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The Chieftain’s Tent, 

Written by Dudebulge

We had been victorious that day. It was hardly surprising mind you. The Romans, while superior perhaps in weaponry, did not know these lands as we did, and certainly did not know our leader, Chieftain Feargal. His name means ‘valiant man’ and I could think of nothing more fitting for he was indeed the most valorous soldier I’d ever known. He was a bear of a man, standing over two meters tall, his body though in its fifties, was built like skin taut over slabs of stone. Green tattoos swirled across his powerful form. He was the very image of a mighty Celtic warrior. He wore scars from many battles, some were sure to prove fatal when he earned them but somehow that stubborn man refused to die. He was our chieftain and we, all of us, every last man would follow him into the jaws of the Oilliphéist if he but nodded his head in the direction.

As I’ve said, we had won our battle of the day, fighting in our way: Like men unleashed upon an ill-prepared adversary, sure of our own strength and the men beside us. We took our shields, swords and spears onto the battlefield and little else save for the torcs we each wore around our necks. The frightened looks on the faces of the Roman legion in front of us was reason enough to be stripped to our skins on the field, but it was more than that. We could fight, unencumbered by heavy armor, and if I’m being honest, the sight of my friends and comrades, muscular, bare and excited for the coming fight was truly invigorating.

We had lost some of our number, it was to be expected of course, and we would soon take the time to mourn them. But overall the day was ours, a well-fought victory and Feargal had allowed us to drink and be merry for we had indeed earned it! A river which flowed nearby had given us an opportunity to wash ourselves of the blood and sweat which clung to our skin. After bathing we began to return to our camp. The following day we would break down our tents, load up the wagons and journey onward to a new place, people in need of a shield, perhaps in need of a hammer and again we would fight. But that was still to come. Tonight was cause for celebration! Many of my fellow warriors had clothed themselves as the night air grew cool, found a place to sit on the grass around a roaring fire and were sharing a drink. Some were already seeking to lay with their friends, either in tents or the more brazen among them-out in the open for anyone to see. Of course I too enjoyed the company of men, indeed preferred it to being with women but for whatever reason, nay for many reasons, I had become enamored with only one member of my company. And so it was that while my companions made the most of their evening amongst themselves, I found myself stealing away to approach Chief Feargal’s tent.

It stood apart from the rest, atop a slight hill and as I neared the flap which served as its door I peered inside. He might be otherwise engaged, and I didn’t want to intrude. A torch was lit, and next to that was a table covered in maps. Feargal himself was looking these over in the light of the fire, his heavy green cloak draped over his right shoulder, but beyond that he had not bothered to clothe himself since the river. As he leaned his hulking frame over the table his rear end pushed back and I audibly sighed. Ever since joining his army and entering the field of battle, I had placed myself behind him. I felt important knowing I had his back and, when not clashing swords with an enemy, the best view in all of the isles. I had pulled on a pair of breeches for warmth, but they suddenly began to feel tighter as I looked in on the chieftain. I wanted to go in and speak with him, offer myself as his companion for the evening-he was alone after all, but despite my feelings for him the man made me quake in place, and sweat began to bead across my brow. I was quickly becoming a seasoned warrior under his watchful eye, but my bravery when it came to speaking with the man was not on par.

Still, observing him like this, quietly, under darkness of night I couldn’t help myself. I briefly glanced about to make sure I was alone and then undid the rope at my waist and tugged the leather down to my thighs, allowing my erection to swing out. A moment later my hand was sliding over the length and I started to feel that wonderful build in my testicles. Inside the tent, only a few meters away my chieftain stood, his powerful back and arse in plain sight and bringing me closer to what would be a spectacular clima--

“Oy there, Colm!”

Shit! It was Aodh, another soldier, perhaps fifteen years older than me with a fiery face of red hair. Apparently he had also come up to see Feargal, though I doubted for the same reason I had. I was so preoccupied I hadn’t maintained a vigil on my surroundings!

“Oh, Aodh, and Niall I see! Er, have ye need of the chieftain?” I sputtered, quickly working to tuck my manhood away, praying they hadn’t seen what I was doing.

Niall, a close friend of Aodh and in fact Feargal’s oldest son gave me a wide grin. He was a round, yellow-bearded warrior with a bearskin slung about his shoulders and a few years my senior. Both were still nude from the river, although this was typical for them, regardless of circumstance.

“Were ye havin’ a tug?” He asked.

“Of course not! I was just finishin’ a piss is all!”

“Right beside our chieftain's tent? That’s rather insultin’, lad!” Said Aodh.

“Bit too much ta drink I suppose.” I offered.

“And a bit too hard ta piss from what I saw.” Said Niall. “Grab his arms, let’s have a look!”

Because I was still fidgeting with my breeches, Aodh was able to grab me easily from behind while Niall bent down to tug my pants to my ankles.

“H-hey now lads, that’s enough!” I cried out.

“And he’s still hard! Ha!” Laughed the chieftain’s son after exposing me again.

I felt my face go quite red and was grateful for the low light.

“Colm, really now,” Said Aodh. “Havin’ a gander’ at Feargal like that, have ye no shame?”

“I wasn’t!” I protested.

The men laughed.

“Well we’ve caught ourselves a spy in our midst, it’s only right we inform the old man!” Niall said as he grabbed me by the ankles. With Aodh’s help they easily lifted me into the air.

“Enough, put me down, stop!” I was now shouting in earnest, but my fate was sealed. They were both bigger than I was, and excited by their new game. There was no chance of my escape.

They pushed through the tent flap and into the torch-lit chamber beyond. Of course our raised voices had alerted Chieftain Feargal to the commotion and he has turned around now, heavy hands resting on his hips. His bare front caused me to blush again, I could feel it, but I couldn’t look away. His body was my most favored view.

“What’s all this then, lads?” He asked. If he was surprised, or confused about the situation, his facial expression gave away nothing, remaining stoic and unreadable.

“Found a damned spy jus’ outside, likely plottin’ somethin’!” Said Niall as he let go of my ankles. My feet, with my pants still wrapped around them, swung to the grass below. By this time of course my erection was mostly gone.

“Seems that ye were his, ah, intended target tonight, Chief.” Said Aodh, who flashed me a grin.

I looked back at him with daggers in my eyes and he just chuckled.

“Colm? What do they mean by this?” Asked Feargal.

He, he knew my name? I honestly had never heard him say it out loud before. I opened my mouth to speak, but Niall cut me off.

“He was havin’ a peak in at ya, cock in hand, completely lost in his wank! Haha!” Niall laughed, his ample belly shaking.

I was positively ruined. My mouth had gone completely dry.

At that point Aodh gave me a slight shove forward, and because of my bound ankles I immediately tripped over to my hands and knees in front of the chief.

“I have strategies to go over tonight, don’t make sport of the poor lad!” Feargal said, looking past me at the other two soldiers.

“Oh come on, Da! We’re only havin’ a bit o’ fun!” Niall said. “And besides, when was the last time ye took yer own advice and made merry with some o’ the men, eh?”

At that the chief went quite red in the cheeks himself and his brows furrowed. “There’s more to be concerned with than wettin’ yer cock, son! I certainly have more pressin’ concerns this night.”

Niall rolled his eyes at his father’s words. “The lad’s about ready ta pop for ye, old man. Give ‘im what he wants already. Put ‘im out o’ his misery!”

“Hmph. Was there some other reason ye came to me tent tonight?” Feargal asked with a growl.

“Was gonna see if ye wanted to come down and at least share a drink with the men, but maybe ye’d favor some time spent with this boyo, aye?”

“Yer old man can take care o’ himself in that department, and make no mistake!”

Niall scoffed. “The way ye been pourin’ o’er those maps, I’m not so sure anymore! Can’t even remember the last time ye gave a good poundin’ I bet! Anyway, we’ll leave ye to it. Come on, Aodh, it’s time we got to celebratin’, ourselves!”

The big blonde soldier gave his friend a mighty slap on his exposed rear end, causing the man to tense up and then break into a lewd grin.

“Sorry fer interruptin, Sir. And ye both have a good night.” Said Aodh and the men turned to leave, Niall’s hand now firmly gripping the arse cheek he slapped.

Feargal said nothing more as the two ducked out of the tent. He looked down at me after a few moments. A scowl obvious even under his thick, greying mustache.

“Get up, lad, ye don’t need to stay crawlin’ about like that.”

I nodded and got to my feet, reaching back down to haul up my pants. Well, I was about as embarrassed as I could possibly be but, at least my tormentors had gone.

“Sorry, about all this.” I said lamely.

“Nah, it’s me who should apologize fer me eejit son.” He said and sighed.

“I think he was jus’ tryin’ ta look out fer his da, in his way.” I offered.

The large fellow looked me over, tipping his head gently to one side. “What they said though, is that true?”

“Uh, I’m not a spy, I promise.” I said and the older man gave a small laugh at my joke.

“I know that, Colm. Ye’ve been at me side through enough ta know yer one o’ the good ones.”

“Th-thank you, Sir.”

“Nah, I’m curious about the other thing they mentioned.”

I thought about lying, protesting, but, ah drag it all. “I was more than a wee bit worked up earlier, and needed some release, like most o' the men are probably gettin’ tonight.” I said.

He nodded. “Why aren’t ye with any o’ the other men then?”

Again I fidgeted with the rope around my waist. This time I finally succeeded in tying it.

“Laddie?” He pressed.

“I jus’, I don’t think o’ them quite the same way… that I think about ye.” I said. My heart beat thudded hard within my breast at the admission. This was the first time the chieftain and I had shared a conversation, just the two of us, and already I was professing long-held feelings. Maybe I was braver than I thought?

He raised a golden eyebrow. “Ye fancy an old man like me? Handsome fella like ye... should have yer pick among the lads.”

That sounded an awful lot like a compliment to me.

“Chief Feargal, I know there’s some years between us but… I can’t help how I feel. Felt this way fer awhile now. Of course I’ve been with other men but, I really jus’ want ta be with ye. I hope that’s alright ta admit.”

He was silent for a time, before finally saying. “More than alright.”

“Anyway, I should… probably go then.” I said and began to take a step backwards.

“Ye can stay, if ye like.”

“Er, ye mentioned ye had a lot ta take care of tonight, I thought?”

The big man shrugged. “Nothin’ that can’t wait ‘til mornin.’”

“So then?”

“Ye wanted to be with me, aye?”

“Aye, more than anythin.’”

“Then get yer breeches off and show me.”

I had just gotten the damn things tied properly, but you can bet at his words they were all but torn away from my body.

“Come ‘ere, lad.”

He was half a head taller than me, broader across the shoulders and body so when he wrapped me up in his arms it was just as warm and comforting as I had even dreamed it would be. I could feel the fur that covered his chest and belly against me, and without any convincing, both of us began to chub up. He held the back of my head in one of his grand paws and tipped it back so he could cover my mouth with his. I closed my eyes while the chief pushed in his tongue, lapping around, insistent, needy.

I sucked it in return, and began to thrust my hips against him, my cock poking between his massive thighs, under his hot and heavy balls. I groaned, and he made a similar sound back. We kissed this way for several minutes, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies, exploring. When mine got to his arse they lingered there, grabbing each hairy, muscular orb of meat and kneading them. He returned the affection in kind, though it was gentler than I expected.

At last he broke off the kiss and looked down at me. His bright emerald eyes, though I was used to seeing them fierce and focused most times were full of lust. Eyes of man with a powerful need.

“What do ye want of me?” He asked.

He wanted me to take the lead? I was certainly surprised, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“I have ta taste ye.” I said.

He lead us over to the pile of animal furs that were his bed and laid down on his back.

“I want ta taste ye as well. Flip around, let’s both have what we want.”

Occasionally, when we marched into battle, the excitement of it all, the thrill in the air… sometimes I had been lucky enough to see Chief Feargal’s engorged cock leading the rest of us, and it often elicited the same response from his men. But I had never been this near to it before, close enough to smell the unmistakable and wonderful male scent from him. For a man his age, no, for a man of any age it was a damned impressive sight. It towered above his gold and grey pubic bush, a thick vein running its length, the hood partially pulled back revealing a reddish knob near the size of a plum. My mouth watered.

“Ye goin’ ta stare at the thing all night, lad?”

“Can ye blame me?”

The man laughed. “Ye’ve got a beautiful cock yerself, Colm, but I certainly won’t be satisfied with jus’ a look!”

He pulled me onto his body so we were more top to tail, with our mouths hovering near the other’s maleness. With that done he opened his gob wide and I sank into his throat. I gasped while it happened. He was practiced in this art, clearly. At the same time he rotated his hips to push his cock up through my grip, directing it to my waiting mouth. I didn’t need more invitation than that. My tongue ran over his spongy, leaking head and under the foreskin. It swam under the soft skin, collecting every flavor before I descended further down. He moaned, deep in his gullet, which sent vibrations through my cock as he sucked it even further down. Sadly I wouldn’t be able to give the chief the same sensations. He was so thick, I had to satisfy myself with getting about half of it into my mouth. Still, it was easy to tell he appreciated all the attention it was getting, and the early sex fluids which leaked out of it, threatening to drown me, were further testament to that.

He pulled my cock from his mouth long enough to ask me a question.

“Give me balls some attention, won’t ye, laddie? I’ve always loved that.”

Without a word I sucked my way down the side of his throbbing manhood to those massive, round and fuzzy nuts that were pushed up by his thighs. I inhaled deeply, the concentrated scent of the man much more powerful here and felt dizzy. For as long as I lived I would remember this smell, and it would make me smile. My tongue moved over the two fat orbs, enjoying the taste and after a moment I snaked my neck down so I could try to suck one into my mouth. It was no easy feat, but Feargal began to writhe and buck as I did so, his sucking became faster, and I was forced to reach down to his bearded face to slow him down. He immediately understood that he was about to make me cum and slowed his pace. After I had gotten one of his heavy nuts good and wet, I moved to the other, sucking it carefully into my mouth and massaging it, bathing it with spit.

Suddenly he began to sit up, holding me by the hips and setting me down next to him. I gave him a questioning look.

“That was feelin’ fantastic! Too good in fact, ye’ve given me a wild dose o’ the horn!” He exclaimed.

I laughed. “Well that’s a good thing, I’d hope?”

“No argument from me! There’s some oil in a skin next ta the table there. Go and grab it would ye?”

I quickly hopped to my feet and found the small pouch near where he indicated. When I walked back over, the chief had rolled onto his front.

I looked down at his massive frame and that stunning rump and blinked.

“Ye know what ta do when a lad offers ya his arse don’t ye?” He said.

“Uh, well yes, certainly. Jus’ never dared dream it could be yers on offer!”

He smirked. “Did I guess wrong? Ye’ve only been starin’ at the thing since the day ye joined up!”

I scratched at my short beard and laughed. “I suppose subtlety isn’t me strong suit. I didn’t know ye noticed.”

“I’m sure everyone in our company has noticed by now. The way ye always take up formation right behind me, even.”

“Well this is embarrassin.’” I said and it was.

His voice became gentler. “In truth I always liked the attention, liked havin’ ye close by so I could protect ye out there.”

“I wasn’t even sure ye ever noticed me.”

“Colm.” He sat up and gave me a warm hug. “Course I noticed, a man’d have ta be blind and daft not ta notice ye.”

“Why didn’t ye ever, ye know?”

“What, make a move? Cause I wouldn’t want ta make ye feel like ye had ta lay with me. I’m yer commander after all. I wanted ye to come ta me, if ye were interested.”

I mulled over his words and realized how considerate they were.

“Yer kind of a big softie aren’t ye, Chief?” I said.

“Alright!” He growled, and pushed me off of him. “Let’s have our bit o’ fun, before ye go and ruin the moment!”

I laughed. “Sorry, we certainly can’t have that!”

“Hmph! Jus’ get me nice and warmed up. Unfortunately me son was right: It’s been awhile, too long since I done this.” He rolled onto his belly again, presenting his rear end to me.

“I’m sure ye remember the gist o’ it.” I said as I poured some oil down the deep cleft of his cheeks.

Slowly I began to work it down towards the pink bud nestled under so much golden fur. My fingertips brushed against it and he made a sigh of contentment. Eagerly, I moved my index finger against the tight opening and it began to pulse at the prodding.

“It’s been awhile, but ye don’t need ta take all night, either!” He told me.

He loosened up for me quickly, shifting his rear end up in time with my fingering until his hot insides were swallowing three of my fingers at once. I began to pour some oil over my cock as I sat forward on my knees. Chief Feargal spread his grand legs apart and tipped his head back to look at me over a shoulder.

“Come on then, boyo, show yer chieftain some vigor!”

I placed my hands on the furs beside his body as I slid my maleness all the way into him, a slow, deliberate push until my balls rested against his warm flesh.

“Ahhhh-haaaahh!!” He breathed as he took every bit of my rather impressive length.

“Curse me if that isn’t jus’ about the best feelin’ in the world!” He said, and groaned. His whole body shivered and relaxed when I stayed in place, letting him grow better accustomed.

That was when I began to slide back out, almost to the head, and then leaned forward again, letting myself actually lie against his broad, powerful back until he had me entirely inside.

“Harder lad, we both know I can take it.” He said, giving me a sideways look.

“Happy to oblige ye.” I said.

He had trained us all well. We were in our primes, toned, capable and with enough stamina for anything. Tonight I was going to show him that and began to give him just what he asked for. I fucked that handsome gaffer for all I was worth, and then some besides. Sweat poured down my face, from my chest and arms and coated him. He groaned and roared for more! Of the dozen or so men I had lain with, none of them had wanted it this badly or been able to take it like this. Many times I needed to stop entirely, and think about something else to keep from spilling my load early. I wanted to make this last as long as possible, and it seemed Feargal had no intention of having it end prematurely either. To think that my chieftain was as insatiable off the field of battle as on, it was a dream come true. I went all out, my muscles actually began to ache after what must have been an hour or better of laying into the man, as only another man can provide.

Eventually he rolled onto his side, his chest heaving. I could see he was bathed in sweat too, from the top of his bald head on down. Our mixed body smells filled the tent.

“Finish me on me side now, Colm. I can’t take it much longer without a cum.”

I nodded. We were still locked together, but now he could reach down and tug his cock while I continued to give him what I prayed was one of the better fucks of his life.

“I want ye ta fill me up now, ye understand?”

“Y-yes of course!”

I sped up again, slamming my pelvis against his muscular arse, over and over, building quickly to my orgasm as the chief built to his. His rough fingers pulled his foreskin past his cockhead and then slid down, just behind it. He did this several times until his entire body began to tense up.

“Oh yeah, oh fuck it all, ah, here we are!! Guuugh-raaaahhhHH!!” Feargal managed to bellow and then he began to explode.

I leaned up on an elbow as I started to unload deep into his bowels. Watching the man cum was incredible. He blasted, one, two, three… four times! Each more spectacular than the last as his pearly seed arced in ropes over the furs, even reaching the grass a meter or so away. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his spurting manhood while I emptied my balls completely up that glorious arse canal. I held him tightly around his immense chest, and buried my face in the back of his wide neck. For a time the only sounds to be heard were our ragged breaths, working to refill our lungs.

“Quite a ride.” He commented.

“It sure was!” I admitted.

“Heh, I can hear yer smile in yer voice.”

“I don’t think I’m able to remove it after that!”

“Glad ye enjoyed yerself, lad.”

“I hope we both did?”

“Oh aye, and no mistake.”

I wondered then, as we both started to come down from our post-coital bliss, if I should ask to stay, or give the man some space. Was still thinking of the best way to phrase it when Feargal broached the subject for me.

“Yer stayin’ with me tonight, case ye were wonderin.’”

“Sounds good ta me, and in fact I was.”

“Nights gettin’ colder and all.”

“I’d rather not sleep by meself either.” I said, and we both knew we felt the same.

He reached up and patted my arm that was draped over him affectionately.

A few more minutes passed, and I think I may have dozed off, spooning the big man from behind, my softening cock still inside of him when a familiar voice suddenly roused me. I looked up and saw Niall standing over us, a drinking horn held in each hand.

“Well, guess I was right about the two of ye after all!” He said.

Feargal looked up at his son with a stern expression on his face.

“Those drinks had better be fer us.”

“Oh aye! Just got done makin’ sure Aodh won’t be walkin’ quite right tomorrah and thought I’d check in on me dear ol’ da and our spy. Had quite the time didja?” He said as he took notice of the fluids still clinging to the furs and grass, splayed out from his father’s crotch.

“Not bad, old man! Ye mighta had an even better time than me tonight, an that’s sayin’ somethin’!” Niall exclaimed.

“That’s enough o’ that already! Give us the damn drinks an’ be on yer way, before I give ya a hidin’ like when ye were li’l!” Feargal said gruffly as he moved to get to a seated position. As he did so my cock slid out of him with a wet sound.

“Haha, here, here, keep yer beard on! Jus’ glad ye had a good time, the both of ye.” Niall said as he handed us each a drinking horn.

“Thank ye.” I said and took the offering. “Yer old man was every bit the stallion I hoped he’d be!”

“That’s enough, he doesn’t need ta know all that.” Feargal said.

“Oh, I think we’re embarrassin’ him now, I’d better get gone before he really gets mad!”

“Shut yer damn gob will ye?!” Yelled the chief, who then grabbed the other horn before taking a swig.

“Night, boyos!” Niall said through another laugh as he stepped out of the tent.

The chieftain sighed and sat back. He took another drink and then looked at me. “Take me advice: Don’t have kids.”

I laughed. “Honestly not too sure that’s in the cards fer me anyway, but thanks fer the wisdom.”

“Smart lad.”

I took a drink of my own, enjoying the heat from the liquor as it descended down my throat.

“Chief?” I asked.

“I think from now on, jus’ Feargal is fine.”

“Feargal then. Do ye think this should be a once-only type o’ thing?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I was hopin’ fer more than that. I been wantin’ ta do this fer a long while with ye.”

“Same here.”

“Well then, from this moment on, ye’ll be me good friend won’t ye?”

“Ye can count on it.”

He smiled warmly under his thicket of facial hair. “Grand! Let’s finish our drinks then before I pass out. Yer a damn good li’l fucker and I need me rest after that!”

“Hey, I’m the one who could barely keep pace with ye!”

“In that case, we’ll need ta do this more often until ye can!”

“Yes sir!” I replied enthusiastically.

We drained our respective horns and settled in for the remainder of the night. We had shifted positions so that Feargal had me tightly against his chest while we slept. One of the bearskins had been pulled up around us as it was in fact getting much colder each day. I had never felt so warm, or protected before though. The chief snored softly in my ear which in turn lulled me to sleep. Even asleep my mind began to race. These thoughts were different from ones I had in the past though: these seemed to be more focused on the times ahead. I knew that we would face more battles together and perhaps one day we would die in one as well. On that day, we might go to the Otherworld together, hand in hand. But until such time, I could never have imagined feeling so alive.





One final note on this project: Everything you've read here, by most accounts is historically accurate. The names and characters themselves are fictional, but Celtic warriors going into battle nude was very much a documented thing. Celtic men being extremely homoerotic and affectionate with one another, including being partnered was also commonplace. Casual nudity, sexuality and a strong sense of camaraderie in fact were part of an integral way of life to certain clans of ancient Celts. Here is some further reading if you're interested! https://second.wiki/wiki/homosexualidad_entre_los_antiguos_celtas


God damnit DB. This story is cute, hot, everything! Well written, well drawn and well researched. I can't get enough of it! Best read I've had in a long while!


Wow, the sorry is quite something! I seriously enjoyed the way you made them speak, and some of those quips gave me a good laugh! I also particularly like the color palate of the art, it's so earthy and fits in perfectly with the subject. I'm glad Aodh got a little lovin too 🥴

Captain Czar

Hot dude, hot story, and nice use of foreshadowing with the sword imagery.


I just love the green war paint. 💚💚💚


I shouldn't have tried to read this at work and now I can't calm down! Great art and story, DB!


Seriously one of the hottest reads for me in a while! Also all the research into this topic is very appreciated; thank you for bringing this subject to my attention you wonderful man!

Bryan Whiteman

Oh man I wasn't expecting a story! I just love how you write age gap. It's so damn sweet.


Massive applause my guy; this is fuckin' incredible.


Love it!

Christian Carbone

Always a huge fan of your literature Mr. Bulge!!


One of the greatest stories I’ve ever read! 😍😍😍 Hot and beautiful, and the amazing use of dialect and cultural references… As well as younger/smaller topping older/larger 😌 great work!


Oi, this was a great story! Now I'm sitting here at work, all hot and bothered. I'll have to take care of that when I get home...


Thank ye Random! Really happy with the color scheme meself! Oh aye, Aodh needed some attention!


Not a problem! I'm finding history more and more interestin' the older I get. And it certainly helps when the subject matter is about bulky nude warriors!


I like what I like ye know? I'm happy ta hear I can write these types of relationships in a meaningful way. :]


Haha, well, younger with older and the bigger lad receivin' is the dynamic that gets me up with a smile on me face every day! And it was super fun researchin' Irish colloquialisms and dialect. :)


This is how Braveheart should have been done...


Well, the ancient Celts here and Scots of Braveheart were separated by about 17 centuries, but geographically similar! ;)


dude's got hips 👀👀👀👀👀

Adam Primaeros

Uncut Irishmen, my favourite!


Ohhhhhh yeah!!! Fucking HOTTT pic and story. Thanks Dude 😍


Hey, you're more than welcome! Want to keep you guys entertained after all. :]

Anon Pseudo

Really hot pic and story! Any chance we see these two again? 👀 I hope so. Feargal is such a stud


Verily well done in pic and writing :)


Wonderful hot writing. Exciting and descriptive. Great dialect.


Why didn't school teach me this? I would have paid more attention.


This is my favorite story