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We're putting on our thinking caps for the next round of stickers and pins but want your help. Could you let us know which ideas are your favorites for our next round of merch? Vote below!  

If you've got an even better idea of something that would be perfect, let us know below in the comments. As always, thanks for your input and support. 


Christopher Pete

No part of me believes that you can say "Reverse Ratatouille" without Disney bringing the hammer down on y'all


I feel it's very telling of where we're all at emotionally given what has the highest no. of votes right now


Mountains of Dadness merch? I’d love to see some.

Bambi Ward

you’re definitely right but i would wear that with so much pride


throwing in my vote for D.I.L.F.


Damn this poll is fast


What about just pins of the dads themselves like figure pins


I'd like to see hats. Specifically a team had for the Football Teams done just like a sports ball team from the Real World. Go Doodlers!


Mr. Mustache on Ron’s dog homunculus!


I’ve been saying “It’s going to be O-A-K” in casual conversation so it would be dope to have a pin of it!


A sticker saying I love bones.

Marina Loredo

I received a few Charleston Chew in the mail, and I gotta say it’s not the worst candy bar I’ve ever had.


How about a Dennis "just happy to be here"


Henry's intro: Munchy crunchy hippie birkenstock rocking druid dad

Marina Loredo

I also wonder if Daryl ever tried to learn the Charleston, because it reminded him of his favorite candy......


Oh man, I want a lot of these options.

Matthew Ford

Can we get "But is he OK though?" from AMOD? That always makes me laugh


Literally would wear anything with “You walked into the wrong room!”

Josh Mangan

Intro quips has got to happen. That is too good


I crit a kid is also one of my most favorite things ever said on this podcast, FYI.


Can we get a chekovs snake pin?

Taylor Claar

How do I get the discord


Something with Mr. Moustach👨


I'm hearing "Mean Mr. Moustach" as a Beatles pun in my head, but I get that's probably not the move😅

Montanna Tilton

Re: Dad intro quips, I would like a "birkenstock-rockin', granola-munchin' hippie nature druid dad" pin for sure


I lost my mind at "I crit a kid"

Olivia Marino

Make Love Wolves Not War pin

Olivia Marino

I’d be down for a tote or a wall hanging with Henry’s epic curse


Dad quips was at 420 when I voted for it, I'm so sorry


I literally want all of these

Sean Morrell

Can’t wait to see what Kat makes!


I would love ‘Because paedens 8 dog’ or some variation


be down for a "you walked into the wrong room motherfucker" pin

Ashley Nicollette

Yes, tote bags shipped out to Touring Model patrons and above after 3 consecutive pledges. Please send us a message if you need help or have any further tote questions. 😀


Long term, I would love a doodlers jersey! I mocked one up on custom ink for potentially doing a cosplay, but couldn't order 1 jersey. 😭


Dad quips but also a t-shirt with the text of every individual way Will has said his; it would look like those shirts with the entire text of a Bronte novel on them 👀


"Sun sets, sun rises, Paeden don't die"


I didn't know I needed a tote with that on it until just now


"Potions are for Closers!"


I think a pin for Erin or her birds would be awesome. "Little of the x-axis, little of the y-axis". Or just the words "three birds" in an intense font


Man. I crit a kid would be hilarious. Plus people would constantly be asking about it so free advertisements. Not so much for O-A-K

rev chauncey

We need a "What the freaking ding dang gosh darn dilly willy heckin shark tooth chicanery bannana hootin tootin raspberry FUCK are you two doing here?"


Just saying these are all fucking GOLD 😄


"Consensual but weird." As a pin or shirt. Its line from the bonus episode, Freddy himself said it'd be a pretty good shirt.


A D.I.L.F sticker please.


Flight Risk.What would the football team mascots be?

Jose Sanchez

"I crit a kid" and "Eye of the tiger" in the style of Gurren Lagen with Paden in both.


Reverse Ratatouille 100%


How are more people not voting for Charleston Chew???!!!


I’d kill for a shirt with “eye of the tiger” on the front, and “body of not a tiger” on the back.


The one I laughed hardest at when I heard it in episode was "I Crit a Kid", but I'm satisfied with any of these badass choices.

Lynsey K

How can I convince you that Love Wolf is still an option?

Heidi Nehls

Eye of the Tiger but with a picture of Paedan, perhaps wearing a UFC shirt.


"i crit a kid" is the best line from this podcast, hands down.


Please please please please please make I crit a kid and reverse ratatouille. Both parts literally had my cry-laughing

Olivia Marino

Flight Risk temporary tattoo


Right like a throw the ball run the ball pass the ball hat? Or Ron Bowl


The o.a.k. one makes me think of the Watsky line "Everything will be a-okay, cause I'm strong as an O.A.K."


Blank-inside greeting cards might be a fun merch idea - maybe a set of four, one with a saying from each dad? Especially as we get closer to the holidays.

Talia B.E.

*clears throat* not to toot my own horn, but I think I did a pretty bang-up job with Henry's iconic swear, which you can see over on the subreddit. ("What the freaking ding dang, gosh darn, dilly willy, heckin shark tooth, banana chicanery, hootin tootin, raspberry freaking f**k.") And I think someone FAR MORE talented than I could actually do it justice as a piece of merchandise.


Can you PLEASE add baby to the end of eye of the tiger???

Max Namey

I would absolutely kill for my own hat of vermin


Mr Moustache or Dog Ron would be vvv cute! 🥰

Ryan Carter

I have a bunch but I'm going to put them in a response to this so they don't overextend the rest of the responses!

Ryan Carter

Okay here's a buttload of ideas: - Paeden in a football helmet, or with a toy knife! - Paeden and Walter the Immoral (together? mayhaps!) - A bouquet of the drug flowers from Nick's arc? Labelled "Do not smell!" or some other phrase - Ron's fanny-pack of Holding - One of Ron Stampler's business cards - Darryl: DILF Edition - Glenn: DILF Edition - Ron: DILF Edition - Henry: DILF Edition - Glenn's Omega Vape - A Honda Odyssey chaotically filled with the full group - Doug, the Intern - Silhouettes of the Omega Daddies, with glowing Omega symbols on them? - Something related to the Love Wolf, maybe a paw print (Henry) with his son's paw print in the middle that says Love Pup? - Lark and Sparrow yelling POWER - DILF Darryl flexing his arms upwards behind Ron flexing his arms while in his 'Cool Guy' boxer briefs - ESPN-like shots of each of the Dads with their 'game-face' on! - Dog-Ron with Mr. Mustache - Hotter Elf Henry - Walter the Immoral with a beard, saying "Time has passed"


Would you guys consider post cards, too? I love the official art and I like post cards because they are easier to hang/find room for then big posters.


I mean, the twins pretending to be the Lord of Chaos for sure. Two kids in a trench coat? Classic


I would love a sticker with "Not the step dad--I'm the dad that stepped up" but all these sticker ideas sound awesome


I like the comment section ideas the most! XD


A sticker or pin of Henry's jersey from the supper bowl would be cool.

Dn Gn

I’d like to see a Mr Mustache face mask.


padaen merch would be godly

Matt Noh

Did we already do "measure once, cut twice" ? just started supporting


I would LOVE 'Berkinstock-rockin, crunchy, munchy, hippy-nature-druid Dad'


“Who’s your daddy now?” Boxing gloves...?


I think it would be cool to do a dog plushie with Mr. Mustache on it.


Lark and Sparrow yelling POWER!


Ever since I actually tested out the Ron. business wev domain, I wanted there to be murch with it!


I would love something with the Love Wolf or Lark and Sparrow in general

Phoenix Trosper

I would love to see a pin with, "Everythings gonna be O-A-K." but stickers with the daddies intro slogans.

Madison Figg

I’d die for a Paedon pin of some kind!


Ron Stampler Business Cards would be awesome. Just saw the Twitter post about what the daddies drop and saw his cards and I think that would be cool

Laura Stiller

A plushie Mr. Mustache with holes to hold your dice. A gamer’s dream accessory!

Katie Bonnett

Debate Me, Coward! Seems appropriate for now lol.


ABC Always Be sCamming