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Live reaction to Episode 43! Join us on the Discord in #live-ep-reaction!

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Ep. 43 Live Listen

Listen along live!


Bird Wizard

Amazing, that may have been the best trick I’ve seen in all my time with RPGs

JD Marien

Lmao omg this is great I can't wait to see what happens next with the cards everyone drew!!

Mark Connor

WOWWWWW get the talking dads episode out NOW. I expected canary to be sketch (nice call Matt!) but I did NOT see that coming. Well done Anthony!

THE Keegs

Holy shit Anthony.

Jacob Ciulla

This is a top tier episode in every regard. Every emotion is there and it is a rollercoaster!

Levi Hooper

Normally I have no complaints to the amazingness that is this podcast but dear Lord will you had blight the entire time you are fighting the tree and you didn't use it.

Vonn Frey

What if Ron draws moon the card that gives him three wishes. what will he wise for? hundreds of flat screen t.vs or something thoughtful... probably going to be t.vs.