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alright, here it is, as promised.

I actually had planned to finish this one yesterday, but couldn't. And, you know, sometimes I get so excited to work on something that I go to bed thinking "can't wait to wake up tomorrow to finish the work god why do we have to sleep every night". Well, lucky for me my fuckin' cat (love my boy) decided that he didn't really feel like sleeping tonight so he woke me up at 5:30 a.m. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. :)

As for the process, I started noticing one thing lately. It's become a typical thing of sorts for me to sketch something thinking that it's going to be a relatively simple piece without too much details, with a focus purely on the character(s) and some simple background. And then as it keeps going I find myself in the middle of this absolute chaos of layers, references, overpainted details and things keep piling up. Why am I like this. But also, man, am I satisfied with the result.

Hope you all will enjoy it too!
