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The intense video game action from the uncut Ep. 53. Enjoy!


Will vs. JezzBall (Dungeons and Daddies - Ep. 53 - The Roc)

A small snippet from the uncut episode 53. Hear the rest by becoming a Patreon supporter at http://patreon.com/dungeonsanddads



Oh, I've GOTTA see this!

Jason Boulet

That’s FUCKING beautiful


Holy shit!

Manu Saiz

Never did I click a notification faster


The amount of tabs Will had open is horrifying💀


I could just FEEL that intense level of stress from Will🤣

Justin Lamb

That was shameful! Lol

Aubry Tucker

That was beautiful

Wyatt Veldman

Shoulda rolled the dice lmao


this is soo good i love seeing everyone’s reactions

Ryan Flueger

Thank you. I laughed so freaking hard at this I need to find a bathroom. Ahhhhh pure awesome!

Aubry Tucker

Most of them are wild shape forms. So not that many when you look at what they're doing


That's funny as shit, what else is in store for us to see


Fucking gold

Stephanie Neher

The pure chaos of this is...amazing.


I wish I was a part of this Zoom breakout room

Kit Ainslie

All this time and I still don’t understand the point of this game. It looks like one of those fake games you’d see in a 90s scifi movie where the protagonist is supernaturally good at it but it just looks like sprites bouncing around a screen, is this what being old feels like?


My favorite part was opening the video and seeing the runtime.

Kit Ainslie

Update: I looked up a video of someone else playing it and it makes sense now.


Oh no Will


Beautiful yet so so sorry. But yeah, not ten balls.


I’d love to see the video version of the episodes like you guys used to do with story break!


This is so funny I can’t


I will never not be in Will’s corner haha that said this is just an outstanding interaction


This makes me so happy

Isaac Tiguila

Now let's get that jizz ball

Chris Wall

Oh man, that's great 😂😂😂

Chris Wall

You guys realize you need to do this in Gungans and Daddies and call it Jizzball, right?


Do all the uncut episodes have video from the zoom call?

Morgan Whiterabbit

I'd like to see the other dads under similar pressure.


I had never heard of JezzBall until listening to this episode, so I downloaded the game and listened to the rest of the episode playing it

Austin Baker

Damn this site is great. I found this delightful little short game I had to share. Kinda like Undertale. http://www.freewebarcade.com/game/drytown/


I felt like I was losing my mind during this section. I remember my family getting super competitive with Jezzball.

Ashley Nicollette

They do not, it's uncut audio recording alongside Anthony's DM notes! We do, however, have video of Ep. 37 as part of our Monthly Bonus Indeterminate Content: https://www.patreon.com/posts/39996035


HAHAHAHA Will handing out "Fuck you's" like it's his job!


I feel so bad for Will being on the spot like this, but thank you for the laugh


Oh my goddddd I forgot that's what that game was! That thing was awesome!


I want/need more random flash games in my D&D podcasts


Thanks so much for sharing this. I had no idea what was going on. Will, I think you did pretty ok given the circumstance.


This gave me a strong Neopets flashback. Thank you for reconnecting me with my childhood lol.


Man, I love Will’s laugh


Yo pog


Just finished this episode! Great one


Muy bueno