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It's been a while since I posted the images I used in one of my tiktoks so here's an old one going through Laurel's childhood! I made this tiktok literally one day after deciding that Laurel exists and I'm pretty sure it's actually my favorite tiktok I've put out so far!
Feel free to ask questions about Laurel down below! (Helps me with future comic plans heheh)




How different was Clara’s pregnancy and birth to that of a normal one?


When Kree goes south for winter, does Laurel ever fight to go with him once she loses her ability to fly?


I've never been pregnant so I don't know too many details but at least physically, the pregnancy was very similar to a human one. (ie no egg, essentially a 9 month pregnancy, all that jazz) Although Clara might have gotten cravings for mice and other such bird foods. 😂


I'm gonna cry I love them so much


Losing the ability to fly was a very rough time for Laurel. After the denial wears off she becomes very insecure at the thought of trying to fly and having it fail. The idea of asking to go south and not even being able to support herself during it is an embarrassment she could not handle.

Jon Dalbon

Did Laurel wonder if her parents would have another kid or was she content with being an only child?


They told her early on how hard it was to have her and that it wasn't likely she'd have siblings, but as an only child myself I can say with confidence I've never really wanted a sibling 😂 You get all the good stuff and don't have to share.

Jon Dalbon

Okay! I wish I could relate lol Another question. When did Laurel realize she was gay?


As a kid she was always kinda weirded out by straight behavior and didn't understand what was so great about men. She manages to have a female friend as a child and doesn't realize then that she has a crush. As she gets older and starts heading into the art world of human society she tries to be with men but it's just not for her. The first time she gets with a female artist is when she truly realizes there's no other way to live for her. (This first woman was not Penny! Laurel and Penny find each other after Laurel is comfortable in her sexuality)


If laurel were to go south would she regain her ability to fly? Or has it been gone too long? (Also later in her adult life would she consider trying?) sorry 3 questions in one.


I kind of want to keep it a bit of a mystery whether or not she could've grown her wings with more magia or if it's just a byproduct of being a half-breed. The only thing I know for sure is even if she went south to try as an adult, her wings would NOT grow. She missed her chance if she even had one in the first place.




Does Laurel meet others like her? How do the other... bird folk (I forgot what they're called, so sorry!) react to her being half human?


She never meets another half harpy, but she does meet full harpies! The ones that get to know her properly like her a bit but for the most part most dislike that she exists. (Harpies are heavily hunted by humans so they have a big prejudice) Child harpies are less harsh but even they tease her for the way she looks and how shes not as strong or fast as them.


So precious!!! What’s laurel’s first word?? Is it a human word or is it a little harpy garble?? Love your work!!


I love this so much 🥺 Unrelated kinda but you need to do a tik tok if Kree and little Laurel talking in harpy gargle but use the sound of those two parrots talking and squealing 😂


If you don’t mind me asking:) after laurel was born, did kree and Clara ever try for a second child? If not did they have to use some sort of protection or was it just sort of a rare event/miracle that laurel was conceived? Absolutely adore all your works btw !!<3


They "try" in the sense they keep having unprotected sex, but it took 10 years to have Laurel because Clara and Kree's biology dont match up well. So Laurel stays an only child and theyre happy enough having her!


did she lose her ability to fly because her wings could no longer support her body as she got bigger? i can’t seem to find the post that explains it eheh


Why are they crying? 🥺


Around that time in her life, Laurel stops being able to fly and starts becoming a bit self-destructive. They're crying because they're talking about Laurel's issues.