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Submitted for the approval of the Patreon society, we gather around a virtual fire to tell real spooky stories!


Connor Millar

The doppelgänger cat story is so fucking funny to me omg


Not Freddy just casually making contact with a menehune!!


Not spooky, but my grandma always used powdered milk and it tasted better with cheerios than any other milk ever.


This is obviously not the same as losing a beloved grandparent. But when I was in high school I went on a school trip to Germany. On the bus headed to the airport the last day I started to cry for no reason. And the thought "I'll tell people my dog just died if they ask why I'm crying." popped into my head. It turns out, our oldest family dog had died at pretty close to the same moment I started crying. I'll never forget my mom's face when I got into the car and said "hey is Ailsa okay?"

Mitchell Crispi

Jeni's is better - chicago represnt

Emily Fluty

On the topic of Beth's spooky outro fact: I was born really early, so apparently I was just covered in peach fuzz for a bit. Also babies are born with all of their baby teeth already in their skulls

Anthony cadena

I'm gonna interrupt you are in the showe been

Danny Tinkler

I listened to this for the first time while walking my dog on Christmas

Benjamin Rosenberger

Submitted for your approval!! HELLLLLLL yeah. Great shit.


Tots approved, brah(s)

Kyle M

Complete approval 👍


That ad. 🤣


What was the podcast Beth talked about? Scare you to sleep? Can’t find it

Christina M Dawson

Jeni’s Ice cream is so good. I want to order it now, thanks Matt

Ryley Ellis

I'm a head chef at a ski resort and straight up Christmas people are the worst of em all. The entitlement is real


I was really hoping all of you guys were going to plwy phasmophobia


Menehune are little spirits in Hawaiian folklore!


I was thinking that too - Hawai'i has stories about little hairy gnome-like people.

John Dandy

Definitely a Menehune Freddie Saw


Just catching up on the Patreon content and came here just to check if anyone else had commented on Freddy seeing a menehune

GamGam Eevee

The creepiest was when I was 11. Just like Freddie... I just turned the episode off so I could accurately portray this without spoilers. I’m not a religious person, and neither is my mom. But when I was 11-12, I struggled with my gender identity, and the reason was ultibecause I was transgender and there was t enough information available at that time. BUT, my baby sister, Anne, visited me in a dream when I was 11, and told me the full story of what had happened to here. I got the most searing pain directly where one would assume a third eye is. And the Inwoke up. 4 years later, I tried to do a witchy thing and call her back to me. And I shit none of y’all naught. My blinds fell down in my room, a couple things fell over that shouldn’t have fallen over, and the spirit of my adoptive mom (who was asleep at the time in the room next to mine) flung open my LOCKED door, sat on my bedside and asked if I was okay. I was 100% awake for this, and 100% sober (I was less than 18 and honestly didn’t try anything until I was 19. Might be because of how often weird shit happened to me, and that’s honestly not a lie.


If I lived in LA I'd supply Freddie with pies whenever. Always happy to bake for people. O and I also sleep with scary stories. It's very soothing


I had the same thing that happened to Beth. Not trying to promote it, because I gain nothing, I told my story on the YT. The Hag( Hoof Lady)


Why is Freddy SO fucking good at telling scary stories???? Dudes got me chattering my teeth