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On the radical right in the global periphery.

[Patreon Exclusive]

Erdogan, Modi, Orban, Bolsonaro, Duterte. Though the latter two are gone, the first three are still going strong, in government for a decade or more. What unites these figures? They’re all right wing and authoritarian, but also popular and anti-establishment.

How similar are these politicians to their analogues in the core of global capitalism? Might they even be seen to be forerunners of developments in the rich world? And to what extent are they able to resolve the crises of the end of the end of history?

In this episode, we talk to two of the editors of a new book, The Radical Right: Politics of Hate on the Margins of Global Capital.

Previous episodes on the theme:




This episode was interesting but it felt like Duterte really stuck out as a sore thumb. He was the only one of the four that ran on a left wing platform (its almost understated in the episode), consistently invoked internationalist left wing rhetoric and tropes. The "mad dog" descriptor is fitting but I think a lot of the hate duterte is accused of is basically aimed at criminals and drug addicts, which I think of as being a different category than the others, he typically avoided antagonizing the Philippines minorities and in certain senses was even quite progressive. I think his right wing reputation mostly came from his approach to crime and his crude rhetoric, but i don't think he's necessarily a great comparison with the other 4. He doesn't have a hindu nationalism or anything of that equivalent that is based on socialized hatred or exclusion Edit: also, aj episode on Thailand would be greatly appreciated, given jts recent elections