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All you Patrons get this first! The Pokémon themed West Wing-inspired political one-shot we did as a reward for hitting our voter registration goals with Headcount.org! 

Enjoy, and if you're in the United States, don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

Editing by Chad Ellis



I just heard this and the last 12 minutes had me choking on my spit from laughing so hard


2 years later reading this post and I cannot help but chuckle at the irony on how they feel about voting for him now


Vote good? that didn't age well. Maybe y'all should vote good come 24 and your state won't be a shit show. Love this bonus, a follow up with the same premise would be great for this coming election or a completely different premise in the same system


What does it say about your political beliefs that you hear someone say "vote good" and you immediately know they disagree with you

Noa JayDe

I know nothing about Pokémon and don’t care to but this is close to if not my favorite episode on this feed

Aiyanna Gutema

“Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of the White House, had a big block of cheese...”

Jamier Williams

Wtf how my supposed to jerk off this. I guess it’s good material

Rollin Mike

So excited!! Pika Pika :)

Alexis Duran

The dads are gonna get spammed with Pokemon themed magic items because of this.

Christopher Pete

This was fantastic! Already voted, dads-- and I voted for the option you wanted me to vote for but only talk about on your twitters.


Speaking of politics and dogs, this is REAL AD in Maine... https://youtu.be/qE2mVEnMbo4


Beth for Prez!


This was really fun omg I’d love more of this! This dropped just in time to keep me company for a tattoo today so thank u all 💕

Bekah Robertson

This was incredible. Beth, you were on fire.

Cassandra Cordova

"invade Puerto Rico" ah bby we already did that lol


This was maybe the best thing you guys have ever done.


Shot water out of my nose while listening at work , amazingly funny guys!

Nathaniel Ramirez

Using my time waiting in line to vote listening to this! 👍🤙✌


Vote for whoever you want

Little Sgt. Pepper

Beth is on FIRRREEE and I have died of laughter.

Talia B.E.

Excellent company while I drove to work this morning 👌🏼


Y’all gave me 3 things to listen too let’s go


Did y'all miss the opportunity to call the jurassic pokemon park "The Safari Zone"?


listening to this on the day Joe Biden won...is weirdddd...but good because I audibly laughed, at democracy!


I am very much out of the loop and did not know about VGHS. After listening to this I binged the whole 3 seasons and wow, just wow. You daddies are amazing at what you do.


Just listened to this and damn feel attacked for being from Montana 😂