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We talk about legislating the rules of the Deck of Many Things, loud dad sneezes (and dad toots, obviously), what the dad's favorite chores are, and Freddie comes in hot with his 100% correct opinion about pineapple on pizza.



Aylis J Lind

I am also on team Deep Dish. A new tribe is born. Good job Anthony.

Jenna Holmes

I honestly just don’t like pizza 😂 but pineapple definitely makes it worse


Pineapple 🍍


Oh man 😩 i really feel freddy on that 👃💦😩


What 🤣 do all americans use a sponge when they bath??

Nicholas Bugeja

I hope DJ Super Dave listens to this

Zachary LaRue

The pizza conversation and Freddie’s reasoning is absolutely a real life Seinfeld moment.

Emmy Dee

Beth I also don't like pizza very much, and for me it's not the cheese or the toppings, i just don't really like the red sauce, like marinara. I don't like it and people are so frickin' quick to fight, but I just want to say that I get you.

The Broken Seal

I'm sorry, did he say that deep dish is better than NY pizza?!

Braxton Walden

Dammit! I was gonna make a Better Call Saul character as a lawyer for them lol

Dave Fogelson

Lou Malnatti’s is the best!


100% with Beth on this - pizza as a food is Not Great, but pineapple on pizza is

Maxim Gagnon

I dunno where to put my questions so I’ll put it here. What is each of the dad “one inatimate object they couldn’t live without”

Braxton Walden

Quick! It’s Thanksgiving! What food are each of the Dads bringing? (And who’s house is it at?)

Matthew Dickinson

If you do another spin-off, can Freddy play a female character named Mandy Patinkin?


I have an extremely loud sneeze (and I'm a female). When I sneezed in school everyone would laugh.

Maia Costea

I liked this because it had 66 likes and I'm hoping to see a 69. Also, the episode was great.

Chandler Hines

I totally had to mow my acre of lawn every other weekend from the age of 8-18 and I hated every minute of it. Push mow too :(


The dad sneeze conversation had me laughing so hard 😂 my dad sneezes a minimum of 7 times every time, but I've counted up to 19 before 💀 and theyre earth shatteringly loud for no good reason


I am a woman and I have a loud sneeze. It was so bad in high school that the entire class would stop what they were doing and look at me every time I did sneeze. You could hear it reverberate off the walls. Not even joking.


Loud sneezer here! I WILL NOT BE SILENCED! There is more relief when you submit to the sneeze.

Salem Karr

Beth, I really appreciate the Children's Hour reference!