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The dads confront Barry Oak in his chambers.




that intro 👏👏👏


The intro was really really good tbh

Mia E

I have listened to all the podcast and I did not realize until this comment..


I'm not good at references even if it's something I know and love. Like Will's Shinra comment. I'm literally playing FF7 remake right now but like a year from now I would probably assume that's an anime reference or something. My brain just isn't wired to retain pop culture knowledge very well.


For sure. I love that there's something that everyone fears even more than death because the DoMT could literally potentially break and/or end the actual podcast. At the very least shits about to get very weird.

Erica Keough

omgomgomg I've been waiting for this moment

Christopher Pete

Yessssss!!! I am SO EXCITED to CRY LIKE THE CHILD I AM!!!!

Alyssa Fej

Wish I could join the live listen, but I have class then. So, here I am.

Sketchy Lemons

I have never been so excited!!!! Yaaaaaaaassssss

Lexi SanDiego

Beth: “... I hate this.” 🤣🤣🤣

Alonso Gomez

I literally wanna beat the crap out of Henry after hearing his dad fact.

Alex Camden

The audacity of Sinning their last episode for their entire intro, I’m beside myself 🤣

Alexander Robinson-Gabel

✨✨✨It’s Beth saying “like leaning on a bed” and Anthony saying “ITS LIKE LEANING ON A BED HORIZONTALLY” louder and then everyone laughing for me. 👀👀👀✨✨✨✨😂😂


The cinemasins intro was so amazing 👌👌👌

alpha reaperion


Isaiah Galaviz

I really appreciated Beth's Shining joke😂 great episode!

Christopher Pete

Alternate title: Where in the World are Real-Life Lark and Sparrow?


LOVE the intro

J. Rand

Holy crappy. I need to know what happens next.

Kenneth Ward

Loved Paeden getting into the action. But to avoid more “unskippable cutscenes” as Anthony role plays him, one of the players should make a meta roll to see how adept at playing/rolling for Paeden Anthony is

Simon Jensen

DAAAAAMN, That end was epic!

Heidi Nehls

Our dad is savage AF. 😱


Anthony said no more podcast :)



Philip Briones

What a GOSH DARN cliffhanger!! I literally stood up from my desk and freaked out for a minute.

Jason Boulet

Y’all dissing on orange juice right after rushing ur teeth but it’s so gOOD

Reece Page

That. Was. Glorious!!! I laughed my head off, had my heart in my mouth and was on the edge of my seat for almost the entire hour and seven minutes. Fantastic, that’s all I can say. Well done to you all


This podcast needs its own anime. I would donate to a kickstarter for that.


Will spent 20 episodes “no, but”ing dad facts and his first fact after being called out is this? Sicko mode

Andrew Heiser

That ending! How does that work now? Did they actually eat the Seaweed???

Steph The Panda

Haha oh wow, next episode is going to be a trip. I can't wait for the Talking Dads on this one!

Adam and Rochelle

I love this even more while drunk! I found out that I laugh in the exact same way as Anthony!!


Shouldn’t there only be 16 seaweed snacks cause the library drew two cards

Olivia Marino

The ending had my jaw dropped for an inordinate amount of time


The ending of this episode is epic. But the beginning had me in stitches! Cinema Sins is such a bad show 😂

Darryl Holiday II

I want to listen to the uncut so bad now. I hadn't in awhile but I wanna go back through this episode so bad. It was hype as hell. Nice twist ending. I half expected Ashley to show back up for it but this is better. 2 things. When you revert back from wild shape, as long as it wasn't from your hp dropping below 0, you go back to the hp you had before the wild shape. That's why druids are so tanky. And why it's a full on action to cast. And concentration isn't effected by movement or regular attacks. Even most things just invoke a concentration check or save or whatever as opposed to just ending it. But... Who needs rules when you have a story getting so good.

Katie Bonnett

Anthony as Paeden describing his actions was just *chef’s kiss*

Alex Franks

Cries when they don’t follow the rules when it’s in their advantage 😩


You guuuuuys this was SO GOOD! I was grinning like an idiot through most of it.


I hope Trump wins. Just to see Beth lose it lol.

Danibee (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:43:27 oh this is W I L D!!!!!! I mean, fantastic episode but that ending IS SO wild it just almost erases all the comments before it hahaha, but loved finding lark & sparrow and Glenn's EDM impressions were fantastic.
2020-10-01 14:42:17 oh this is W I L D!!!!!! I mean, fantastic episode but that ending IS SO wild it just almost erases all the comments before it hahaha, but loved finding lark & sparrow and Glenn's EDM impressions were fantastic.

oh this is W I L D!!!!!! I mean, fantastic episode but that ending IS SO wild it just almost erases all the comments before it hahaha, but loved finding lark & sparrow and Glenn's EDM impressions were fantastic.

Zackary Aubrecht

The end was insane. I just read through the list of what the cards do and this next episode could get pretty intense


Oh my god the ending

Ian Rozich

I need this West Wing episode to happen, goddamn Sorkin has the best dialogue ever.

Zach Walker

Barry Oak is Lord Farquad in disguise

Vonn Frey

What if Ron draws moon the card that gives him three wishes. what will he wise for? hundreds of flat screen t.vs or something thoughtful... probably going to be t.vs.

Ethan Lynch

was that a set to stun reference at ~55 minutes?!?

Saint Judas

The ending of this episode literally had both of us covering our mouths with our hands


It took me 40 eps to realize the dice sounds are an effect