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Sup y'all, Johnny here with another devblog.

Today, I'd like to discuss some upcoming content integrations into the game, including those already added and those currently in progress. Firstly, we bid farewell to the Luna "inspect body" Chibi images, replacing them with a fully CG scene. This scene will feature various poses and an additional secondary CG as a bonus. Currently, I'm working on posing this scene, which involves a total of 5 events, demanding my full attention but promising a rewarding outcome.

Another addition is the "masturbate for me" favour, where Genie tests Luna's knowledge by evaluating her acquired knowledge. Players can even grade her performance. Furthermore, the Hermione "Cumslut" public request rework has been implemented. I'm delighted with the outcome, as it overcomes previous limitations, such as missed return events and restricted Tier 5 exclusivity. The revamped version ensures all events are accessible, with three events on Tier 5 and four events on Tier 6. Both tiers now include unique intros based on the favour's initiation timing, and the evening return events have been significantly improved and expanded.

Additionally, I've introduced new nicknames for Luna in the upcoming content and added missing nickname chats for Hermione.

Regarding personal updates, I rediscovered my passion for gaming during the Christmas break and have continued playing on weekends. I've revisited the Mass Effect series, only completing half of the second game earlier. I must say, it's been challenging to put it down. Each game offers something new and engaging. I enjoyed the planetary driving mechanics in the first game, while the second game captivated me with its compelling characters, intriguing storyline, and well-crafted quests. Currently, I'm playing through Mass Effect 3, but haven't fully formed an opinion yet. However, I find the gunplay in this instalment to be the most enjoyable among the three games.


Bill Kurtis

Mass Effect 3 was certainly a case of peaks and valleys. Let us know your final thoughts when you get there. ME3 suffered most from EA acquisition; ME2 mostly benefited from the increased budget while they were already well into production so negative side effects were limited.


Love the additional development on the Luna task images, always nice getting the full experience even though the chibi images are still good. On a side note, are there any plans for more development on the Tonks personal requests? Maybe I've missed it in an update, it's been a bit since I've done a full playthrough, but it's always something I've wondered why it's never had any development on.