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Gurdy Vanda and her band the Jizzboppers find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

This special live listen will be Sunday at 12pm PT in our #live-ep-reaction channel over on Discord. 

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Bob McCoog

*cue the heavenly choirs*

Christopher Pete

Sweet, but if nobody declares that their last name is Skywalker at the end out of nowhere, I'll be VERY upset!

Ciaran boyd

It's finally here!!!!



Alli Pestana

I’m so excited!!!!


Seeing this made me turgid


Can someone confirm what time and date this is for the UK? thank youu 💚

Madison Figg

This will be great to relax to tomorrow!!! So excited :)

Isaac Tiguila


Teckla Holmes

Bm: Give 'em the Old Razzle Dazzle. Anthony: Roll Gunnery Me: FUCK YES


Still got my money on Matt=Bot Will=Space saxophonist Beth=Front woman Freddie=Simian guitarist. $20 on the table.

Kit Ainslie

I don’t know if they’ve said who is playing quick character but my predictions are as follows, starting with the human at the top going clockwise: Will Campos as Actual 1920s bassoon lady Matt Arnold as clumsy thiccbot Beth May as Past-Their-Prime anteater Freddie Wong as rad guitar baboon.

Kit Ainslie

Holy shit I guessed the exact same order. XD now I hope I’m correct because A. It means the artist captured their moods really well and B. I need more of Matt Arnold’s robot voice in my life.

Kit Ainslie

I think it’s possible for Matt to be the front woman and Beth to be the big robot, I could see Beth playing a clumsy robot and Matt Arnold pulling off “faded star of the golden age” but I still put money on our first guess.

Paul Sontaro

Please tell me Freddie is playing the Yuzzum 😂

Cillian Isaac

im calling matt as guitarist, will as space sax, and im on the fence about freddie and beth. i hope beth is the droid, but logically i think it'll be freddie

Edwin Kroon

is there any chance you can start recording the live reacts?

Noah rabe

Can I not watch this after the fact?

Ashley Nicollette

You can absolutely listen to this mini series, starting here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49311260 Patreon content can be difficult to navigate because we have so much of it. Check out this handy dandy list here: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/patreon