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We dive deep into maybe the most emotionally intense episode we've recorded so far. Anthony and Will reveal the process for mutually creating Henry's backstory, we talk about our crossover episodes with Hey Riddle Riddle, and the gang plays FMK. Also: some spoilers for The Babadook.



Jordanasaurus Lamb

This is one of my favourite episodes. This is my second time listening to the whole podcast and the peak moments for me is sad stuff and character lore. The boys saying everything will be O.A.K still makes me tear up. Phenomenal episode


WILL, I just want to say, there was a period of time where Henry just rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't figure out why, and it bothered me. A face value he had this energy that just would sometimes take me out of the moment and I hated that I felt that way because I really enjoy the show to the point where my husband and I would joke about what type of Daddies character we are like or what we think the other person is like and I just, I'd get mad when he'd say "I think you've got a little Henry in ya." And it was so stupid. I'd get mad that I was mad that I was like Henry. But then I realized that not only do I share a birthday with Henry but I didn't like Henry because I really didn't like having a mirror held up to me even if it's a very exaggerated version in the reflection. And when you said that he is partly an exaggerated version of things about yourself I just really wanted to hug you and tell you that everything was going to be OAK. I don't know you guys in person and I likely never will but you all have this ability to be so funny and so charismatic but at the same time be so devastatingly personal and real that you guys have really embedded yourselves into like, an almost defining moment that in ten years I'll be like "well really one of my comedic yet serious building blocks of my whole persona is when I was recommended a Podcast that I very quickly and frighteningly became obsessed with and I listened them over and over and really. So this is why I am the way that I am. I'm rambling but seriously.. you guys rock.

Aylis J Lind

Did we ever get to find out what happened to Autumn after the end of season 1?


This is actually fucking hilarious because of how John Mulaney's life has aged pfft

Nicole Jordan

Listening to the show through for the first time and had to comment how amazing this talking dad and episode was. They’re have been so many great emotional moments throughout the pod but I’m just so touched and grateful for the emotional depth and honesty you’re all willing to share when playing those serious moments (and then finding the balance to lighten it up again too). So excited for the character growth thank you for sharing not only this story but your stories as well! And Will your attachment and emotions with Henry shows how much you’re killing the role playing game!


This episode of talking dads was sponsored by the Oak-Garcia-Wilson swingers club

scott m

The dads arcs will be increasingly dramatic encounters? Thinks back to the Ron arc


I'm at work stop making me cry please

Alexis Duran

The comic is DC vs Marvel


No... Matt’s right... that’s the right one


As someone living in Tucson, thanks. I really needed that. I’m going to check my AC now.


Darryl, thinking about Glenn: “I could fix him”

Noell S.

Guys, this podcast is so fucking good.

Seth Scott

Babadook spoilers? But whatever


Will talking about his dad broke me

Lyle Martin

Oh thank Daddy Master! It's been a hell of a day! Busted my finger wide open by dropping a steel gas cylinder as tall as me onto my finger! Stitches and everything! So I'm very thankful I get to fall asleep to my favorite podcast, especially about that last emotional as hell episode!


I'm surprised no love for Whose Line


I feel you about liking Bill Cosby and then being like "well shit can't listen to those albums anymore". I loved listening to my Dads records of his standup as a kid, but now it's like "yeah no thanks memories I'll forget that happened "

Christopher Pete

Yo Anthony-- if you haven't already checked it out, there's a great standup special by Dmitri Martin called If I that's available for free on YouTube. It's clearly rehearsed, but it's incredibly honest, and it's basically him deconstructing himself and admitting to his shittiness as he struggles to figure out how to be a decent human. I think it's from 2005, but it's *so good*! Easily my favorite standup act of all time


I feel like anthony.would.like chris gethard's stand up career suicide

Darryl Holiday II

Look, I still listen to Bill and others like him. I separate shit. It's fine. I went and seen Chris D'elia when he was in Memphis on the tour that got a Netflix special recently. He literally talks about how he's such a good person. Never done drugs etc. Now he's in a bit of a scandle. I'm not going to stop thinking his stuff is and was funny. It's like the various musicians with scandle. Katt Williams said a very important thing once that has always stuck with me. Don't idolize a person. Just value their work. That way, if they go down like that, you can still appreciate the stuff you liked. Now I'm paraphrasing but you get the idea. But I could watch/listen to exclusively stand up and be okay so that says something.


Sadly this was the last I’ll be listening to this. Will talking about his dad has completely turned me off. Keep your life out of the show


What about Bill Burr! XD


Will just keeps managing to hit me right in my weak spots, really beautiful expression of how he feels vs how Henry feels and how he grew to where he is. Im personally thankful you guys can open up so well on the show and really enjoy also yall annoying Anthony with compliments! X


Anthony i think you would also love Mike Birbiglias stand up if you haven't listened to it, and you have such John Mulaney energy its awesome lol


oh man, I've been SO eagerly awaiting this Talking Dads after that wild episode, and I so appreciate Will's sharing his Dad's journey and how he tapped into that in order produce Henry's amazing moment. <3 also it always touches me when the dads cry. and the sunrise not being his favorite TV show!! it was so impactful. Also I ditto the praise for Anthony's Barry too.

Kasey P

I'm glad that Freddie very early on pointed out that Anthony sounds like John Mulaney, but I also think that Will sounds a lot like Mike Burbiglia. Especially when talking about his father.

Gene Leybag

Like everyone, I'm surprised nobody said Mike Birbiglia. His form of storytelling especially in My Girlfriend's Boyfriend is Grade A amazing!

Gene Leybag

Oh and Bo Burnham as well!


Thank you for the emotions. We feel and enjoy all of it.

Bunitj Miles

I just realised something. Anthony is going to make Henry choose in the future. Lark or Sparrow will die. What is this thought!?

Michael Boron

Thanks Will for the emotional kick in the taint that was this episode of talking dad's

GM John

Nice to hear Anthony talking about Amalgam Comics and the DC vs Marvel books. They're still a perennial seller because everyone has a fondness for them that remembers them.

Kasey P



Anthony if you see this, I think you’d like Mike Birbiglia. Basically the exact comedy you described.

Jan van Egmond

Anthony, the D&Dad guest > HeyRR was very nice ;) It was a refreshing break with a well known cast & got me listening to theirs as well, although I'm more into story improv rather than quick bids. But again: loved it! Looking forward to more crossovers. Will, thank you for sharing that personal note. I think it's a beautiful root of Henry, and you deserve an internet point for bravery!


First off, this was a really great episode. I commend Will for being as open as he is about everything, it's really inspiring. Secondly, I think Anthony would really like Mike Birbiglia

Elizabeth Teeter

HRR led me to this podcast and now I'm a Patreon subscriber to Dungeons and Daddies too. Every time HRR is mentioned or TAZ makes me smile because those were two of my starter podcasts.

Kayla S. Pingree-McCarthy

I have never been this emotionally affected by a podcast, or a group of people discussing it. Honestly, thank you all so damn much for your honesty and open discussions about your own emotional journeys with these characters and your own lives. These talking dads are better than half of the therapy sessions I've been to in my life. Thank you, so goddamn much!

Charlie Soto

This podcast episode went deep and I say deep like in minecraft you hit bedrock but some how you go deeper. Yeah like that deep and I can relate to having to dress to impress just to get some sense of respect from peers. I feel like I have to wear a suit sometimes just when going to get an oil change.


me yelling at the screen because my favorite comedian also used to be Louis CK and he BROKE my heart..by being really creepy for a long amount of time to a lot of people

Donna Ibale

Iliza Shlesinger & Ali Wong are my fave comedians rn!

Dalton Whitworth

Hearing Will talk about his real life with the composure that he keeps, gives me a reason to be emotionally connected to the cast. I love everyone on the cast for individual reasons, and Will's point is that when he gets into it, the passive listening stops and i have to stop what i am physically doing and listen to his words. Powerful.

Morgan Page

Omg I'm so happy you went with fuck instead of kiss. I totally was just nervous to put anything rude because I hadn't listened to ANY of the Talking Dad episodes at that point and wasn't sure what other questions were like. And going into this right after Will opening up and things getting a bit rocky...perfect balance there. You guys are fantastic.

Kyle Thoms

I implore that you listen to Eddie Izzard - Dressed to Kill. It’s incredible standup, and I’d argue one of the greatest sets of all time!


I've cried listening to this podcast more times than any other actual play DnD podcast. Which is funny, because I started listening because of the silliness. I cried with Terry Jr persuasion battle, I cried with the mummies, I shock cried when Willy said he missed seeing Ron be scared, Grant and Yeet's conversation, and then Autumn this episode, and Henry's monologue first to his kids and then to his dad. Fuck.

MacKenna Hart

going back and listening to old talking dads I missed. This episode Will made me cry HARD. As a Patreon subscriber to you and Sarah and Michael your simping over them is sending me 😂 going to leave comments on their posts encouraging this mashup


Wtf that just sounds like a telltale walking dead decision lmao I don't think it'll happen like that


Definitely one of the best talking dads episodes.

Kam Str

The fact that George Carlin is not mentioned makes me sad

Camille Lintner

Anthony--I think you should definitely watch The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It sounds like your kind of comedy, imo


I love love love Hey Riddle Riddle so I am so happy and glad you collaborated with them, Flight Risk was so funny.


“I was so scared Adal Refei is going to throw a symbol at my head” haha


Glenn being the most killable really aged well huh?


Beautiful words and experiences. An incredibly cathartic show ❤️


I found your podcast from the guest episode of Hey Riddle Riddle y’all were on. You were so delightful and the podcast sounded so fun, that I knew I had to listen. ✌️

Elsa Double

Listening to Will cry is emotionally DEVASTATING 😢❤


This podcast is so good and I really appreciate the stories you tell about family


Truly this ep of Td had everything


listening to you talk about how much you like john mulaney as someone who likes/ liked john mulaney in june 2022 feels like it aged poorly

Alex S.

Will has cried a couple times in these and I gotta say while I know it changes the vibe drastically, I adore that he feels comfortable enough with y'all and with himself to share those feelings. <3 Mental health is easily the most important thing to me so it's just heartwarming to see someone else find the bubble of people they need and can open up to. And not just Will, a few of you mentioned therapy. I'm super proud of you all, even though I've never met you.

Zahny Guthrie

Darryl "I can fix him" Wilson

Finn kouger

No wonder why people stand when they wipe. They're afraid a snake will jump out at them

Jen Finch (UnseenLibrarian)

Ive been catching up on Talking Dad eps as i listen to season 1 for the third time through. I cried along with Will in this one. You all are incredible humans.

Matthew Morse

I know I’m a little late to comment this, but I think based on Anthony’s description of his stand-up taste I think he would like Mike Birbiglia’s stand-up.


Oh man these John Mulaney praises aged so badly