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Harro, everyone!

After a long and stressful weekend, I am glad to share that I am finally home - rested and ready for new adventures.

Unfortunately, I am not able to share any good news regarding my stay in Switzerland. In fact, I was delaying this post for a day or 2, just because the experience took a toll on me. I was absolutely mentally annihilated.

I really do have to stop saying "it can't get any worse than that" after an event because ...it apparently can.

The whole thing was so bad, that the Bulgarian organizer had to pull the qualification out of our qualification list.

In short, the staff was extremely inexperienced and no one knew what was going on. We were left to starve, sleep on the tables at the con, and were generally discriminated against by the organization because they did not know English. We, as a team, struggled a lot to fit in and speak to anyone at the convention as both the staff and the public could not understand us.

We felt like the adopted child, that was never wanted, but it was good for their social status to have. The whole competition looked more like a regional than an international one.

Additionally, a key problem was the guest judges as well - 2 of them were local (from Switzerland) which is not acceptable for such a competition, the others were French and one for diversity who actually spoke English (Majed from Kuwait).

In short, their judging was biased and the "feedback" I got seemed like some made-up excuse because they did not have anything as feedback for me. They just had to justify why Switzerland and France won... but couldn't.

On top of the bad experience at the con, we were left with an even worse greeting from the locals that were not attending the event. People do frown when they hear that you are not a french speaker and as we were searching for a specific restaurant in the area, one of the locals wanted to start a fight with us... just because we spoke English. He started pushing the boy from the Duo and tbh, I am amazed at how coldblooded everyone was at that point. I was sure that there was going to be a fight.

The cherry on top was the fact that our flight got delayed and we missed our connection to the second flight. We had to stay at the airport for another 4 hours and we arrived back home quite late.

But enough of this... I just want to forget this experience and pretend it never happened.

Yesterday I spent the whole day sorting, cleaning, and labeling all of the new products that arrived for the cosplay store, and I barely had any time to do anything else.

I will be finishing up the costumes today. As I was checking the list of stock - I saw that a few were missing. These are Pop stars Kaisa and Evelynn, Viper from Valorant, and AO Akali.

I will contact the warehouse again to check if they will be able to restock them, so I can get them as a reward, but if not - I will create a new poll for you guys and let you choose other costumes as substitutes.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long post!

See you again tomorrow!





Sounds bad to have such an experience in an otherwise very developed country.. And the judges should honestly be mass reported by participants for bias if such an option exists