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Hey folks, it's been a little while since I've given an update but this one should be pretty brief. I've been struggling with sickness for going on a week and a half now, and normally that doesn't really limit my ability to create artwork to post - if it's just say, a cold or muscle pain or something like that. Unfortunately I've been getting my ass kicked by this stuff to the point where the idea of trying to draw something actually gives me a migraine. I'll spare you some of the grosser details but last week, 2 days before my birthday no less I got a kidney stone (if you know how bad that pain is, I'm sorry, and for the rest of you, trust me it's bad.) and within 48 hours later I got a second one. I was starting to heal from that pain when my husband got back from a work conference and gave me a really nasty strain of covid that he picked up. I'm vaxxed ofc but this one has been kicking my ass like the first time. Tired, groggy, head-fog and my favorite part is coughing so hard, so often that it makes me vomit. Super-super fun stuff. I think I only have a few days left of sickness before I'm genuinely on the mend, based on his progression, but unfortunately in that time I don't have anything new to post in the art department. I'm going to try really hard to still get a Kobold's page done by end of month though. (Within reason, I'm not a masochist) Anyway, sorry for the lull in activity but you folks deserve to know what's going on with me. In the meantime, trying to make myself as comfortable as possible and get as much sleep as the cats will allow.




Your health comes first! Get well. Relax and think of all those wonderful fantasies that you’re looking forward to draw.

Wolfgang Westmark

I obviously can't speak for everyone here, but don't worry too much about your posting schedule when you're too sick to work, we'll still be here when you've recovered. I sincerely doubt anyone here wants you to push out art at the expense of your wellbeing. Patreon artists deserve sick leave too. Hope you feel better soon.