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Matt comes in hard as the aggressor in this episode of Debate Me Coward where we argue the relative merits of popcorn as a snack food. Note: This one is NOT an ASMR episode. Maybe the next one? Who knows!



Joke is on Matt, I'll eat the kernels, too.

Kelsie Charbonneau

Matt kills me when one of his reasoning is that it's too light and when you get scared in the threate you lose half your snack 🤣🤣🤣

Jesse Barbour

This was amazing. Matt clearly knew he just didn't like popcorn and couldn't win the argument, but he's such a champion that he's going down with the ship and having a great time doing it

Mitchell Crispi

You know Freddie is right when the episode makes you want popcorn more than you’ve ever wanted it


We have popcorn Friday every week at work lmao


I was on Freddie’s side until he dissed caramel and cheese popcorn. Garrett’s Popcorn for life!!!


Freddie is right. Popcorn is an elite roadtrip food


Matt I’m sorry but that take was absolutely dog shit 🫶🏽


first debate podcast to ever have every single person to agree with one person sry matt

Rob Gibbons

Matt keeps moving the goalposts. Every argument he comes up with, Freddie counters. Then Matt comes up with an even more outlandish argument.


made me hungry for popcorn


Popcorn is overrated for sure


Popcorn is gross. Also, I do eat plain tortilla chips. 😅


Me listening to this while eating popcorn 🙂


Jumps out of hands is a totally valid point. I was literally struggling to grab no more than 3 kernels and once I was able to clutch 2 kernels and bring them to my mouth they exploded in my hand and shot down my throat, choking me


If you get popcorn at the theater you throw it out even if you like popcorn. matt's right


Matt got me there.


Popcorn is literally so good. I always take my movie theater popcorn home and eat it over the next few days and its even better the next day


I'm with Freddie when it comes to loving popcorn, but Matt is absolutely right when he says that it's just made to be spilled. I'm always making a mess when I go to the movies because I am, yes, fisting handfuls of popped goodness like I haven't eaten for years despite being a whole adult who knows better.

Samuel Nachman

The way Beth feels about "bespoke" is how I feel about the word "extensible". I was with Matt all the way until Freddie pointed that out.

Kayden Pierce

I’m on Matt’s side here but his alternative suggestions are INSANE.

Lexi SanDiego

Fully agree. Popcorn is gross!


We’ve been waiting for episode two! I’m glad to see this is still in the works!


Haven't listened yet but as a popcorn enthusiast I will see you in the discord SIR!


I fucking LIVE for Freddie’s monologues on how to make or do things in the most efficient/optimal way. I’ve learned SO MUCH about so many fucking topics. This shit is why I joined the patreon. Thank you Freddie

Heidi Nehls

Haven’t even started yet and there go all the warm Matt feelings from the Filming ep. Now excuse me, I have more caramel corn to eat from the gift basket at my work.

Austin Baker

YES! IT'S HERE! I was kinda hoping it wasn't going to be an ASMR episode the yelling only adds to the chaos


Love this shit!


Sitting down to listen to this while I open the obligatory tin of holiday popcorn 😂


Nah Matt won for sure…I am now anti popcorn


Matt just became my least favorite dad lol 🍿 👑

Raina Saha

Haven’t watched this yet, but popcorn is absolutely the best snack and there is no way my mind will change on this

Chelsea Judd

Matt I love you, but seeing as popcorn is one of my main food groups, your opinion is WRONG!

Kam Str

Yesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this! This could be its own podcast


The moment that Matt didn’t have a sound argument and decided the going rogue is the plan

Laura Auxier

Matt, your take is buckwild, Freddie wins by a mile.


Matt got bodied on this one ngl


soft pretzels are trash okay

Jake W

And I thought pepperoni doesn't belong on pizza was a dumb opinion

Tom Peace

Freddie wins. Popcorn is fantaatic

Matthew Arnold

Matt here, enjoy hard plant embryo between your teeth, you nerds.

Kyle O.

Matt is absolutely right here but I didn't hear a good alternative suggested. Cheap tortilla chips wouldn't cut it imo.

Ashley Laduranteay

I love all the Daddy bonus content, but Debate Me Coward just stresses me out.

Elana Kadish

eating popcorn while i listen to this because matt is bad and wrong about this sorry


Popcorn is just fine at best.


Tortilla chips are trash only good use is in Nacho's


Matt: you are a great writer and actor, I looked at some of your work on Rocket Jump and VGHS and I am amazed at the quality of the episodes with such a low budget, And in DnDads, your improv is some of the most entertaining I’ve ever seen, your refusal to deviate from your character to wrap up an ark or make things easier is always a treat. So I mean this, from the bottom of my heart, when I say: fuck you I love popcorn how dare you. (Except caramel popcorn, that shits trash)

Julian lopez

Popcorn is flipping trash.

Zephyr Atkins-Mitra

matt is a foaming lunatic. also chicago mix fucks

Joe Jerome

Matt-1 Freddie-1


Love the energy these two bring Matt is definitely wrong tho


I am now convinced Matt doesn’t know how to properly eat or taste food

Alex Cordova

I felt it in my SOUL when Matt said "Corn is terrible". As a Mexican-American eating elote en vaso as I listen to this knowing Matt lost, Freddy is on the right side of history.


Freddie won this without a doubt! That being said, I want to live in Matt's popcornless fantasy world. 🥨🌽


Recent debate at work: how do you pull eggs out while cooking and baking? Do you look at your carton of eggs and select the biggest one, or do you go in a line up and down the carton (like a sane person)? This one we had a surprisingly long debate about.


I'm on the side of dried corn cooked with oil. Take from that what you will.

Kyle Barnes

Although I am not a fan of popcorn just because they get stuck in my teeth Freddy still wins. What I do realize though is y’all need an Alamo drafthouse out there. You won’t care for theater popcorn again


PRINGLES ARE THE WORST CHIP!??!????! What the fuck are you talking about Freddie?


Freddie and team popcorn wins, Matt sitting here moving the goal post after each shot down point shilling for big tortilla chip. We’re on to your schemes Matt!


kettle chips vs regular chips


Freddie absolutely won but Matt's world of scones and cappuccinos is a world I'd love to live in


Yo you guys are killing it with the bonus stuff, much appreciated this holiday season


The most egregious part of the whole debate was talking about hot dogs as if they aren’t one of the most disgusting foods in existence.

Darren Le

team Freddy this time but I will give Matt one thing: I eat popcorn every time I see a movie because I love it but I always regret it afterward


Gotta wait to listen to this on my drive to family Christmas to get in the right mindset

Jen the Reaper

Freddie wins this debate a thousand percent


I love that this episode is a perfect inverse of the first one. They're both making essentially the same argument the other one made last time, including points they themselves argued against. 😂


I’m totally convinced by Matt. Getting those little pieces of kernel in my teeth is never worth it.


Matt is right, also plain tortilla chips are delicious

Raina Saha

Look I don’t agree with Matt at all, popcorn is delicious, but I am now hella craving nachos


But I will say, when I crave the Crunch, I will destroy any beast before me be they popped corn, tortilla’d chip, or even the blasted cheezit (the worst)

Heidi Nehls

Better to wait for plants to become fully grown adults before rending their flesh?

Quinton Giambo

I used to love eating popcorn until one day the skin of the kernel went between my gum and my teeth and starting rotting it from underneath. I had to have surgery and antibiotics. Fuck popcorn.

Logan Reed

Gotta side with Freddie again

Danny Gault

Sorry Matt but that was a massive L. Popcorn reigns supreme

Sam Bradley

All I gotta say you right Freddy. Nothin else to say. Popcorn for life!

Sam Bradley

Also Merry Holiday to you all 😘


Matt is a fucking lunatic popcorn solos ur fav


Yo I fully believe in pretzel supremacy - pretzel bites are out of this world and there's one cinema near me that I go to exclusively because they offer them. That said, popcorn is by far the next best movie snack. Sorry Matt.

Sheila Yeboah

I’m very curious to hear what you guys think of pop chips… since they’re both sweet and savory and pretty much a tortilla popcorn hybrid lol


Horizontal line. My partner goes vertically and it drives me nuts. I have to put the eggs back so they're back in horizontal lines 😂


I swear from the "I can't hold popcorn without it flying out of my hand" and to the "when I get scared popcorn whacks me in the face" Matts living in an infomercial 😂😂


So that's one to Freddy, since Matt won last time we need a tie-breaker episode


Where can I find the first episode??

Chris Elder

I am craving popcorn rn 😩


Victory to Freddy on this one. Another negative to Nachos in theater: you're on a date, wearing new clothes, cheese drips and stains new clothes, you now walk around rest of date with a stain. And I love nachos..

Ryan Flueger

When that spritzer breaks I am grabbing the nachos!

Matthew Arnold

All these popcorn lovers ate the blue pill and think its good cause they don't know what the real world could contain if they just opened their minds.


This is the second episode in a row that Matt has won.Where is the poll? Let’s make this official.


Matt is correct. Except kettle corn. Nachos for the win

Robert Paine

Matt is correct! I wanted to shout better arguments to him the whole time, lol


I told my parents I was listening to this episode and my stepdad was OFFENDED that anyone would consider popcorn as a garbage snack. He takes pride in his popcorn, he makes it in a pot on the stove with truffle oil and sea salt, he takes it so seriously.


At the risk of sounding a lunatic like Matt... I hate popcorn, and I absolutely will just eat a tortilla chip with nothing on it. However, outlawing it at movie theaters is a WILD idea.


Freddy definitely won and he didn’t even hit all the points as to why nachos is a terrible movie snack

Justin Govas

Sorry Matt I was with you on pepperoni but your arguments here were terrible IMO


I have never been more pro-popcorn than I am right now

John Leinaar

Okay so maybe Matt didn't make a good argument, but I do agree with him 😂😂😂. Popcorn is one of the worst snacks to listen to someone eat. Why would I want to do that to myself in a movie 😂😂😂


dudes rock


That intro>>🔥🔥🔥


I would absolutely take plain tortilla chips over popcorn

Devon Suits

Insert GIF of MJ eating popcorn here.

Kris Sink

Matt won popcorn is terrible and needs a replacement

Lauren Boersma

Popcorn is only there for the the aesthetic during movies -otherwise it’s trash

Marcus Rolf

That riff in the into fucking rocks! absolutely need that in a full form piece now


Last time I was with Matt but this time around he didn’t have any good points.

Lis Telep

As the manager a popcorn shop during our busiest time of year, getting the email notification titled "popcorn is a dumb food for idiots" made me both laugh and cry 🥲😂 but thank god for Freddie! He made some great points and defended this delicious and truly versatile snack food!!! ✅

Ian Serkez

I agree with Matt but Freddie absolutely made better arguments


As a Brit popcorn has two favours: Sweet and Salted, for those are the rules...


None of y’all mentioned kettle corn! But I have to agree with Matt on this one

Lucas Surgeon

I have never felt more hatred than I have right now towards matt


Freddy is debating, Matt is just whinging.


Matt is right but didn’t come prepared with good arguments lolol

Keith Robinson

I'm with Matt. That's a lot of fiber.


Listened to this while eating popcorn lol, I stand with Freddie

Austin Baker

Preferring movie nachos to movie popcorn is certifiably insane. I don't even know why they sell nachos at movie theaters

Amy Kingston

Freddie destroyed this debate. No contest.


I went to the movie theater the other day and that popcorn was hitting hard and I didn’t even add that much butter, Freddie wins


says popcorn is a dumb food for idiots- complains they can’t eat popcorn right lmao okay Matt

Emma Loosky

I love popcorn! I am in shock that anyone can dislike popcorn. I made shitty cardboard-esque popcorn this very night and ate it all anyways. Cause, at least it cronch. 😂 I am a bad example of how great popcorn can be.

Kyle Thoms

Fuck y’all I gotta go make some popcorn right now so the snack gods don’t smite us.


Not only is popcorn delicious but Matt didn’t make any real arguments aside from it gets in your teeth.

Zoriah Getchell

So, here in Canada Nachos are sold in theaters. So are burgers, pizza and alcohol. We don't need popcorn in theaters anymore.


Matt, I like you, but this take is garbage. Popcorn is amazing


Pro popcorn Matt’s argument was all personal opinion and preference whereas all facts and logic came from Freddy.

Bob Bitchin

They don’t cook the popcorn at the movie theater. They buy it pre popped and just heat it up. Popcorn sucks.

Darryl Holiday II

Matt Arnold, you have failed this debate. I'm more on Matt's side. All the points Freddie brought up are true. Smart Foods is the best widely available. It's cheap, for little effort, fast, shareable and that's why it's universally eaten. But as a snack I'd almost rather have anything else. I enjoy a good lightly salted popcorn same as a tortilla chip. But the mouthfeel and husk situation of popcorn has tortilla chips going infinitely longer for me on an enjoyability scale than popcorn ever will.

Sierra Morgan

This made me so hungry 🙁


I work at a movie theater and there are definitely M&Ms on the floor. But I hate popcorn. Matt is right it is the only snack that has a very high chance of being annoying after you eat it - greasy hands, stuck in teeth, also stomach aches and extreme thirst after. Not worth it.


I didn’t think “big popcorn” actually was a thing. But here I am paying a $10,000 invoice for customer gifts at my bank. Whelp. That’s a high dollar just for sugar covered corn…


You forgot to mention the most utilitarian part of popcorn. When going in an watching a movie, a long movie.. Like "The Sound of Endgame". You might get thirsty, so you drink whatever beverage you prefer. 2h in to the movie.. Oh shit! You need to pee. You're obviously watching Shindler's List: No Way Home. So it's a big chunk of the movie left. You can either spend the remaining hour in agony and not enjoy the movie, or you can go to the bathroom and maybe miss a crucial part of the movie. It's clearly a no-win solution to this. This is where popcorn come in! "c'mon! Pee breaks!? Just don't drink too much then dipshit!" I hear you say! Oh so I should portion the drink during the whole movie!? That takes effort, and attention. Attention that I could give to the masterpiece in front of me instead! So here i would like to announce popcorn as the ultimate movie snack, since it dries you out like a fucking raisin, and thereby postponing the need to pee indefinitely. None of you mentioned this superior feature and I therefore condemn you both as losers of the debate. I am clearly the genius in need of exhaltation due to this knowledge.

Jack Kahn

Greasy, oily butter covered fingers are the worst feeling. But, popcorn is fine. Doritos, on the other hand, are Gods’ only grace to our cold, pathetic existence Matt, and I’ll not have you besmirching their good name!


Freddy nailed this one. Sorry Matt

Katilynn Morgan

Guess what i ate while listening to this


Matt literally hit every single point that makes popcorn bad. No good rebuttal offered by Freddie at all for any of those points. I didn't have a horse in this race until hearing this episode, but damn, popcorn kinda fuckin' sucks, man

Willy Lane, The Sickest in the Game

I need an epilogue with Matt sitting down with Popcorn that Freddie has just made perfectly and seeing if he can still make his argument.


As the manager of our theater, consider yourself Freddy to have a lifetime pass to any movie and free popcorn at our theater. You could not be more right in every regard.


Freddy is an asshole with awful takes on plenty of stuff but now I'm deeply worried about Matt because no sane or healthy person could think nachos are a superior theater snack to popcorn.

kiarra burd

I respect Matt a lot but this opinion is absolutely bonkers. Shout out to the coconut oil popcorn mention by Freddie that snack is a gift from God. 😇

Kevin King

When do the first 7 talking dads come out?


I’m with Freddy on this one


Eats popcorn while listening to this


On noise alone, substituting popcorn with tortilla chips in a theater is insane.


Alot of children go to the movies and because they haven't mastered their motor skills often drop things, m and m, chips, gushers, popcorn doesnt matter what you get its going in the floor.

Faith Mitchell

"it's called jelly beans, matt" screaming

Alex Wade

I agree with matt, my fiance and I both hate popcorn and he made some great arguments. Heavily enjoyed Freddy yelling at Matt and using his full name though


If I went into a movie theater and they were selling chips and salsa at the snack counter, I think I would start joker dancing


Excellent points on both sides, personally I only eat popcorn when going to the cinema even though I don't like it enough to ever prepare it at home. It's such an inherent part of that experience. Other than that I fully sign all points raised by Matt, primarily those nasty thin-ass pieces that get forever stuck between the teeth no matter how many times you brush and floss your teeth.


Listening while eating Kettle Corn flavored PopCorners (popcorn based chips) and I now realize how important this debate is... Jokes aside, fun episode guys! I gotta go with Freddie on this one! Popcorn is delicious in so many forms - even in chip format 🤣😂


110% with Freddie on this one! Popcorn is delicious, diverse, and hands down one of the best movie snacks - buttery hands and all.


If we were in the 1900s Matt would be locked away for his own and others safety.


I love these my brother and I argue just like this! Best debate I'd love to hear from you guys is who would win in a fight, bear or gorilla?

The Overthinker

Just got my friend to argue this with me. I see why this show is fun to make.


Team Freddie on this one. (I am a weirdo that likes plain tortilla chips too tho, I see you Matt)


Matt is right about popcorn hulls--they are unpleasant in the moment and are infamous in dental offices because they slide between teeth and gums, hide from brushing and flossing, and then cause real oral health problems. Popcorn hulls are the devil and can burn in hell forever. But Freddie still wins the argument based on every other point.


1. Movie nachos are soggy, stale, and have no flavor. Also the cheese is more processed than popcorn, and therefore is invalidated by Matt's earlier argument. 2. Movie theater pretzels are old and taste weird because they've been in the rotisserie thing for twelve hours. 3. Nuts are the true last choice of snacks 4. Popcorn is the most allergen friendly snack in the movie theater!


Freddie won this round.


This episode has made me regret that I do not know Matt in real life, so I can gift him with a wonderful popcorn basket for his birthday.


I’m curious, what do y’all think is the superior eating utensil?? I think it’s spoons, personally.


I’m so glad Matt went to bat for me. Popcorn is absolutely trash. He should have leaned on the argument about it getting stuck in your gums harder. No other snack cuts my gums every 4th time I go for a bite.


I've never been more invested in an arguement before, popcorn is my favorite food. Fucking get him, Freddie


I wanted more of Freddie’s preparation towards the logistical end of movie popcorn, however Matt’s point that we’ve grown into a monopoly ala railways, information corps, patents, a world in which we can never know the optimization of potentially better movie foods, is a travesty, and I for one would like to see a world where snacks were given equal amounts of effort instead of the cowardice towards innovation we see today. Where folk who only have 20 bucks in their pocket to enjoy a swell movie with their dudes and dads can enjoy a plethora of legitimately good food instead of consistent trash.

Kelsey Reyer

Holy hell that's a hot take. Popcorn becomes a soggy greasy mess?? Wtf are you doing to your popcorn Matt??? Also theater nachos smothered in the cheese get ultra soggy and sad.


The amount of people on this platform that feel the need to defend the garbage that is popcorn is staggering. Give ‘em’ hell Matt. Know you have at least two allies on your side; me and the truth.


Alright wanna say this. From ages 12 to 18 I worked on a popcorn farm in my hometown in nebraska, and the ONLY job they had was to cross breed popcorn to make the perfect kernel, to pop puff ratio and to make the most delicious popped corn on the market. They would then sell the seed to brands such as Orville and pop secret and whatever they do to it is whack because we popped that shit straight off the plant and it was the most delicious popcorn I have ever had no butter needed. Popcorn is the superior snack, because they literally have scientists that make the most genetically superior plant to make the most delicious snack you've ever had. They even have a festival every year where they give away free popcorn to everyone, unlimited! Your problem is not that popcorn is not good. You're just buying from shitty brands when you should be getting from a smaller independent company instead of a name brand. I rest my case. Second point, tortilla chips are commonly made from corn. So Matt saying he enjoys tortilla chips over popcorn is just a way of saying that he enjoys more processed popcorn.


I was fully triggered when Matt compared popcorn to dirt. Soils used in infrastructure stabilization, agriculture and carbon sequestration are in such high demand. It can take years for organic materials to degrade and become soil and we’re using it up faster than we can replenish. And popcorn is garbage designed to keep you thirsty in a movie theater.


“Matt is outta line but he’s right.”


ok i admit i initially scoffed at the "popcorn is too light" argument, but yeah he's 100% correct. four years ago, i lost popcorn holding privileges forever in my group when i spilled half the bucket after a mild jumpscare. it didn't have to be this way....


How has any human ever been as wrong as Matt is right now?


I’m agreeing with Matt on this one, to be honest. Popcorn has NO nutritional value whatsoever. The kernel shells get stuck in your teeth, and the butter makes the popcorn get stale BEFORE THEY EVEN GET TO THE TABLE


Just so Matt can have something else to add to his argument… https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdMkcmE8/


I have never disagreed with someone more. Is it possible to adjust my Patreon so none of the money goes to Matt?


Does Matt not realize that a non-oiled non-salted tortilla chip would be awful? I would have a better time with this debate if he would compare more similar things. But then he would lose. Lol. Anyhow, guess this means more popcorn for me and Freddy.

Ben Delahay

Matt’s right and not just because Freddy’s argument is annoying lmao. Only good Popcorn is kettle corn.

Leah Kathleen

i can’t even finish this matt is so incredibly wrong i can’t believe what i’m hearing

Camille Lintner

If tortilla chips got a similar treatment to movie theater popcorn (warmed, buttered/oiled, and salted), I think that most people who like plain popcorn would also enjoy "plain" tortilla chips with no salsa. But they would DEFINITELY be louder. Usually, you can't fit a whole a whole chip comfortably in your mouth. Unless you're very careful (and most people aren't), you're going to make a fairly loud snapping or crunching noise when you bite into the chip. But a couple of pieces of popcorn easily fit into your mouth. It's a simple matter to close your lips before chewing.

Camille Lintner

No comment on how enjoyable popcorn is or is not. But you have to admit that it makes a lot of sense for movie theaters. There are all of Freddie's points about cost effectiveness and practicality, plus you can't ignore the powerful sales tactic that is aroma. If you like popcorn (and more people seem to like it than not), then walking in to that smell is instant temptation.

Mary Weber

Honestly listening to two people who genuinely respect each other argue over something silly is like...really really good? Like I came from a culture that didn't argue ever, so this is like, kind of modeling how to disagree for me lol. Lots of laughing and acknowledging the others points, but also lots of standing by your own points.

Alex Castille

You guys gotta keep doing these


I wonder if anyone watching a movie with Matt has to turn the volume up louder because he's eating the wrong snack. Also, he can't deny Doritos as tortilla chips just because they're terrible, like you can't deny drunk uncles at Thanksgiving as being related to you.

Elsa Double

I have lost all the respect I once had for Matt (not really, ily matt but also... I hate you)


I was basically totally onboard with Freddy until the last two minutes when he denied the existence of cinnamon pretzels. Now I question if he knows anything about good snacks.

Garret H

You know what would be better than popcorn or tortilla chips? a whole ass meal. i’m talking a food court in the lobby, deals between amc and major fast food companies, a burger and fries with pull down trays in the seat ahead. Don’t tell me that in 2022 we do not have the technology to lightly illuminate a tray without washing out the screen

Lorelei The Succubus and Kyra her busty Queen

I'm a simpler person flavor wise and I'll say the only thing popcorn has going for it is the fact it keeps your mouth moist, given the option I'd personally prefer plain Tortilla chips minus the salt drying the mouth and I actually buy chips. I'd much rather have cinnamon pretzels but if it comes to ease of access, shareability and flavor, why not just crack open a box of dog treats instead of popcorn? You can actually reseal it, it's pet friendly, and it's readily available at most local grocery or pet stores. They are cheap and should be filling. I wouldn't know personally I'd just rather try them then have a bag of popcorn placed in front of myself.

Lorelei The Succubus and Kyra her busty Queen

I like A 50-50 Mix of Code Red mountain dew and Chocolate milk and think it's a nice chocolate cherry soda since Ive found one, I challenge Freddy to try it and see where his opinion lands


I’m just gonna say that Freddie won the debate but I agree with Matt lol


I thoroughly enjoy these debate me episodes.


Popcorn for life babyyy!

King Humble

Ooooh, another Debate Me, Coward! ... ... *grabs a bowl of popcorn*

Caitlin Carino

Wheels vs Doors: which one are there more of in the world? Unless you both agree (bc it’s def wheels)


I haven't disagreed with matt so much since LizardBoyScalesMcstuffins and the deck of many things

Jacuzzi Jesus

Matt definitely wins this one. Popcorn is a trash snack and always will be. Dress it up with whenever toppings you want it's still just gross cardboard flavor at its center.


I am just saying, you dunk your popcorn in some nacho cheese at the movies. Best. Snack. Ever.

Vonn Frey

It seems to me that this fairly subjective and their is no objective universal flaw with popcorn. It tasting "like cardboard" completely varys from person to person. Also card board guest tastes like soggy paper because it is literally paper and you have saliva I know because I have literally tried a chunk of card board to see what it tastes like.

Adam Morley

While I agree with Freddie 100%, I'm also aware how angry people get when I say I like kettle corn so the public doth speaketh


French fries would be a great movie food substitute. Cheap and quiet and easy to share. You are welcome


It. Gets. Stick. In. Your. Gums. They should have Auntie Ann’s Pretzel bites at movie theaters, debate over.