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After they were shut down at the hands of Megaman X, Wheel Gator and Flame Stag were eventually repaired, and the Sigma virus purged from their new systems. They still retained their memories of their battles, but they no longer wanted to go maverick. Instead they redoubled their attentions on mankind and reploids. With a newly invigorated want to understand the people they were rebuilt to protect and aid, the former mavericks had certain 'upgrades' installed into their bodies: Upgrades that would allow them to share more human experiences ranging from emotional to physical. The physical upgrade package allows penetrative sex, nerve bundles, and a semen facsimile that was filled with nanites to stimulate core systems in new and exciting ways. Neither Flame Stag nor Wheel Gator expected the emotion modules to affect them so deeply either, but during their first test run of the sexual modifications, they realized it was each other who they would now fight to protect.

(I love big, hot robots, what can I say?)




I always loved the ones from megaman zero

Bryan Whiteman

Hot robots? Stay classy D.B.


Well, the original Human Torch was an android, so hot robots have been a thing for over eighty years. You're keeping a long tradition alive.

Captain Czar

I appreciate these upgrades, DB


(You talk about big hot robots all that your want!)


Yessir! Although the number of likes on this post suggest I do so very sparingly. Oh well 😅

Roque (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 13:31:58 It's why I'm a sucker for Slash Beast and Blizzard Wolfang <3
2021-11-17 03:21:49 It's why I'm a sucker for Slash Beast and Blizzard Wolfang <3

It's why I'm a sucker for Slash Beast and Blizzard Wolfang <3


This is a very romantic pair.