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The longest episode of Talking Dads yet, where we dive into the thinking and process of the most buckwild episode we've ever recorded, and also talk about uh ANTHONY'S KIDNEY DONATION



Isaac A

They forgot the outro music in this talking dad. Also I knew who Dennis was from the beginning because it got spoiled for me on the subreddit 😭😭


Kudos Anthony! 👏👏👏

Jordan Lemasters

Spotify listener, been going back and listening through all the talking dads. Have to say it’s in very bad taste for Anthony to not want to be helpful to a person who may die just because they have different political beliefs. As inclusive as everyone on the podcast is about minority groups as well as their own political groups, it’s very sad to hear the same inclusivity not be reciprocated to every group. Obligatory I’m not even a trump supporter disclaimer which is dumb that I even have to say that. Let’s just be better? Makes this fun podcast about DND dads on wacky adventures sour, especially when this is my escape from the real world. To have the real world brought in to it makes me nauseous.


He was definitely just joking, also wouldn't be up to him to stop his kidney going to that person even if he did know. It's the same kind of dark humour that everyone on the podcast has and yeah it's not great all the time for everyone ,,that is the kind of jokes they make

Marcel Cabato

Beth May is truly the most gaslighted girlboss

King Humble

"Cheesecake cake pie... has these cultural implications beyond just, like, "Is butt legs?" - Guitar Hero, Freddie Wong (2020)


Not that the average individual *needs* to know this, but O+ blood isn't a universal donation blood type! It can only be donated to those who also have positive blood type (I say as an individual with O- blood typing, who can only get blood from other people with O-).


When I first listened to this episode years ago, I never at any point considered that Ron seeing through Dennis was down to a roll or anything like that. I'd just assumed they did that cause it made the most sense for his character out of all the dads. It's crazy listening to this now and realising just how different it would've been if it had been a different dad who saw through Dennis

Rachael Bradley

I had to go back and relisten to the episode 33 because I totally thought I missed something or that maybe I missed an episode 🤣🤣


Organ donation is so important! Got to have my dad for an extra decade because of someone’s donation! Great job Anthony!

Waylon Hutchinson

Yeah that really, really didn't sit right with me. Like, that's cold blooded, and it didn't sound like a joke at all

Aubry Tucker

Yaaaasssss I've been waiting all day! Thanks!

John Pardue

This'll go nicely with some Elite Dangerous tomorrow. Thanks!


Hey Anthony??? I’m bawling my fucking eyes right now thanks

Emmy Dee

But guys? Is butt legs?

Tycjan Wisniewski

I love Beths consistent return to "Is Butt Legs". Such childlike innocense

Tycjan Wisniewski

Damn it. This Talking Dad made me want to relisten last weeks episode.


put me down for a DILF shirt

Tessa J Crowell

That commodore joke was amazing. Thank you.

Christina M Dawson

Anthony: as someone who only exists only because of an organ donor (mom had a transplant before I was born, she got 19 extra years because of that stranger)- you may not only have saved one life, but created the potential for others. Thank you, whether it’s altruistic or because you want to justify it when you cut lines at the movies or something.

Jesse Meiring

Please let there be a mug that says Dennis on the bottom in the merch later.

Black Mesa Radio

Please call the new debate me coward format "ASMArguments"

Jesse Meiring

Also, I googled about kidney transplants and one of the first results was this if you want ot feel bad about trying to be good: https://jme.bmj.com/content/44/10/681

Tycjan Wisniewski

Okay, I just asked the "Is Butt Legs" question in my household and it sparked a 15 minute debate between a biology and a physics teacher

Austin Baker

I really hope no one who listened to talking dads was confused because you explicitly state in the previous TD "wouldn't it be funny if a dad named Dennis showed up randomly." I immediately knew what was going on and it was the greatest bit I have ever heard on a podcast ESPECIALLY DnD podcasts. Seriously all the character calculus and genius sitcom situations twists and conflicts is really good, I admire and applaud it.

Emily Martin

So glad y’all got a kick out of ‘is butt legs!’ Was stoked to hear you guys laughing about it :)

Gene Leybag

IS BUTT LEGS!? Omg I'm dead haha

Kjersti Chippindale

I'm so glad they shared Anthony's experiencing donating a kidney! In my state you have to initiate the process by calling a transplant center and my phone anxiety had me procrastinating for months. Hearing about Anthony doing it inspired me to take the first step, and now I have an intake appointment scheduled! Thank you Anthony, and thank you the other dads for making him talk about his experience :)

Jordan Slade

My favourite thing about this podcast is hearing more and more about Anthony’s medical history. First the vasectomy and then the kidney donation.

codybwatchin .

Eagerly waiting to buy the DILF tap out shirt

Isaiah Galaviz

Wow I'm blown away hearing about all of the secret stuff that went on during this episode!

Darryl Holiday II

Ellen Hopkins, one of my favorite drama writers, writes these amazing plot twists in her book. Well Identical is about these twin sisters, one who is roudy and headstrong, and one who is mouse-y. Well the book keeps flipping back and forth between them and you see the abuse the one is taking from the father and how the other one helps her out. Well towards the end the roudy one is about to get it on with this new bad boy she met and the timid one's bf busy in and is like "mous-y one's name what are you doing?". You find out that the whole time the brash teen had been dead in a car wreck some years back and the other one, to cope with her problems, had taken on her twin sister's identity. It was crazy good and totally not expected. Closest I've personally seen to a bate and switch type deal.

Carolyn Knudstrup

So how many DnDads fans are also Hank Green fans because... butt is legs

tyler walton

I was working and listening to the podcast so I was 20 minutes in before I realized that something was off and had to restart lol. Totally thought I was listening out of order!


Yes more debate me cowards!

Jordan French

Can there be a stretch goal where Anthony DM's a game for kidney donors in the audience?

Donna Ibale

I would LOVE to know your personal takes on Corba kai - greatest dramatization of strip mall karate place ever.


It was so good! I loved my confusion !


I took a quiz apparently I’m Henry....

Gadi Welfeld

As someone with kidney issues (dont need a transplant thank god, but at one point I was very close), the person who received your donation Anthony doesn't care about your reasons for donating. All they care about is that they get to spend time with the people they love outside of the hospital and not deal with dialysis. You can justify your decision in a million ways but in my honest opinion I think it was a great thing to do.😁 You have changed someone's life.

Gadi Welfeld

One of of my favorite moments in this talking dad, is when Beth asks anthony about the process for donating an organ. Not only because she says that she has a massive schlong, but because she's insinuating that she doesn't get much use out of her mammoth size trouser snake. Only actual saints can look at their gargantuan one eyed monster and say, naaaahhhh, someone else could use this more than me😂😂

Justin Scott

Beth dying laughing about "is butt legs" was so contagious. I could not stop laughing.☠️


Episode 34 honestly had me so confused I had to stop what I was doing, re listen to the last 30min of of 33 and then shouting along with Ron that it's all just not right. Really good episode

Pich Pich

As a French listener I got traumatized and thought I had completely missed Dennis 's intro in the previous episode. I felt like I was mind decaying or something and got back to the beginning, then thought I was just nut and listened hopelessly to the rest, kind of it doesn' t make sense istening to this I don't understand anything. I really felt like Ron. It was weird and kind of hopeless, like, k, this so wrong I don't even begin to understand, but I'll stick with it and go along. Kudos to Ron.

Lauren Boersma

I’m new to the podcast and stared listening in march 2021 on Spotify and I genuinely was so confused and scared that I had missed a ton of episodes or maybe a season with denis. The episode was great but I was just panicking and worried that I missed a plot line at the beginning of the podcast or maybe some episodes had gotten delete or something. Then I went on Reddit and people were saying “just finished the episode and you’ll understand.” So thank goodness for Reddit LOL but this was a great episode! Thank y’all for making it

Zuzanna Bator

I literally had to take a few months off from listening to the podcast because Dennis' introduction had me so mad, I'm really glad I came back tho

Honey Badger

I couldn't stop laughing at "are butts legs?" Beth's laughs is contagious

Sean Gillespie

Wait, Beth thinks she should check herself because she said her fictional characters fictional son had sandy blonde hair? What’s wrong with that?


It's about making a fictional character white by default. Ofc if that's how you specifically want the character to be, there's nothing wrong with that.

Ben Kowal

Raines starring Jeff Goldblum actually had a whole season

Jean-Pierre De Beer

I was actually high first time I heard this episode. So when it came on Dennis was just there, I thought for sure I'd smoked too much until Ron was like "who are you"