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Heya everyone!

Thank you so much for showing us incredible support this close to the project's launch! One of Santa Lucia's big selling points is its completely hand-crafted soundtrack, so I'd like to give all of you the chance to dig into what we have so you can take the music with you! The folder will be updated periodically as Santa Lucia continues to grow, so either check back often or wait for more Patreon notifications!

I'm sharing through the MEGA service. You'll all be messaged a key to get into the folder soon after this post goes live. Consider bookmarking the page so you don't have to re-enter the key again. If you're coming across this post later and are a Junior or higher supporter, please message me on Patreon and I'll send you the key as well!

Thank you again for believing in our project! You don't know how much this means to me and Devilizer!






Wow these are some amazing songs!! Love e'm~ Thank you for giving us this opportunity to listen to the song whenever we want, you guys are aweasom!~


This soundtrack is literally making my work go at double speed. It's amazing! I really love the ethereal atmosphere the songs give. I'll be looking forward to the moments where each of them plays!