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Geez you guys. I'm kinda overwhelmed and really appreciative of the compassionate comments to the last post. Unfortunately I still feel lousy BUT today is the first day where I haven't woken up coughing myself hoarse which is definitely a step in the right direction. Anyway, I think a couple more days and my head *should be clear enough to get back to work seriously. Because I'm the only person who does this job I have a tremendous amount of guilt around not putting out content, which usually is a good thing cuz it means posting artwork regularly. But I do admit it can throw a wrench in the mental gears when I'm extremely sick and shouldn't be working. This is one of those times but the outpouring of support from you folks to my last post has me feeling quite a bit better about taking some much-needed time to rest and recover so thank you for that.

Expect new stuff before long.

❤️ D.B.



I've got covid right now as well which sucks because it's sunny here in Seattle but oh well! Hope you feel better ASAP!

Tyler Redican

Old southern remedy. Whiskey lemon honey boiled. Then cooled. Should help open everything up. Get feeling better. Sincerely- Tyler