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Hey guys so i know some people have been asking where the usual uploads have been cause the maximum waiting time is around 3 days for another animation or WIP and whilst I have been really busy working on the christmas special things in my personal life are pretty rocky right now and things potentially could get worse down the line but the animations wont stop but i like to keep you guys informed on everything that's going on

I don't normally want to write anything like this but just in case things go as bad as we think it could you guys are at the very least informed about whats going on because without you all, i wouldn't be in such an amazing place right now.

So today my step mom and dad split up for whatever reason i guess the two of them just weren't happy with each other that's just how relationships go but thing is my dads really stressed that he's gonna lose the house now that my step-mom is going to be moving out. I don't live with my dad but i might have to move back in with him so i can be there to support him through this rocky time. 

I really wish that was all that going on but my dads not doing too well, he's not eating or sleeping and is getting sick more and more and he's losing weight quite quickly, the loss of weight is also extremely worrying because my dad is a bodybuilder and has been one for over 30 years so for him to suddenly start losing weight is a real concern. He's starting to stress out that he has pancreatic cancer because a google search told him that rapid weight loss is one of the symptoms. Now I'm sure all of you aware that google has a reputation for passing the death sentence over anyone with the common cold but my dad's not too computer savvy nor does he have much experience with internet culture so its safe to say that he's quite freaked out cause in his mind he's probably wondering if he really does have only 12 weeks to live. He is going to get test's done on Tuesday to figure out whats wrong but i know he's going to be stressing out the entire time which is not going to help him at all. 

My dad has always been one to stress over absolutely everything so its not out of the ordinary for him to be run down at times but like i said the rapid weight loss is a real concern, it could be from not eating and I really do hope that's all it is but even I'm starting to get a little worried. I like to remain optimistic though im sure its just cause he's run down and emotions are running at an all time high again that its not doing him any favors. If nothing more comes out of my dads health and it just turns out he was run down then i'll let you know in an upload but of course if it does turn out to be something serious I might be a little slower with productions for obvious reasons.

 BUT KEEP YOUR CHIN UP THOUGH there's a 9/10 my dad's wrong he just always thinks of the worst case scenario and just goes with that and often times he's wrong so i wouldn't worry too much. Thank you all for reading this you all mean the world to me and I'll see you all soon with another upload very soon ;)


Nicholas Navea

The lives of you and your loved ones come first, take as much time as you need to help your dad.


Thank you I promise to work as hard as i can in both regards, might get a little burned out though but its nothing a little gaming and a long shower can't fix lol


Family always comes first. Sure we love the work you put out for us but you only have your dad for a certain amount of time. So if you need time off then take it we can wait. Wish you and your father the best.


Thank you like i said though he's probably just thinking of the worst case scenario i think he's told me we're on the brink of WW3 three times now lol




Family is more important and I do hope he is wrong about that too.

Dragon Ranger

Family should always be top priority, without them, where would we be, I’ll be praying for you Vinyl, you’ll get through this, and I’m behind you 110%

Midnight Sparkle

I hope everything will be okay for you and your dad.

Prince Young

Don't let us hold you up, man. Take care of your loved ones. I'm plenty patience.


Whatever makes you feel better Vinyl. You have our support. WE hope that you and your Dad feel better.


I hope you and your family will get through it just fine Vinyl, I pray that your family can make it🙏