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And I thought I was probably done with renderFilters...

Saw a Tweet today from a dev who was fooling around with negative color in their game, and realized we didn't have that option in Cogmind. We do have SHIFT_HUE(180), which converts colors to their opposite on color wheel for a similar effect, but it's not quite the same thing, nor does that one affect black.

So I added an INVERT command to the renderFilter config system, which simply does 255-X for each of the RGB values, both foreground and background. Here are some sample shots...

Original image:

SHIFT_HUE(180) for comparison:

The new INVERT:

My samples for this are generally in ASCII because the tile art uses shades which end up looking extra weird when inverted, but here's a tiles shot for comparison:

(Sadly there's no way to run a filter on just the UI and leave the map alone--it's entire UI or map only.)

And the pure INVERT filter in motion with more UI windows and interaction:

Combining filters is a thing, and probably even better than INVERT is doing an inversion on a low-contrast filter, for example AUTUMN | INVERT:

The pastel-like effect is kinda neat. Here's another, SLEEPY | INVERT:

I know a handful of people use renderfilters, in some cases for accessibility purposes like tweaking the brightness or contrast, although personally when it comes to these extreme ones I play with them for a bit and it's neat and all, but I'm extremely pleased after switching back to the default appearance :P. Certainly some of this comes from familiarity, but there's also the fact that colors were chosen for their meaning, most of which is lost when using extreme filters.

(I've attached all the demos from above in case that's easier for viewing.)



So bright, my eyes. e.e WHYYYYYYY. (PS. Looks neat)


Haha yeah I'm not sure if anyone will use these for any serious length of time, but it was easy to do and something pretty to show, so might as well throw it in there!


Agreed. Autumn and Sleepy look good.