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[commission for Babs]

I know it sounds a bit stupid coming from a person who draws lewds on a daily basis, but I thought that the initial up-skirt version was a bit too voyeuristic so I decided to make a safer version to later post on my sfw social media. I find this type of pin-up-ish style the hardest to find the right degree of cheekiness in. At least when I draw something very much in your face it's an easier task to justify the gaze. :P Aaaaanyway you guys have a chance to see both variations!




Wow phenomenal work Dima! (Are there any alternate versions by chance? 👀👀)


i guess it was you asking me this question on tumblr, but yeah, as i said, this is all there is. thank you tho! :)


the glowing eyes were a specific request from the commissioner, and hey i think i pulled it off :) thank you!