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Part 4

It rained for much of the drive back home. The pelting on the car, coupled with whatever music Oscar had put on were the only things to listen to. I think I had really been hoping that he might start some conversation, about anything really, but apparently the weirdness between us went both ways. While he drove I poked around on my phone, stared out the window at the world rushing by. When it was my turn to drive he did the same. God I hated it. My brain was screaming at me to say something, but I didn’t know what it was supposed to be. We both knew we fucked up. Maybe I should’ve blamed him more than I did for seducing me, but then again, it took both of us to do what we did. We were both horny, and presented with an opportunity. Right then I didn’t have it in me to be mad about the situation, I was too busy being guilty and worrying about our future working relationship.

We stopped in a diner on the way back and shared our first few words since heading out that day. Of course it was neutral grounds about what we each wanted to order. When we were done we got back in the car and several agonizing hours later the boss dropped me off at my apartment.

“Thanks for driving.” I said as I got my bag out of the vehicle.

“No problem.” He said and gave a half-hearted smile. “See you at work on Monday?”

“Yeah.” I said and nodded.

He drove away, and I released a full-body sigh. Somehow I’d forgotten that it was Friday. I headed inside and up to my apartment. There were no pets to check on, the plants were fine, so I found a frozen meal to microwave, poured myself a glass of wine and flipped on the t.v. My aim was to distract myself as soon as possible from the last couple of nights. If I sat and thought about it too much longer I just knew I was gonna drive myself nuts. The car ride had given me more than enough time to do that already.

The weekend flew by, and before I wanted to think about it, I was back in the office, seeing Oscar again for the first time in two days. He was more talkative than he had been, but he kept all topics strictly to work. It was very unlike him to be entirely focused on the job like that, but at least there wasn’t the silence between us anymore. That said, it didn’t feel normal either. We used to always joke around and be silly, so something had definitely changed and we both knew it. It had been less than a week since our trip but, I hated how much our relationship had changed in that short amount of time.

On Thursday, I was updating a document in our shared office when Oscar suddenly popped into the room and startled me. I jumped in my seat.

“Jeez!” I yelped.

“Oh, sorry Jim.” He said as he moved past me to his own desk.

I suppose the start he had given me made me forget, just for a moment, to exit the current tab I had open and Oscar noticed my monitor.

“What’re you working on?” He asked.

“Oh, um nothing.” I said as I quickly tabbed away to something else.

“Were you updating your résumé?” He asked, obviously having seen the document.

“Well, I mean, it’s important to just keep it updated from time to time.” I told him with a shrug.

He gave me a long, searching look.

“You don’t want to work here anymore?” He asked. It wasn’t accusatory, he sounded disappointed, maybe even a little hurt.

I was silent for a time, thinking about how honest I wanted to be with him.

“Well, with the way things are now, I, want to keep my options open.” I explained.

He folded his arms over his expansive chest and frowned. “Because of how things are between us you mean.”

“I know you feel it.” I said, looking up at him. “If stuff’s just gonna be weird now, maybe it’s best if I find something else.”

“Jim, I, just don’t leave alright?” He said, and he sounded exasperated.

“I haven’t left yet.” I said.

“Don’t make any big decisions before this weekend, okay?” He asked.

“Why? What’s happening this weekend?”

“Just, promise me, please?”

I shrugged. “Okay.”

“I need to leave the office for the rest of the day, and I’ll be gone tomorrow too. Can you handle things here?” He asked.

I glanced at the time on my monitor. It was barely afternoon but, I knew it’d be fine. As far as covering for him on Friday, I supposed I’d just have to make it work.

“Yeah, of course I can.” I said.

“Good, thank you, I’ll see you later then.” Oscar said and left the room. He seemed incredibly distracted and I couldn’t help but wonder what was on his mind. I closed the tab with my résumé. The truth was I didn’t really want to leave. This was a good job that actually helped people, and I was proud of what I brought to the table, but... But if my working relationship with the boss couldn’t get back on-track, it might all prove to be more than I wanted to deal with.

On Saturday I was doing some work around my apartment, dishes, vacuuming and whatnot when the intercom buzzed just before noon. I went and answered it.


“Jim? It’s Oscar.”

“Uh, what’s goin’ on?”

“Can I come up?”

“Um, sure, give me a minute.” I said and buzzed him into the building.

Happily the place was pretty clean, so I didn’t need to freak out about that. Instead I just went through a list in my head of reasons why he might have come over. Nothing jumped out as the obvious answer, so I just opened the door when he knocked on it a few moments later.

The big fellow was wearing jeans which fit him snugly and one of his typical polo shirts. He carried a paper bag with him.

“Come on in.” I said and stepped to one side.

Oscar had stopped by several times in the past for movies or an after-work drink so he knew my place well enough. He moved into the common area and sat down heavily on the couch. Then he placed the bag on the coffee table in front of him and rubbed his big paws on his pants. He seemed nervous.

“What’s going on?” I asked him.

“Jim, we need to talk.” He said, and I felt a cold chill run the entire length of my spine.

“Nobody ever wants to hear those words.” I said.

“Well, it’s important though. Won’t you come sit with me?”

I moved over to the sitting area and settled into one of the two chairs facing him.

“So what’s up?”

Oscar looked at me, and his face was quite serious. “Jim, I guess the first thing is, I need to apologize to you, about that night in the hotel. I shouldn’t have asked you to jerk off with me, and I shouldn’t have kissed you, I know that was wrong.”

I sighed. “It, it’s not like it was just you, I’m sorry too for how that went down.”

“No, it’s my fault. I knew you had feelings for me and I took advantage of that. I’d hate to ruin the friendship we have.” He added. “You’re a very special person in my life, you know.”

“Yeah I get it. We both know you can’t run the place without me.”

“Well, yes that’s true but, I wasn’t speaking about work.”

“I’m confused.” I said.

Oscar let out a sigh. “Jim, what I was watching at the hotel, I wasn’t watching it because I was bored with straight stuff.” He paused. “I was watching it because well, because I’m bisexual.” He said, rubbing his hands together. Then he stopped suddenly and looked directly at me, I guess waiting for my reaction.

“Huh, well I used to just think you were straight, until the other night. So I’m not really surprised.” I admitted.

“Jim, I’ve never said this out loud before. To anyone.”

“Oh. OH!” I said, fully comprehending his meaning. “Like, you just came out to me, is what this is.”

He nodded his head.

“Wow, good for you man! That’s a huge step. I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you.” He said and gave a faint smile. “You’d think at my age this wouldn’t be so hard to say. It actually feels pretty good, to tell someone though.”

“Hey, it’s a big deal for anyone, regardless of age. But you said you haven’t told anyone? You’ve told your wife though, right?”

He looked down at his hands.


Instead of answering me, he reached for his paper bag and opened it up, retrieving a manilla envelope from inside. He undid the small metal clasp and pulled out a handful of documents which he placed on my coffee table. I glanced at them, saw some signatures at the bottom.

“Jim, I’m getting divorced. It’s actually done, finally, as of yesterday. I wanted you to see the signed papers.”

“What?” I was completely shocked.

“She and I haven't been happy together for a long time. We’ve actually been separated for the last ten months. She sleeps in the master bedroom and I’ve been on the single bed in our guest room.”

I blinked at him. “You never told me any of this. You usually tell me everything! How many more bombshells are you going to drop on me?”

He grimaced. “I tell you more than I tell anyone else but, hey there are some things I don’t want people to know. My marriage is my business, and when it started falling apart, I, was embarrassed and insecure about it. I still am, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that it’s over at this point, well probably a while before now actually.”

“Jeez, yeah that’s a lot to process. Must be tough, not like I know anything about being married obviously. Hell the longest I’ve had a boyfriend was like a year and a half.” I said. “So um, why are the two of you, you know.”

He rolled his eyes. “Where to begin. We argue constantly, she has almost no interest in sex anymore. We barely talk unless we’re fighting. She complains that I don’t make enough money, and I should prioritize that over helping people. I honestly don’t think she’s ever really understood me when I look back. I obviously didn’t know her as well as I thought I did either.”

“Dang, that’s, a lot of reasons.” I said.

“At the end of it, I know she doesn’t really love me anymore, and I guess I stopped loving her as a result.”

I took it all in. “I don’t know what to say. I just wish you had told me about this before. I could’ve provided a sympathetic ear or something.”

“Ah well, it’s my second failed marriage, I guess I just, I dunno. I should have told you, you’re right.”

Even considering the subject matter, I was glad that we were talking like we used to, and everything he was dealing with really helped fill in the gaps in explaining his recent behavior. I got up from my chair and moved to sit next to him on the couch. I gave him a side hug around his broad shoulders.

“Oscar, you’re gonna be okay. You both are, I promise. Life’s too short to stay with someone who makes you unhappy, so I’m sure this is all for the best. And again, I may not know what I’m even talking about but, you know I support you.”

“Thanks Jim.” He said and smiled. He put one of his arms around me at my waist and looked into my face. “You always know how to cheer me up.”

I felt my heart fluttering as he held me so close.

“Yeah well, you’re kinda special to me too, and not just in a work way either.” I said and smiled.

“Oh! That reminds me!” He said, suddenly diverting his attention back to the paper bag. He reached into it and pulled out a small garden of succulent plants tucked into a stone bowl. It was kinda pretty.

“This is for you.” He said and offered it to me.

I looked down at the peculiar gift as he set it carefully into my lap.

“Uh, Thanks? What is this for?” I asked.

“There’s a card, guess it fell off the little stand thing.” He said and rummaged through the bag again.

He handed it to me, and I opened its small envelope. Inside was a little pink card with a simple, white watercolor heart on it. It read: Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend and then signed underneath, Oscar.

I looked up at him.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jim.” He said, and kissed my forehead.

I felt absolutely blindsided, and baffled. When I stopped to think about it, huh, I guess it really was February 14th, so that much checked out but…

“I don’t even like Valentine’s Day. It’s dumb.” I said, almost automatically.

“I know you don’t, you say it every year. That’s why I just got you a mini succulent garden, instead of like, a bouquet of flowers. Still, I wanted to get you something.”

“No, uh, that’s not what I meant to say actually. Why did you get me something?” I asked.

The big fella actually laughed at that. “Gosh you’re dense sometimes. Why do you think?”

“I don’t know.”

“Jim, I like you.”

It still wasn’t clicking for me.

“Jim, I like you a whole lot.” He leaned in a bit closer as he said it.

My heart had started beating faster, and I was too focused on that I think, to catch his meaning, but it did start to dawn on me while we sat there.

I put the stone planter on the coffee table and shifted on my cushion to look at him more directly.

“Oscar, you’re confusing the fuck out of me right now.” I said, and he was. “After we fooled around at the hotel last week, you told me it was a meaningless, drunken mistake.”

Oscar sighed and shook his head. “I never said it was meaningless, because that would have been a lie. It meant a lot to me.”

“Fine, so not meaningless then. But you also said,”

“‘It was a mistake,’ I know, only, not for the reason you probably thought at the time.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

Oscar took a long inhalation of air and placed his hands together while he thought of what to say.

“It’s something I, something I’ve been curious about, no I guess more than that, something I’ve wanted to do, with you, for a while now. But I wanted the divorce finalized before I went through with anything. I wanted that clean slate. Guess I jumped the gun a little, huh? I couldn’t help it. There I was and there you were.”

“But you were already separated, right?”


“You uh, you said you’ve wanted to do stuff with me for a while? Since when?”

“Christmas party actually, this past December. That’s when I knew for sure.”

“That’s oddly specific, did something happen?”

Oscar nodded. “Yes. You really don’t remember? Guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.”

“I, remember being exceptionally hungover the next day.” I admitted, thinking back.

“Yes, you normally don’t drink that much.” He mused. “Do you remember me driving you home afterwards?”

“Not… Really? Actually, not at all.”

“Well, I got you into your apartment, carried you part of the way ‘cause you were almost falling down, and got you into your kitchen where I gave you some water and a multivitamin from your medicine cabinet. I knew how sick you were going to be the next morning.”

“Wow, nope, that does not sound familiar, except for being sick the next day, that I recall.”

“While you were drinking the water I sat nearby, making sure you didn’t fall out of your chair. We talked a little bit, and you said something to me.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“You told me that I was the best man you’ve ever known.”

“Well, you are, I’ve said as much before.” I told him and shrugged, feeling very exposed.

Oscar smiled. “But you said something else too. You said that you wished you could have met me when I was single, that you would do anything to make me happy. I told you that it was a very flattering thing to say but you should probably get some rest.”

“Well that was, rude of me, I’m sorry.” I said as I continued to sweat.

“No, it was fine, I really was flattered Jim. You’re a wonderful guy, I’ve always thought so. But, I still haven’t quite gotten to the bit that really stuck out to me.”

I swallowed and found that my throat was quite dry.

“I got you into your bedroom and tucked in. Before you drifted off though, you grabbed my hand and looked me right in the eyes. You said, ‘I’m probably not going to remember this tomorrow, so I’m just gonna say it: Oscar, I’ve been in love with you since the day we met, and I won’t let another day go by without saying it to you.”

“Jesus Christ.” I said hoarsely, feeling my entire skin layer become icy needles. I was literally shaking.

“That was pretty much verbatim, although you slurred more. And then you were snoring.” He added.

My body felt like it was being submerged in lava. I was so humiliated by the revelation.

“I don’t know what to say. I must have been really fucked up to say something like that. Wish I could crawl out of my body and disappear right now.” I told him.

Oscar laughed, a full-bodied shaking laugh. “HA! Jim, it’s okay, I promise. I’m not asking you to admit anything to me. I knew how drunk you were, it was, well it’s obviously for the best that you had no memory of it. What stuck with me was how sweet it was of you to say, at a time when I really needed the boost.”

I rubbed my temple with my fingers. I had told my boss that I loved him back then and he had just continued on after the fact like nothing had happened. Whatta guy. Still, drunk me wasn’t exactly lying to the man, although I was not about to confirm that at this moment.



“Why are you telling me this now?”

He placed one of his warm hands on my knee and gave me a sweet look. “Because Jim, nobody else looks at me the way you do. You really see me, appreciate, respect and... No one else has ever looked at me like that. Not any woman I’ve ever dated, neither of my wives, no other men either, just you. You care that I’m eating properly, taking my pills and try to cheer me up when I’m unhappy. You encourage me to get back into weight training… I really like the way you make me feel, and, now that I’m about to be single again…” He trailed off.

“Huh, I had no idea you felt this way.” I said.

He blushed. “I had to take some time with you, to make sure I knew exactly how I felt. I’ve wondered what being with another man would be like, physically but also, you know, the rest of it too. I’ve thought about you a lot, and what a future with you might look like.” He sighed again. “I’m trying to say something here. It’s actually a lot harder to say than I thought it’d be. Why is it this hard? Will you um, do you want to... Ah?” He looked to me, his eyes pleading for understanding.

“Oscar will you go out with me?” I said for him.

“Yes!”  He exclaimed.

This time we both laughed, awkwardly at first, but then it began to feel comfortable. Then we were quiet for a time, regarding one another.



“It’s not just how you make me feel good, that’s not the only reason. I think you’re incredibly sexy, from your messy hair, and those deep green eyes, all the way down to your toes.”

“Oh come on.” I said, almost disregarding his compliment entirely. “Look at you! You’re like the pinnacle of masculinity. You’re built and big, and, you turn heads everywhere you go.”

“Well, thank you for that but, I’m just not attracted to men who look like me, never have been. I prefer a guy a bit younger than me, leaner. You’re so smart, and funny too. To me, you’re perfect.”

If there was a limit for how much someone could be made to blush, clearly I was never going to reach it.

“Would it be alright if I kissed you? I should have asked first last time. It’s all I can think about right now.” He said.

“Yeah, I guess it would be alright.” I said and grinned.

He wasn’t shy anymore. The physical stuff, unsurprisingly, seemed to be where the man excelled. He moved his bulky frame on top of me, supporting himself with his knees on either side of my lap as he leaned down and rubbed his fingers through my hair. His mouth was on mine a moment later, eager and demanding as he pushed his tongue inside. I could feel the heat coming off of him as he covered me in his powerful frame. He ground his crotch into my stomach as he sucked on my tongue and roamed his bristly mouth over mine, groaning and grunting while he did so. I haven’t been with a ton of guys over the course of my sex life but Oscar proved to be the most enthusiastic in the kissing department.

“I want to do more, is that okay?” He said, leaning back.

“Yes, and from this point on, you don’t have to ask every step of the way. I don’t feel any guilt this time Oscar. I want to do everything with you.”

He beamed at that. “Everything huh? Can we go to your bedroom?”


He quickly bounced off the couch and to his feet.

I followed him and reached out to touch his arm. “Hey Oscar?”


“Thanks for the succulents. That was nice of you. Uh, sorry I didn’t get you anything.”

“Oh, well, it’s not like I told you I was coming by today, and besides.” He moved in close. “There’s still something you can give me.” He grabbed my crotch.

“Okay, okay, damn someone’s thirsty.” I said and smirked.

He looked mildly taken aback. “I haven’t had sex in almost a year. You’ll have to forgive my enthusiasm.” He said.

“Oh man, yeah, let’s make sure you still remember how, eh?” I said jokingly.

Minutes later we were making out on my bed, this time with us shedding clothes like they were on fire. I’d barely slipped my boxers off before the big fella pushed me back and swallowed my entire length into his mouth. Fuck, he really was in need! His technique could use some work, admittedly, but I had to give him points for eagerness.

“Have you, unnh, done this before?” I asked as he sucked away.

He pulled off long enough to respond. “Couple times in my college days. Am I that rusty?”

I smiled up at him. “No, no, just, well I’ll help you out.”

So I talked him through it, and he was actually excited to receive the information. I showed him where to lick me, where to spend the most time, how to suck my balls into his mouth which we both enjoyed. Within a handful of minutes he was beginning to give much better head, and I told him so.

“Alright, ugh, if you keep using your hand and mouth like that I’m gonna cum though.”

He let go and sat up. “Well we can’t have that, not before the main event anyway!”

“You uh, really want to fuck huh?”

He nodded, and I sighed. “Oscar, I need a heads-up before we do that. Normally when I’m gonna bottom I’ll spend an hour or so beforehand getting ready, loosening myself up. And you’re thick too so maybe longer.”

His demeanor changed at that and his face became a little pinker. “About that Jim.” He scratched the back of his bull neck. “Would you maybe, want to fuck me instead?”

I was actually stunned. When my voice came back a couple moments later I said, “I’d be more than happy to fuck you, Oscar. I am honestly surprised that you’re not like a full-on top.”

He shrugged. “I’ve only been in sexual relationships with women my entire adult life, so I’m always on top. I was hoping, with you, I might get to try receiving for a change. Is that bad?”

NO!” I inadvertently yelled at him. “I mean, no, that’s not bad, I just, in my wildest dreams I could barely consider getting to fuck you, so wow, yeah I’m into this!” I said and laughed.

“Oh that’s good, ‘cause I’ve thought about it a lot.” He said and then added, “So does that mean real life is better than your fantasies?”

“It’s about to be!” I exclaimed.

Oscar went to use my shower while I waited. I explained that everything he needed to use was under the sink. He told me he had been using a dildo on himself pretty regularly over the last month or so, thinking about being with a man in the future. Just picturing that was enough to turn my dick into steel. It would also mean less prep time. Watching his massive, nude hairy form pad over to the bathroom door, I sighed again to myself. This was happening, all of it, and my mind still just raced, my heart to match. He was newly divorced, and I was the first person he wanted to be with. The reservations I had of being with him were all but gone, though there were some new concerns. Was I just rebound sex? He certainly made it seem like this was more than that. Also, I hadn’t actually dated a bi guy before, so I had questions about that too. Still, it looked like there’d be plenty of time to discuss everything. For now I just laid back, hands behind my head and waited impatiently for the bathroom door to open again.

Half an hour passed before Oscar stepped back into the room. His body hair was darker from being wet, his skin redder from the heat, god he looked incredible. Whatta fuckin’ hunk!  I thought to myself, for the millionth time since I’d known him.

“So um, what should I do?” He asked, his voice brimming with uncertainty.

“You get the easy job.” I said and patted the bed. “Just lie down here on your tummy. Get comfortable.”

He did as instructed.

“Now spread your legs out a bit and lift your rump.”

Again he quickly complied.

I stared at the round, firm ass before me, dusted with soft hair. It was the most beautiful vision I’ve ever seen. My hands were practically trembling as I reached forward and grabbed each furry orb. I pulled them apart gently, and saw his clean, pink pucker winking up at me for the first time. I nearly shed a tear right then and there, it was so beautiful.

“God that looks fucking tasty.” I said under my breath.

I lowered my face to his deep ass trench and inhaled. The smell of soap and warm, wet man filled my mouth and nostrils and I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. Remember how I told you I’m an ass man? Yeah, no exaggeration there. I traced up and down his crack with my tongue lightly, grazing over his anus which caused him to moan, ever so softly. With one hand I pulled him open further, and the other moved down to tug on his engorged cock. He was hard and starting to leak already. Guess he was enjoying himself. I took my time with Mr. Magnussen. I traced rings around his entrance, rubbed him with my medium-length, bristly beard. There was nowhere I’d rather be, and I wanted to savor this first taste of him. Soon I was pushing into his fleshy ring with my tongue, darting it around and making his whole body tremble.

“Holy fuck, Jim!” He groaned and pushed his big ass back in time with my prodding. A minute later I was tongue-fucking him as hard and as deep as I could reach. I wanted my tongue sore at its root from overuse tomorrow.

“Please, put a finger in me.” He begged.

I slid my pointer finger in, and expected him to tense up, but instead he just grunted and shoved his arse back again. The second finger slipped in almost as easily, and by the time the third one entered his hot insides he was writhing and grunting like a beast.

“How many is that?” He asked hoarsely.


“Oh fuck, please get your cock in me, I can’t stand waiting anymore!” He was somehow demanding but still submissive. I couldn’t have asked for a better pairing.

“Here, bring your legs over the side.”

He backed up and dropped his feet to the floor at the side of the bed, still on his belly. I grabbed the bottle of lube that was tucked into my bedside table drawer and slathered some over my cock and hand before sliding a generous amount into Oscar’s loosened backside.

“Mmmmm, oh yeah.” He said as I slowly pumped three fingers in and out of him. He had opened up easily, a sure sign of his eagerness.

“Here we go.” I said as I began to poke my cock at his waiting asshole. I’m above average in this department, not porn star sized or anything but I haven’t had any complaints. There was some resistance from the boss’s sphincter muscles but it was momentary as he opened up to receive me and I slid my entire length inside slowly with one long, fluid push. His muscles tightened across his broad back and he let out a guttural, full-bodied bellow as my ballbag bumped against him.

“Christ, that’s, oh fuck…Oh god.” He lost his train of thought and dropped his head to the mattress. “Jim, fuck me Jim, please fuck me.”

He didn’t need to ask me a third time, and I rotated my hips back, pulling most of my prick out of his guts before sliding in to the balls again. He moaned and begged for more. I couldn’t get over how much he wanted this, wanted to feel me deep inside of him. I’d never been so turned on. So I gave him what he needed, and thrust again, and again, and again. The pace became faster, more frantic, and Oscar just kept roaring for more! A half hour passed like seconds, and I was becoming quite winded.

“Need a break?” He asked, as I flopped down on his sweaty back, still buried inside of him, but no longer pumping.

“Just a short one, don’t you?”

He smiled. “Well you’re doing all the work. Mind if I take over for a little while?”

“By all means.”

He rolled me off of him and onto my back before straddling me. Oscar balanced on his feet as he lowered himself to my glistening cock. I reached down to hold it straight up as his hole descended to swallow up my member. There was a wet sound as he bottomed out, his muscular rump coming to rest atop my thighs. He looked down at me, with lust-filled eyes and the goofy smile of a man who just impaled himself on his favorite prick.

My boss lifted up, his calf muscles bulging before he sat down again. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. Sweat beaded his forehead, rolled down his face and disappeared into his thick grey beard. He reached down and grabbed my hands in his, pulling them up to his heavy, meaty tits.

“Play with my nipples, yeah?”

“Anything you want.” I said and began to tweak them, gently at first, and then harder at his urging.

As he moved his body faster on top of mine, I realized it wouldn’t take much longer and expressed it to him.

“I understand, maybe it’s time we both cum, huh?” He said.

I felt a sudden pang of worry that this wonderful time we were sharing was coming to an end. That I could wake up and this was all a damned dream, so I couldn’t help but ask. “We’ll do this again, right?”

He stopped and sat on my groin before reaching down and stroking my face. “Jim, I want to be with you, this isn’t a one-time thing, I assure you.”

“Just… Needed to make sure.”

“Now stroke me and make me cum.” He said as he returned to fucking himself with my all-too- enthusiastic cock.

It was only a few more minutes before I felt my balls tightening, ready to deliver their sticky payload. I stroked Oscar’s fat dick faster, pulling his foreskin all the way past the tip of his glans, just the way I remembered he liked to jack himself. My other hand tugged at his tit, twisting its reddish knob in my fingers.

“Jim! Oh, FUCK, YES!!” He bellowed as he orgasmed. He blasted a thick creamy rope across my face, and then the next expulsion lashed over my chest and shoulder. Good god the man could shoot, and I began to join him, coating his insides with spunk. I felt his hairy balls pulsate on my belly as he unloaded them. His body arched back as he orgasmed like a man possessed.

Oscar stayed planted on my cock until we were both finally, and utterly spent. With a small slurping sound he lifted up enough for my prick to slap wetly against my belly as he moved to the side and then collapsed next to me. Our chests rose and fell in unison while we basked in the musky afterglow of what we had done.

“I could get used to that!” He announced happily.

“Same here.” I said and smiled warmly at him.

“I think I actually felt you cumming in me, that was so hot.” He said with a libidinous grin.

I chuckled.

“That rimming earlier too, wow.” He said and whistled.

“Ever do that in college?” I asked him.

“Nope, rimmed and fucked, two firsts for me. And they both felt amazing. You were amazing!”

I was very satisfied with gaining that knowledge.

“I haven’t even gotten to suck your cock yet!” I said, gazing hungrily down at the soft tube of flesh draped comfortably over his owner’s big nuts.

“Like I said, we have plenty of time. I can’t wait to fuck you either you know.” He said.

I just smiled at the thought. There was some nervousness on my part of the huge man pounding me out, but if it was Oscar doing the pounding I would take it, and gladly.

We laid there, in silence for a time.

“So now what?” I asked finally.

“I don’t know about you but I’m starving!” Said Oscar. “You really took it out of me.”

“Huh, I distinctly remember putting it into you.”

He laughed and shook his head. “Yeah yeah, I knew as soon as I said it.”

“Before getting food though, I think a shower’s in order?”

“Good point.” Oscar agreed.

We washed each other, we made out some more, we dried and got dressed. The funny part was, Oscar kept darting glances at me, the same way I did to him, as if to remind ourselves that this was all really happening. I couldn’t have predicted the object of my intense desire might have secretly felt the same way about me. This sort of thing had never happened in my life, and I would have never expected it.

Oscar decided that he wanted to take me out for a nice lunch, and I was more than happy to oblige him. I verified I had my wallet and keys as Oscar held open the front door of my apartment for me. As I went to leave he grabbed me in a bear hug and looked down at me fondly.

“So Jim, how do you feel about Valentine’s Day now?”

I let out an exaggerated sigh. “I guess maybe, it’s not the absolute worst anymore.” I told him and smirked.

“I’ll take it.” He said, and held me tighter.







Wow, this was honestly really sweet and heartwarming. All of the supplementary narrative really made me care about these guys and root for em. Really sweet story DB. Good wholesome moments in there, I love that. ❤


Thank you this is a great story


A good series dood. I liked each piece, and some of the cliffhangers on it. Thank you for all of this. :)


Well done DB! Your dialogue always flows very conversationally, and I can appreciate the time it must take to get it to feel right


This whole series was incredible! Keep up the good work <3


Gotta say I loved this, especially as a bi dude in his mid-forties that only came out last year. I really felt and understood Oscar's emotional state. Maybe I'll find my own Jim someday.

Bryan Whiteman

you know while I doubt their positions are absolute... I get the feeling Jim is going to be doing most of the topping in this relationship. And that's wonderful~


#happydance! I'm all giggly inside now; this was a WONDERFUL ending to this story!

Anon Pseudo

Wow! Jim is the luckiest guy in the world haha

Matt Williams

This was AWE-SOME. And I loved the rimming artwork as well. Hope there will be a few extra art of this as well. After reading this, I can just see Oscar riding that rock hard cock. 😉🐻 Thanks again for this incredible series.


I read everything out loud, as the characters, when I go back to do editing and that helps me with the tone and flow a whole lot. Thank you for noticing! I'm especially proud of my dialogue.


Hey, good for you man! I think there are always things for us to learn about ourselves, it's all about that personal growth journey. And no worries, plenty of Jim's out there to meet! ;)


Considering just how much Oscar loved his first time bottoming, that seems like a fair stance!


Thank you Xyverz, I'm really chuffed that you liked it so much! And thank you for your supportive comments along the way too. :)


Yeah... I'm pretty envious. Then again, I made both these dudes so I guess I can just close my eyes and appreciate 'em when I need to! :P


You're entirely welcome, thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Matt!


A great read, you write so well. Very satisfying and sexy, thank you. Only sorry it’s over.


Such a sweet story!


Great conclusion DB! I hope this isn’t last we see of these two!


oh my god you fucking delivered.


Thank you very much! When the spirit takes me I gotta do some writing! :)


Nothing more from them is immediately planned, but I do like both of them a lot so who knows!


Thank you for a very satisfying conclusion! This is just the beginning for them…


Aw glad I took the time to read it over lunch. I really enjoyed the honest dialogue between them and I really appreciated a realistically written sex scene!

Frank Weber

Well, it took me some time to complete. This part is wonderful, and basicly how i met my man. Not exactly, i was on medication for my allergy and it was on holy thusday. And he's not my boss but my client as physiotherapist. But those are just details, i did not get it at all untill he took me into an unexpected hug, that was the moment when all changed. And in a lot of ways, i can find the two of us in this story. Thanks for sharing.