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Happy New Year!

In spite of the trials and tribulations last month, we're coming at you with the longest build since the original release! Thank you all again for supporting Santa Lucia, and I can't wait to hear what you guys think of the new content!

Expect at least another half hour minimum of game time for both Bryan and Carlos's routes (Nate's is still in progress). Half a dozen new songs have been added to the game, too, to spice up the dance party sequence. We're also testing out a new system for selecting which character you want to spend time with, so any feedback on that aspect would be greatly appreciated! Lastly, Dev completed the unfinished CG from last build, so if you're interested consider rolling back to a previous save and doing the placement test sequence again!

Happy New Year again, and welcome to 2020! See you all soon!
~ Dzahn & Dev







For some reason this build won't work on my computer! It launches fine but it just stays on the first boot up screen "note this game will restart itself several times during first time setup." But does nothing for over an hour. :(


OH MY GOD!! That Chris CG... Dev, you're art is so amazingly good! Cross is going to die when he sees this. The download is almost done, I can't wait to play!


You can always try the android version. So far there, of course, is no nsfw.... Which means you can play it on a small screen. I do it anyway.


This hasn't been reported by anyone else, and we haven't been able to reproduce it on our side. Have you tried uninstalling and removing the folder, and reinstalling in a different location? That might do the trick, hopefully.


I fixed it, sorry for not updating, it just randomly began working after I uninstalled and reinstalled a few times, no issues after that. x)