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Join us as we construct a Coen Brother's-esque crime caper out of thin air in our first ever game of Fiasco! 

Our story, created for the theater of your mind, is called Bingo, and it's about a small town motel and zoo, a Russian bear, and a tangled web of love, lust, intrigue, and betrayal...


Caz Flip Smith

that was a fucking wild story lol

Isaiah Galaviz

Now I want hot pockets lol this was great!

Alexis Nicole

Don't forget about the Two bars of way of Milk

Christopher Pete

Anthony is my favorite hooker holy shit



Jack Stone

This was amazing!

Imo Flores

This is like a movie I love it


This is one of my favorites to listen to, i hope they do this again


I was driving while the siren part went off and I freaked out and I almost pulled over and then I realized no one else was reacting and then there was no police or emergency vehicle. Really funny though.

Kiera Conrad

This is literally one of the funniest fucking things I've ever listened to, I was laughing hysterically essentially the whole time while, like, folding laundry