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Our 4pm live listen stream for S2's first episode is getting started soon! Join us as we listen along in Discord. We'll be chatting in #live-ep-reaction as it streams over YouTube. Here's the direct link to the stream for the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOt-9c8YdGs 

This episode contains violence, profanity, sexual content, and body horror.

We'll give people time to filter in. While we wait kick back and enjoy the melodious tunes of Rocks Rock! hold music before we get the episode started! Here's the Rocks Rock! album mp3 download link.

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S2 Ep. 1 - Dungeons & D.A.D.D.I.E.S.

detention, y'all



Can the little green guy be “The Great Gazoo” from the Flintstones lol😂😂


More fabulous than I ever imagined even though I know you all are amazing. Way to hit the treadmill running!!

Naz Rosenbonds

It feels like a video game, and I love it


I can't wait another two weeks for the next episode! (also Side note I need to know if anybody else noticed this (And I know nobody asked) But when you switch the first letters in meth bay coming from the Prison part in season one it spell Beth May. And That has just been stuck in my mind ever since and I need to know if any one else noticed)

Mason Dyck

Awesome episode can’t wait for the next one, hey is there gunna be a talking teens or something of the sorts


Already locing the new characters so much. Such a good intro. Already theorizing that glenn is the actual dad for taylor


I love this. It's so great! Can't wait to see where this is going! Only thing: Freddy please learn how to pronounce Japanese words if your character learns Japanese 😂


I guarantee you Freddy knows how to pronounce those words, I think you're missing the point of his character if you think he's the type of character to pronounce Japanese words correctly.

Taylor Wilkinson

damn, i missed them this week, ill be here for the next one

Imagine m

It would be amazing if scary's goth persona breaks at some point and it turns out that for some reason she laughs the exact same way Ron did, just the perfect coincidence


This is definitely DND breakfast club


I've been following him now for such a long time and even out of character he pronounces this stuff wrong. But hey - whatever you say man.


I can’t wait to meet scary’s patron or for scary to meet her patron


i’m putting a marker on Taylor’s dad being a polymorphed Nick Jr (hoping the Nick Jr as the mouth doesn’t turn into canon)

Jerry Sequeira

I like how they Anthony casually said 45 sec drop on that elevator. That’s around the 32k feet marker so yes that is a magical room


Solid season 2 start and intro

Chelsea Judd

As a soccer girl who went hardcore emo in middle school, I feel like Scary Marlow is a ripoff of my OC