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Whaddya know we're a bunch a nerds and we talk books - from trash fics to classics! We also talk a bit about RPG system mechanics, and movies/books we wish we could see/read again.




Beth was definitely talking about the jumping dog enemies from Spyro, those enemies scared me

Kelsie Charbonneau


Kelsie Charbonneau

Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files - I would forget and re read those ones.

Maria M

I am so with you on this point, audiobooks and graphic novels/comic books have so many people that don’t see them as legitimate forms of reading but while you may miss out in some areas (e.g., not being able to see the spelling of words of you’re listening to an audiobook), you absolutely benefit in others. Ain’t nothing wrong with reading the way you enjoy reading and still getting to experience the story, maybe with a slightly different set of nuances.

Caz Flip Smith

I would love to be the roller for Beth (so long as she is into it). It would be amazing fun, especially if she was sassy

Nicholas Bugeja

My favorite book of all time is called the cat in the hat

Lexi SanDiego

❤️❤️❤️just in time for driving a moving truck

Nick Dessing

Well actually.. Kyteman is Dutch.. Beth takes 4 psychic damage ;)

Erica Keough

Anybody else hear the horn around 13:03? I was driving and thought someone was being an a hole to me till I rolled it back and heard it again 🤣

Roger Meadows

Play Dread! Pleeeaaseee! A simple tabletop rpg but instead of rolling dice, you pull blocks from a Jenga tower. Imagine the stress levels and the bad decisions :p

The Overthinker

Hi, I volunteer to be Beth's d and d stunt double. I have experience being a player and goof ball. Also, yes. Punching is fine by me.

Cali Riot



Anna Karenina was suggested to me by my English teacher for a book report but I could only make it halfway through. I told her it was like trying to eat a steak that was all gristle. She knew my reading habits so she let me write the report on half the book.


Audible audiobooks w/ kindle ebooks are a great way to read and listen. It's a feature called read along.

Abby Reeves

I would kill for a Live show. And I also volunteer to be Beth’s caddy.


Thank you Will Campos and expressing my hatred for books. Audible is aight though.


Matt — have you listened to Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden? Its narrated by Jonathan Keeble and his voice is exceptional. One of the best if not the best Warhammer 40K novels


There needs to be a trashy Romance novel set to the fall of Cadia

Nathan Kenney

Moby Dick is great, and I was amazed at how funny it was. You want a long sequence about how two men giggling in bed? Lengthy discussion about the best room temperature and body parts to leave outside the bed covers? Fish flavored milk? All there...

Andrea Davidson

I was also surprised in a good way by Moby Dick. I had expected it to be this high seas adventure, but it was also so many more things. A quote that stuck with me (that ends a chapter on whale pod social dynamics) "There is no folly of beast on this earth that is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men."

Jason Melton

Not gonna lie, I hate when dnd or ttrpg podcasts do live shows. Especially because I'm in Japan and I'm definitely not gonna be able to realistically watch live but also because the vibe of the show always changes. At the very least, if you do go to live shows, please don't make it integral to the story

Liam Farrelly

Been listening for about a year and I just want to say thanks to all you guys for the amazing content you make it is truly amazing

Austin Baker

I was hoping this episode would be nothing but books

meaghan m (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:25:06 beth's self affirmation is so wonderful to hear at the end i was so happy when i heard it for the first time, and the second time was even better <3 dont doubt yourself you are a gem
2021-03-31 11:23:45 beth's self affirmation is so wonderful to hear at the end i was so happy when i heard it for the first time, and the second time was even better <3 dont doubt yourself you are a gem

beth's self affirmation is so wonderful to hear at the end i was so happy when i heard it for the first time, and the second time was even better <3 dont doubt yourself you are a gem


I can't wait for Left4Dad!

Camden Maccagnone

Is no one gonna mention Beth’s The Walking Dad joke that’s brilliant!😂

Taylor Harmeyer

Just saying I don't think less of you Beth! It is 100% believable for Ron to hide! He just did it without pants!

Charlotte Ivy

Is there any book/movie that you want to forget and then not remember? not because it's a waste of time but because you don't like having it in your head (For example I would like to forget every horror movie I've ever seen because they scare me!)

Brittany Courter

AMONG THE HIDDEN!!! No one I've ever spoken to about it even knows about it. I AM SO HAPPY. My jaw dropped.

Austin Baker

Beth is so ASMR this episode. She sounds like she's recording this in bed under covers lol

Austin Baker

I can't believe you psychopaths look at all the pictures of a book first before you read it, that spoils so much! I bet you're the kind of people that flip to the end of a book to read the last sentence! (I've done this tho I think everyone has at least once) Holes is so good. Damn Will I respect the guts to say books fucking suck that's brave. Holes is great.

Nathan Kenney

A book recommendation for all the dads is House of Leaves. It's got a lot of film-making appeal, it's full of satire of academic criticism, it's spooky, it's lovely. This book is full of puzzles and secrets, and different levels of unreliable narration which interact in interesting ways. Highly recommend at least flipping through a copy. It is worth the effort.

Main Sqeezes

A great example of Freddie's out-of-left-field sense of humor is using the US Federal Reserve as a comparison to DMing. How is this guy ALSO a goofball.

Austin Ly

Outbreak undead could work for the Left for Dad


"Zombies!!!" Is a great board game but wouldn't really work without video, so just a heads up that a game is good (and cheap, and the pieces are nice.)

Max Namey

I wish Beth would stop being so hard on herself, real DND is fun to play but not as much to listen to. What makes the podcast great is it has just enough story and live play and comedy to bring in non-dnd players and actual players. I’ve gotten so many non dnd fans into this podcast just because of the clever play and great jokes

Kasey P

Honestly Beth on this episode made me unsubscribe. I love the podcast to death and can't wait for new episodes but her complete lack of understanding or interest to learn basic rogue skills aftertwo years is just rude to her fanbase in my opinion. Also, mocking her podcast's fanbase, the thing she gets paid actual money to do, is just so unclassy. I don't want some full blown dnd podcast either. The group does an amazing job of hitting that balance. I love the comedy and Beths humor. She's hilarious and clearly an amazing writer, but it's when she's clearly and openly disinterested is when I feel the most put off. I was really excited about the Star Wars episode and even if she doesn't know any of the terminology or anything her answer to Anthony about her characters race was along the lines of, "I don't care" Clearly. Well then neither do I about being subscribed to you. Just my opinion.


Matt I would recommend Brandon Sandersons Stormlight Archive series, if you haven’t read it.

Edwin Kroon

I kind of agree with you? The other side of the coin is that she very early on cleary stated she has no interest in the rules at all. And it also creates some hilarious situations.

Pich Pich

Left 4 dad plz plz plz

Bekah Robertson

As someone who also does not really like the crunchy number aspect of DnD. I love the Beth’s absolute refusal to go full DnD rouge. I relate so hard to her questions and confusion it help me understand what’s going on better. No apologies, you do you Beth.

Douglas Underhill

For the zombie game, though it's out of print (but available via PDF) may I recommend The End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse by Fantasy Flight Games. You play RPG versions of yourselves, and you could set it as happening in the aftermath of recording a show. Anyway. I think the possibilities are there.

Ciaran boyd

I think Matt just means All That Jizz the Star Wars stretch goal


Do you guys stream when you play games? / Is there a way to watch it?

Richard Varela

If you're looking for ideas... Left 4 Dad is awesome but you mentioned playing a Zombie TTRPG's. I don't know what TTRPG you would use but I'd like to recommend "Dawn of the Dads" as the working title. You could play it as an alternate reality where the same four dads have to save their kids from a summer soccer camp in a zombie infested world. It would be their origin story all over again! Mostly I just want to see Ron Stampler survive a Zombie apocalypse.

GM John

Dead Reign is a pretty good zombie ttrpg, even if Palladium's system can be a little clunky

David Jackola

Speaking of German Hip Hop, check out the dark hip hop of Charon Exkadi. He offers a lot of his music for free. Also, Dostoyevski rules. His books are intense and compare well with Edgar Allen Poe. They are often murder stories that explore the psychology of a killer and how confession is good for the soul.

Micah Lamping

I was listening to the beginning with Will talking about audio books, waiting for a: This episode was sponsored by audible


Thanks to Matt for the shout out to different learning styles. And to Will for pointing out that reading is like hiking. Fun but not necessarily easy. . Books are written to convey ideas. And if you are a good reader, then actually reading is no problem (and I think the fact that it’s super hard to multitask while physically reading is one reason it’s so effective). But audiobooks are such a critical option to those who literally cannot read written text for visual or dyslexic issues. It really bugs me when people say audiobooks aren’t as good. so anyhow thanks for not saying that. And a really good narrator can actually teach you how to be a better reader. I know this got a little long and a little pedantic, it’s just awesome to hear you all be so into books in any form.

Marygrace Hulett

Loved this one y’all are so smart and fun to listen to!

Ya Boi Wae

Straight up high five to Anthony! I wouldn't be able to handle a player like Beth in my games 😅 her refusal to even try would bum me out so bad.

Huub Vosmeijer

I think Kyteman is Dutch. He now makes more like synth stuff, if you look up Colin Benders

Nick Siskonen

Beth, you are enough just as you are. And also the funniest person on the podcast,

Chloe Utter

Y’all should play 10 candles for the “left for dad” one shot

JessicaScott Standiford (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:25:03 WELL ACTUALLY, the Cafe inside Barnes &amp; Noble is a Barnes &amp; Noble Cafe that sells Starbucks coffee. They are owned and ran by Barnes &amp; Noble, not Starbucks. I worked there and it was a huge pet peeve 😆
2021-08-29 23:58:20 WELL ACTUALLY, the Cafe inside Barnes & Noble is a Barnes & Noble Cafe that sells Starbucks coffee. They are owned and ran by Barnes & Noble, not Starbucks. I worked there and it was a huge pet peeve 😆

WELL ACTUALLY, the Cafe inside Barnes & Noble is a Barnes & Noble Cafe that sells Starbucks coffee. They are owned and ran by Barnes & Noble, not Starbucks. I worked there and it was a huge pet peeve 😆

Michael Singer

although I don’t read books, if there was one piece of media I would want to experience again…. It would be my SECOND listening of naddpod not the first, my second time around was 100% more emotional than the first, and being able to pick up on the little bread crumbs left along the way that I completely missed my first time around was moving


Can i hear the daddies play among us with beth as narrator somewhere? That sounds perfect

GamGam Eevee

First time listening through Talking Dads. I’m at the point where they talk about what movies and books they’d like to see/read for the first time again... I’d honestly go for certain books first (Twilight, LOTR, and The Hobbit) then go to video games (Morrowind, Skyrim, the Fable series, [and this isn’t a joke] the Borderlands series) and then movies (again, much like Matt) Star Wars (all of it [Including the prequels, all subsequent films, all cartoons, all of the EU/Legacy stuff as well,) LOTR and The Hobbit, and (this one is a bit weird,) Across the Universe.

Helen Hastie

Coming up to one year of listening and finished first listen. Now doing listen plus TD. This is easy my favourite TD so far!

Zwish King

another sick (web)comic is “Order of the Stick”. parallel vibes to dungeons and daddies in a number of ways I think.


Brains are so different. For some reading is a chore and they find audiobooks much easier to consume. And I can relate. It's possible to get in the zone while reading, but audiobooks and movies will by their nature keep the momentum going.

Karma gray

Beth's kermit the frog is just sarah palin XD


Beth, you are the stand in for all of the non dungeons and dragons players in the audience like me because I also don't know what's going on but I like it anyways