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Live reaction to Episode 34! Join us on the Discord in #live-ep-reaction!

For those of you who want to watch on YouTube directly: https://youtu.be/_uEkkxUkWc8 (this is the right link this time!)

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Dungeons and Daddies Ep. 34 Live Listen

Listen along and react live as we listen to Ep. 34!



Yes! I finally get to catch one of these, I'm stoked.


Oh man, stoked for this one. Glad I'm able to catch this one

Shelby Holder

This episode was extremely weird, but enjoyable.

Joshua Smith

Dennissssss? Whatttttt

Ryan Logan

oh boy .what is a dennis .....i feel like this is when your mom introduces her new boyfriend ...

The Overthinker

A new dad has entered the field


There is something deeply spooky about this.

Vonn Frey

wheres Dinise's kid?

Toland Kister

Adding Dennis in was so weird for story I thought I had a stroke

Kaleb Rhodes

I thought I experienced a real time Mandela effect when Dennis started speaking

Jason WillowHammer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 19:02:33 I thought I was hallucinating for the entire time I was listening to Dungeons & Daddies.
2020-06-10 15:35:54 I thought I was hallucinating for the entire time I was listening to Dungeons & Daddies.

I thought I was hallucinating for the entire time I was listening to Dungeons & Daddies.