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Heya everyone!

After observing patterns in the community and discussing the topic of piracy with some of the other VN creators, we've come to the decision that starting next month we will be activating Patreon's "Charge Up Front" system.

What's been happening for other VN projects is an exploitation of a Patreon loophole. Without "CUF", users have been able to "pledge" an amount and gain access to posts relevant to their tier, then cancel right before charges would happen. This has resulted in many VNs having their exclusive content and builds leaked, which is ideally something we'd like to prevent because if the content you're supporting us for is out there for everyone, it harshly devalues your patronage. That's not fair to you, and it's not fair to us, so we believe this will be the best course of action moving forward, especially since our next post in a couple days will be the new Patron build of Santa Lucia.

For all our current Patrons, this shouldn't change anything, you will still be charged on the 1st of the month, which are the days we plan to release new builds for Santa Lucia. However, keep in mind that if you decide to increase your pledge amount, you will be charged the difference.

For new Patrons, it's important to note you will be charged the day you pledge to us AND also on the 1st of the month. So for example, if you pledge $3 on the 25th of November, you will be charged then and you will ALSO be charged again on December 1st. Hope this clears up any confusion and potential misconceptions.

Thank you for understanding why this is necessary! The system will be activated shortly after Build 2 is released.



Damn... sorry to hear this happened to you guys!! I hope that things will go better for you with the charge upfront system. Its sad to think that people would abuse the paymemt system and leak your hard work like that. I wish you all the best and hope you will get all the love and support for your projects that you deserve~