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Just finished updating the spreadsheet with work from the past week. These are the kinds of daily records I keep, and will eventually be talking about a lot more at some point.

So much analysis to do on all this data, it sure will be fun :D

The info is originally written on paper, starting with notes for things I need to get done that day, and I scratch off items as they're completed, while also recording start and stop times for each. Then on Monday I tally everything up from the previous week. If a given entry has a bit of extra time that doesn't round to an hour, I'll just move it to the same category in the next/previous day or so to keep the chart simple without affecting the totals.




If at any day I have less that "3" in "Code" column of my time sheet, I start feeling sick :D Seriously though, I like it how methodical and even pedantic you are about stuff you do.


Haha, I agree, the Code column is one of my favorites, though *players* are definitely more clearly about the Content column--that's where all the good stuff goes. You'd hate some of my past stretches, where I've literally had multiple *weeks* in a row with zero code :'(. Such is indie gamedev...


Lovely! I wanted also to try keeping a book of my daily schedule, so I can analize it and see where I can add/remove hours and increase my daily efficiency. Quick question: what does content stands for? Streaming? Or this is in the Community column?


That would be Community. In game development Content would include in-game things that players experience, e.g. items, mechanics, lore, NPCs... Technically Art and Audio would be considered content in the general sense, but since they are very different disciplines, and easy to disentangle from other work, I separated them out.