handles all that. Lots of instance by instance decisions I imagine.

Beck Webster

If you guys need a legal consultant for “Lawful Neutral” hit me up 😂 (I’m a newly barred lawyer and I would love to help!) Beck she/they 🌈#4716 on discord

Josh the Alchemist

I don't know if anyone mentioned this already, but I heard Will mention an idea to do a Terminator game with everyone playing someone named Sarah Connor and it reminded me of another Grant Howitt game using the Goblin Quest system you guys used for a one shot a while back. It's really easy to hack and there's one in there called Sean Bean Quest. That could easily be adapted to your Terminator idea.


Anime + Prepper kid is just Asakusa from Eizouken. 1920’s gangster stretch patreon goal unlocked?


One thing that I really love about the game I run (Monster of the Week) is that you roll, and you can fail, partially succeed or fully succeed. It's really interesting around fighting because in a partial success the monster and player do damage to each other, and a full success you only do damage to the monster. Obviously there's usually failure where you only get damage done to you, but it could be interesting. I think it also has stuff around armor just reducing damage. I think the main book for Monster of the Week is either free or inexpensive, so it could an interesting way to bring new mechanics in


The entire Dm conversation made me think of a couple futurama quotes. "if you do to much people will become dependent. If you do to little they will loose hope. You have to have a light touch like a safe cracker or a pickpocket." And "If you do things right people won't be sure you have done anything at all."


Why did I not think Scary’s patron could be Ron??? Here we all are thinking willie!


Half expected y’all to call it Teen Tok


I need yall to know I was a teen anime prepper, and am a millennial. I read way too many dystopia future novels. And anime is good.

Mel Bee

i was relistening to the first few episodes of season one for ✨vibes✨ and i realized that daryl says the dog grant lost as a kid was named lincoln... did grant name his beautiful boy after the dog he lost???


If will says ttrpg one more time I'm gonna be real pprg'd off


As an artist hearing Freddie say the words "drawer" amuses me greatly.


It's interesting they mention the escape room "barely survive" thing, that's actually been a trend in video games a little ways back that got very very interesting. It was biggest with Left 4 Dead and L4D2 where the game had an AI spectator called "the director" who would alter the game based on how you're doing. Speedran the whole intro and haven't been touched? Cool here's a horde with all the specials and a witch cause whatever. Oh, crap. You guys lost someone, you're all hurt, low on ammo? Well, we'll slow down a bit and here's some medkits. The goal was to make every level feel like you escaped but just barely, and it made it so the game had infinite replayability and still has a huge playerbase to this day

Elliott Roberts

There better be a Teeny the Teen pin


Being a current middle school teacher, I can vouch that the anime kids are cool now 😂 As a child who was judged for my love of DBZ I was a little upset to realize it lol


Love you guys as the best dnd podcast. Most else tries to make monster noises unrealistic or says ummmmm millions of times. Y’all are hilarious and motivating. Thank you for being here.

Dalton Whitworth

I can’t keep waiting a week for one ep every Tuesday, can y’all just Netflix style batch record entire seasons please?! No but seriously I’m very very excited for s2

The Lord off Stinks

I am trying to stay positive about this season, and I am not trying to be an a hole but this far I feel like this is Stranger Things fan fiction podcast. I mean this is going down like Dragonball GT where we get left with a cool cliff hanger then let’s just fast forward a few decades. Season one started with a real feeling to it, and season two is starting feeling like it’s overly planned on top of everything.

SpellCaster Blaze

The teens just need to go to the Juice Bar from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for their hangout space

Dissident Love

I really hope when you finally get back to the psychic whale, it starts off by bellowing "WHALE, WHALE, WHALE...!"

Antony Lusmore

That Sarah Conner idea sounds incredible - would be make for a fun spin on Everyone Is John, a TTRPG where all four people are basically fighting for control of a single person. Everyone Is John Conner, perhaps?

Dissident Love

Also, SCP is just ripping off the Basement of Warehouse 23. Stuff that I submitted in the 90s is still in there. All hail Steve Jackson. :D

Noelle Bartley

Very strange parallel, when I was a teen I was a huge anime nerd and also fully believed the zombie apocalypse could happen so I used to keep lists and itinerary plans if it happened haha--Taylor's character isn't so far fetched haha

Peydon Bush

I didn't know this was going to be a like, darker/body horror season and im HYPED! Ive literally been setting one up myself and cant wait to take even more dnd inspo from this campaign, which btw, i think, is already so wonderful


My partner gave me an edible and when I got too stoned, she turned on this podcast and I feel much better now.

Grape Juice

Taylor is a Dr. Stone fan


I really like this vibe change and its the Main reason for getting a sub to this :)

Kait O’Mara

I wish more jokes were edited out…. I love everyone’s humor but they started to distract from the plot and I kept getting lost. Like not every sentence the DM says has to be made into a joke. Sometimes it’s best to focus on the story. Especially ep 1 of the new season. I feel like everyone gets a little nervous and starts making a bunch of jokes. Love everyone’s humor but I couldn’t focus on the story this ep. Ima relisten tho


I want to know if Link is Grant's bio son (if they used a surrogate kind of thing) or if they adopted him?


Just joined the Patreon! I listened to this last night and I immediately had to look into the SCP. Long story short I’ve been reading entries for hours now. Totally worth it thanks for the rec

Lollie Roberts

They are talking about the "that last roll mattered" feeling. I played a Halloween DND oneshot with my friends last year. And the whole game I had been rolling shit, and was playing a squishy warlock. We were fighting the final boss a vampric dragon, and our fairy had cast sun light. I had just been revived from death saves for the second time that game. The boss went to cast a spell to knock out the sunlight, but I was able to cast counter spell, so the sunlight killed the dragon. It was the most clutch moment and I loved it.

Kait O’Mara

Okay I relistened to ep 1 and I get what’s happening now 🙌🏻

Jason Melton

When you guys mentioned none of your previous fights were whittling someone down to one hp and that's why I feel like the no rolls to hit is a bad idea. That encourages just the good old attack action, which you guys never really did before. Nothing to do with balance or whatever, just the type of play it encourages


Okayyyy I like the no-miss thing, but the funniest incident of just straight missing an attack was hands down at the warehouse when Ron was choking/using a guard as a human shield 😂 the whole scene was amazing


Anthony should totally work in a false hydra. It would 100% fit with the theme of this season.


What type of Dad would Bandit from Bluey be (if he was human) in season 1 of dungeons and Daddies and how would he have gone in the adventure do you think? Currently animating on Bluey at Ludo Studio in which not a small number of us listen and love the daddies. Pretty weird Bluey is so big now that one of my favourite shows talks about it. Down here you can get a Bluey themed birth Certificate. pretty fuckin hectic.


I have an INCREDIBLY important question for the next talking dads; Did Grant and Marco name Lincoln, or did they adopt him *because* he had the name of the dog Grant lost as a kid, also named Lincoln?


Suggestion: [Teen talk] should instead be [Talking Rads] 😂


Does Lark have any regret or feel any guilt since this whole thing is essentially his fault?

GamGam Eevee

Can we PLEASE get the records of episode 1 for season 2?


Freddie's Manga conversation brought back a sense memory from my Japan obsessed youth- I wrote all my personal journals Manga style, writing from the back to the front. 😂😅🤣


As a previous anime/preper kid, with definite we'll actually vibes, I stand with Taylor Swift!


I’m coming back through and relistening. I think y’all are doing just spectacularly as usual. Props to each and every one of you fr

Wolf Note

It's a scary profile I never reliazed I grew up in. My dad sells guns, knives, and military surplus. And I watch anime lol and have weird habits from preppiness.


Wow Matt says like alot