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So there's this dragon boss in WoW called Ultraxion. He has strong grandpa energy and is the most powerful Twilight dragon ever created. You fight him in a raid, he dies, you move on, no big deal. BUT. What if when he fell to the foot of Wyrmrest Temple, he didn't die, and instead used his remaining energy to revert to his aspect form (dwarf) to conserve his power? The process was so draining and difficult for him that he loses his memory. He wanders across the frozen tundra of Dragonblight until he comes across a wayward hunter who wraps him in some of his furs and shows him some kindness and compassion. The hunter takes him in, helps him recover, and begins to show him a simpler way to live. Over time Ultraxion's memories return and he has to choose between becoming a living weapon of the Twlight dragonflight or trying to forge a life among mortals.

You guys know my work well enough by now, you can guess how the rest plays out! XD 



Andrew Maxwell

He is really beautiful 🤩


C'mere dwarf. I'll keep you warm. Really nice work DB, love the backstory.


Beautiful as always. Would love to hear more!

Bryan Whiteman

I do but while ending will be happy and homosexaul. Getting there will not be the easiest


Haha! Good guess! Happy and homosexual following hardship, yup that sums up most of my writing nicely! XD


Thx for keeping ol 'Trax here warm. He needs to see that more people are kind. ;)


I can see the Tuskarr finding him and helping him back to help. ...I just love Tuskarr. >>


I love my dwarves, and this is the HOTTEST DD ever!