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Wanted to do whole thing where they take turns but I really need to get cracking on with more Christmas stuff cause its been on pause for a couple of days.




You can do that still just work on the Christmas first then then this one


I probably will do home invasion 2 like you said just i like to finish a project when i start it lol, we'll see what happens


You take your time and you do your best your an animator and you do your best to provide for us keep it up and I’m sorry for the bad news I had same situation only they were my birth parents tore me apart but I lived thru


Sorry to hear you've gone through it too, its really tough the first time around i would say it gets easier but you shouldn't have to go through it a second time but life's just too unpredictable


I hear ya just be strong you can do your best

Dragon Ranger

Even if they didn’t take turns you have no idea how happy it makes me to see Buttons Mom, thank you Vinyl.


Take your time Vinyl. We can wait until you feel better, Even if its mean postponing the Special. we will understand.


call me a rapist but this concept is hot af (probably why the shy x villains animation is one of my faves)