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Gurdy Vanda and the Jizzboppers' have the gig of a lifetime when the local crime lord Hutt meets with representatives of the New Republic, but things don't go as planned...

This episode contains profanity, violence, and sexual references.

Episode 2, Episode 3




This joke has me dying laughing in my car! I was not expecting an O’ Brother Where Art Thou joke but that’s one of my favorite lines

Marcel Cabato

Richard Gere was also one of the main characters of the movie Chicago. The intro song of which was "All that Jazz"

Stephen Schuler

I’m so glad I hoped on the patreon. This is fucking gold


I’m 9 months pregnant and I peed my pants multiple times this episode from laughing. Not sure whether to blame the baby or Beth.


As a professional jazz bassist, this is the most fun I've had while repeatedly cringing at the slander being thrown at my profession XD

Rio rio

Star Trek bonus episodes please?

Alexander Eby

Yap Yappa Yowza is such an inspired name. I've been muttering it to myself ever since I listened to this episode, it's just so fun so say


Anthony just tries to kill a baby


Bith May seems like a missed opportunity.


This is some good jizz

Jack Futty

In thinking of this rebel leader falling into the flaming alcohol and the comments about how more Star Wars bad guys need to just completely eat shit for no reason reminded me of a great example. Hilariously, it's from the Star Wars Holiday Special. Han Solo jukes a Stormtrooper so hard that he smashes himself through a railing and crashes into the landing below.

Taylor O

I’d be lying if I said Freddie’s joke about The Lick™️ didn’t make me have to pause this and walk away for a hot minute 😂😭


A friend of mine pointed out that “All that Jizz” came out on Palm Sunday, which I have to assume was a deliberate extension of the entendre? 😂

Paul Cosgrove


Reece Page

1 minute 38 seconds in and Matt has already owned this episode


This is even better than I thought it would be ❤️

Lyle Martin

Anthony doing Star Wars alien voices has single handedly cured my depression. Thank you Anthony!

The Overthinker

God I laughed so hard. From the intros to Beth dead flat last line cutting to music this is a masterpiece. Cannot wait for more.

Matt Sansweet

Can’t believe the first joke about the system they’re using wasn’t “Edging of the Empire,” but Matt is starting off strong 😂

meaghan m

gertie is giving me some jessica langue in AHS as Elsa vibes


Anthony nailing those alien voices had me dying. They’re spot on! Beths flat voice and one liners had me giggling and just Freddy and Matts characters- I’m so happy this has been made! 💜

Ryan Sullivan

God this is so fantastic!!! I love this!




And the licc! Freddie plays the Licc! Haha

Rollin Mike

What an episode!!!!! Worth the wait!!! Thank you daddies :)

Cillian Isaac

im already so invested in this story even though i know jack shit about star wars, what a good time


This was SO GOOD! I need more! 😍


first 10 min an i alrady love it!

Paul Cosgrove

That final cut to the theme music KILLED me


Just wow as a starwars fan this is gold!

Colson Barnhart

To anyone who doesn't already know. If you want more Edge of Empire gold after this. Check out Campaign: Skyjacks. This game is wonderful and they are also quite hilarious.

Bob McCoog

LMAO Beth May with the Buffy pull! Another reason why she's amazing!

Nick Schmidt

I can’t believe a licc joke made it in here


God these are so good

Jake Bedard

The Licc My gott


LOVED THIS!! Can't wait for more!! (The sound effects were perfect btw!) XD


So damn funny. Pretty sure I looked like a lunatic at work trying to contain my laughter and shaking violently. Keep em coming guys! You made my Monday!


I wish I decided to actually look through the comments before doing the exact same thing...


I have never laughed so hard on an episode of Dungeons and Daddies, please continue this!!


high art

Johnthan Jackson

Look, I don't know DICK about Star Wars and it sounds like Anthony is speaking in a foreign language describing scenes and characters... call me when we have the next stretch goal that is about the made up bull shirt I like.


Will was a lot better playing Jizz rather than JezzBall 😂


I don't even like Star Wars and this was INCREDIBLE--- one of the funniest things in podcast history and I've climbed alot of podcast mountains. ALOT OF THEM. Everyone was so vivid and had so much texture in their descriptions and dialogue that it made the experience extremely 'visual' despite being an audio medium. ABSOLUTELY CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SECOND EPISODE!!! #GurdyGal4Life


I see your Buffy musical reference, Beth May. I see you 😂

Robert Hirsch

Okay, yes. This was fucking phenomenal.

Emalee Russell

I NEED an animated look at this bean bag hutt inching around

Jason Melton

Love it but why is will still basically just Henry still?

Josh Dick

Thanks Freddie for that expert liccroll. We know what’s up.


One of the best things I've listened to in a while


This might have the best opening of any of their episodes holy shit


Not a Star Wars fan but holy shit did I laugh during this. That ending cut on Beth's joke, precious Freddy... Precious.

Cali Riot

So... much... jizz.


this was way better than it had any right to be


Can’t Wajt for NPC’s Wool Compost and Mutt Ornold to make an appearance next week!


I loved the EOTE system! Real shame they shut it down.


Through the fire and the jizz


Huge Star Wars fan. But who cares, this ruled whether you liked the source material or not. Great episode!


You guys are just the best

Joshua Saldana

Wow. Is anyone else super impressed by Beth's singing? @Beth, you really ought to consider a career as a singer. There's definitely latent talent there.


I swear they can do no wrong.


I'm a bit disappointed that everyone else in the cast seemed to miss where Beth was going, musically.

Gadi Welfeld

Around 38-39 minutes freddie just singing the lick over and over again🤣🤣🤣


Listening to this for like the sixth time


This was the best 5 dollars I've ever spent on anything.


So amazing. Need more. Infinite amounts.

Ciaran boyd

I think I've listened to this somewhere in the realm of 17 times and it keeps getting better each time


"why don't you Richard Gere us over there..." I will never get over


Once I accepted there were going to be innumerable jizz jokes which lead to other semi mortifying lines I was dying. Beth’s improvised songs were amazing. As were Anthony’s alien voices. And the general hijincks (sp?). Omg. What will become of this rag tag band??!!


I'm not usually a nit picky person, but for the love of god, Anthony, DICE is PLURAL and DIE is SINGULAR. I don't know why this bothers me so much, I'm sorry.


The negotiations were short. Classic.

Elizabeth Singer

Loved the intro, loved the music, Freddie and Anthony was epic.

Elliott Roberts

I've never seen star wars and I still fucking loved this


I’m listening in my fairly crowded office at work and I keep having to turn it off while I pull myself together! Literally crying and silent laughing through the bean bag/no wig store part. So so good!


all the comments about beth’s buffy pull but all I can think about is anthony’s super niche THX-1138 reference

Denny Oh

at 1:38 26 in when freddie's laugh goes from giggle to chuckle to laughing to screaming and snorting i died

Ian Serkez

So B33FHIMB0 is party Bender with a really great body


Should've named one of the Hutts Pizza. "Pizza the Hutt"


The closing joke, the edit on that before the closing music was brilliant. Absolutely hilarious


Fucking hilarious, loved every second. The bass disrespect hurt though 😔

Tymme Zinni

He got trapped in his limo and ate himself to death in Spaceballs.


'I don't ... Care?' 😂😂😂


Time to listen. My body is ready

Melanie Howell Brooks

Holy carp the jazz/music-theory references that Will and Anthony tossed out there were divine. <3


While at work, I'm trying to listen without laughing loudly. So, the noise I'm making is basically a short snickering burst of air coming out of my nose. *Anthony Nailing Star Wars Noises* "Bless You."-my co-worker. Yes, Anthony. Bless You.


Holy shit I loved the music theory jokes. The Lick reference had me rolling

Isaac Friedman

wait hold on is B33F just Hot C-3P0 from the Story Break Aunt Beru episode?

Ian, not Ian.

"I'm a DAPPER DAGOBA MAN"?!? HOLY SHIT ANTHONY! That had me laughing loudly alone in my cubicle