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We'll be doing a morning edition listen along with Ep. 34 in #live-ep-reaction on our Discord this Tuesday at 10 AM PST!

Need to join the Discord? Click here!  

Here's a handy countdown from the first website I googled that will help you figure out when this is happening!  https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gaming?iso=20200526T10&p0=137&msg=Ep+34+Listening+Party%21&font=slab&csz=1 


Gerhard van der Watt

I love it! Hey google, remind me to listen to Dungeons and Daddies in 17 hours and 30 minutes.


Love the countdown tool, saves me from having to admit defeat and google timezones. I'm just using it to make sure my answer is right, of course.


Have fun, guys! I'll have to sit this one out. 3am is a little early for me. 🙃

Jan van Egmond

Love the update, yet (as a Europian at 3am) I'd still appreciate this update sooner. I do heartily appreciate the dedication you put into this podcast, yet I long to thine true-ifity. O hark, let us hear...

Jan van Egmond

By Pelor, as I wish to be inxiled still, pun be on thee & be Dad-jinx be on many ❤

Aubry Tucker

You're killing me with these early shows.10am for California is noon for Chicago, and I'm not awake until 3pm these days. Ugh.


I will most likely be finishing up a game sadly! Have a blast though everyone!