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I find myself answering the same questions over and over again as new people see my work or some simply miss the times I answer, so here are the most commonly asked questions I get in no particular order!

Q: Are you making a Webcomic?

A: Yes! I don’t want to announce the release date until I know for sure I am ready, but I have been planning one for a while now! It will come out â€˜soon.’

Q: Why can’t Clara just move closer south to be with Kree?

A: My story is about long-distance relationships. There are many reasons why Clara can’t move further south which will make themselves clear in the comic... but what I want you to know more is that Clara and Kree will ALWAYS be apart from each other now and then. It’s the story I want to tell.

Q: How tall are Kree and Clara? How tall are harpies usually?

A: Kree is 5ft8, Clara is 5ft3, and Laurel as an adult is over 6ft. Harpy females are usually about 7ft tall while males tend to be 6ft something. Kree is smaller because he was born a runt.

Q: How old are Kree and Clara? How long do harpies live? Will Kree outlive her?

A: Clara is 23 and Kree is 38 when they meet for the first time. Harpies at most can live up to 200 years (keep in mind this is like a human living to 100, not common but possible). So, yes, Kree will outlive Clara...but I haven’t figured out how long...

Q: Will Kree find a new mate after Clara dies?

A: Harpies mate for life. If they have spent a significant amount of time with their mate before their death, most harpies would not be interested in finding another. Kree is no different.

Q: Has Kree had a mate before Clara?

A: Not a mate but he has had a previous lover. You will meet him in the comic at some point!

Q: Does Kree ever hurt Clara with his talons? Has he ever trimmed/dulled them?

A: Kree accidentally hurts Clara often and feels bad every time, but no he doesn’t trim his talons. Not only are they important for self-defense and hunting for food, but they’re also important for how he uses his hands! To cut them off would be similar to taking off two knuckles from your fingers.

Q: Does Kree have...a cloaca?

A: Go through my Patreon and find out! 😈

Q: Do female harpies lay eggs?

A: They do! About 1-5 eggs every year. If a harpy female has too many or know a mlm harpy couple who want children, often eggs will get adopted by new parents!

Q: Did Clara lay an egg to have Laurel? Did it hurt?

A: Sorry to disappoint but no Clara did not lay an egg. It was a live birth that was about as painful as anyone’s natural birth! Laurel did not develop talons yet and her wings were small so it would’ve been similar to birthing a child with an extra pair of arms!

Q: Was Kree around for the birth?

A: Yes! Clara found out she was pregnant right after Kree headed south for the winter. When he came back, Clara was about 5 months pregnant already! He was there for the birth and was very nervous the entire time.

Q: Why is Laurel not able to fly as an adult? Will she ever regain the ability?

A: This might change with ideas I have in my head, but right now my explanation is that Laurel didn’t have enough magia in her food as a teenager. By being malnourished, she is unable to properly develop her harpy traits ie. wingspan, talons, and height.

Q: Did Laurel ever go south with Kree?

A: A few times when she’s able to fly and somewhat protect herself! But the south is not very friendly and she feels bad leaving her mother behind all alone. The specific situation might change as the comic unfolds.


Ella R. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-30 03:34:43 not a question but i finally bought your pateron today and ive been watching klera for two years now :3 <3
2023-04-25 03:43:17 not a question but i finally bought your pateron today and ive been watching klera for two years now :3 <3

not a question but i finally bought your pateron today and ive been watching klera for two years now :3 <3


Holy fuck I'm the same height as Kree

Jon Dalbon

I’m the same height as Clara! I’ve got another question for you lol. How wide is Kree’s wingspan?


Oh thats a good question, I'm not sure!! His wings change a lot based on the composition of what I'm drawing 😅 The most I know is that his upper wings are definitely wider than his height!


Thank you for posting these all in one place!! 💕


To add to your questions. What happens if Kree completely stops eating magia? If laurel is under developed because of not having enough would he being full harpy mean he just dies? Another another question but more of an opinion; would we see the birth? If not “see” what I’m mainly interested in seeing Kree just panicking


Kree would die without magia in less than a month without any in his system! Hed be sick and suffering long before the death though. The birth will happen in the comic (but not for a looong loong time)!
