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It's hard to believe that in all this time I've never drawn Disney's version of Zeus. Well, it would be except that I've always taken issue with how they designed his hair. Enough so that I never quite wanted to draw him. So I softened it a little and am much happier with the result! If you're wondering who I've paired the old horndog with - this is Ganymede, the beautiful young man Zeus became enamored with and brought to Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods and given god status. A real shame that every modern depiction of Zeus makes him seem only straight when he famously loved all genders and more! XD 




Ganymede is the ancient name for Aquarius in Greek mythology. From his cup he poured the nectar of the gods. And we all know that we are currently entering the Age of Aquarius. So...


You really fixed Zeus! Amazing job. Love it!


It's usually tiny little tweaks that make all the difference with certain designs for me! :P

Tyler Redican

I bet daddy Zeus ‘s cannon has a kick back like you wouldn’t believe