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We've received some requests for us to integrate the main show into the Patreon RSS feed, so we don't take up two slots on your podcast apps.

Is this what you DESIRE?



Personally I'd be nice, since I use spotify to listen to normal eps but it doesn't send out notifications with new eps.


Please combine the feeds!


Don't really care tbh


Guys,, not to be a dummy but: where can I find and subscribe to this Patreon RSS feed?


I abstain from voting, personally don't care either way.


I listen on Spotify which I don't think does rss feeds so I get my extra content as direct download from patreon


Ultimately it doesn't matter much to me. For my Patreon podcasts with bonus eps including this one, I make individual "stations" in the Apple Podcasts app, add both the public and Patreon feeds, and set it to show all eps and sort by release date, oldest to newest, and then it's almost like having a single feed.


I feel like "no" is going to win only because "yes" is divided into two answers. they should be combined to decide "yes" or "no" first, then the higher of those two would be the winner of the "yes" choices.


Where's the I don't care button 🤔

Tyler Penner

Maybe integrate them by making them a Patreon bonus as early release so Patreon supporters can listen to them before everyone else


Out of curiosity, what is the draw to leaving them as separate feeds? Is there some benefit to that?


Honestly yeah, I’d love it if normal eps were on here mostly because of the notification system 😂 plus, it’d be nice to comment on the episode after listening (e.g. questions for Talking Dads)


I also abstain from voting. I never really get a chance to listen to it right when it is released and the 5 seconds it takes me to open my podcast app is not worth changing things.


keep it separate, but give us some juicy patreon content


Second this suggestion! A couple different podcasts do this with their patreons and it’s a nice little bonus

Martin Benson

I'd like to be able to comment under episodes too and possibly leave questions for Talking Dad!

Christopher Lefevre

I would love to have them in the same feed, as it's jarring to go back and forth between the two feeds. I'm currently re-listening to all of the episodes as I joined patreon recently and it's awkward to bounce between them. If they were in one feed I could simply hit play and not have to do anything, it would just play in order. As for it being backfilled or not, I have no preference, but really "No" is always going to be bigger than 2x "Yes" entries in the poll.

Cristianna Formeller

Pleeease combine feeds! I don’t care if it’s from now on or if you integrate the backlog


I'm in the boat of, I didn't even know I could hook up Patreon things into my podcast app! 🤦🏼‍♀️ But I do like keeping things separate so I know what's "free" and what I'm supporting. 😬


Holy poop I had no idea there was a patron rss feed! I've been downloading Talking Dads episodes individually and porting them to PocketCasts manually...


It definitely means listening stats and upkeep are simpler for the creators. From a listener perspective, I like having them separate because my app has different settings for the two. I boost voices and shorten silence on the bonus episodes because they aren't edited for dramatic timing, but I keep the main episodes as-is.

Austin Baker

I like when I see a notification from yall from patreon it's for something cool that only I can see

Benjamin Rosenberger

I don't even get what this means haha. I listen to the show on Sticher, but I might switch back to Spotify now that I got a subscription with my Google Home haha. I've never used an RSS feed, tbh.


I'd say only add them if there's something different about the Patreon versions. (For example, some shows have ad-free versions for backers.)


What tier will get Mountain of Dadness?


I like things separate, the only exception potentially being with the bonus Patreon stuff that fits in with the narrative (like the BDSM episode). If you DO combine them, maybe preface Patreon content differently to regular episodes in the title, just so it doesn't mess things up for folks who sort things alphabetically in whatever apps or software they're using. Whatever you guys choose, keep it consistent, it's confusing for those who might be listening retrospectively if things change part way through a season.


If separate feeds does win out, can we get some different album art for the Patreon feed so it's easier to tell them apart?

Doug Layne Anderson

All in one feed is just simpler and cleaner. Obviously there would be some kind of preface in the title like "Talking Dad: Ep.xx" so I don't see any confusion with what is "paid" content and what is not. You could even go so far as to put "Patreon" at the front of those episode titles, but I think that is totally unnecessary. I also don't see any added benefit to keeping things separate.

Sam Arcangel

The reason I like them separate is that it makes it easier to find bonus content in a feed uncluttered by regular episodes

Kyle Farrand

I’d like them together for the sake of continuity, but I want them separate for the benefit of the podcast. I don’t want the primary podcast to suddenly “lose” 2,000 listeners because we all switched over to the Patreon feed. I’d rather listen to the main content in a public podcast feed to help boost the shows ratings and hopefully that helps new people find it.