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Hey guys! I tried to upload earlier but Patreon was having a fit. 


Chapter 20: Isn’t that a bit Large?


We watched Lance, I was starting to wonder if that was really her name, leave the dungeon with her new form. The humans were super uptight but she managed to make it through after a few minutes. I was able to see her leave the tent with what looked like no issues. 

“I guess we have to just play the waiting game now,” I said to Starburst as we moved away from the window. It was nice to see the sunlight again, but I couldn’t feel the warmth of the rays on my ethereal skin. Something else I would have to dream about for when I got a body again.

“That’s not true. Let’s go check the moles and see if they’ve managed to dig enough for another floor.”

I turned upside down as I looked at him. “But I’m maxed out right now. At least according to the screen.” Starburst was very strict about the rules. He should know my situation better than anyone else.

“Yes, but I want to test something. Since you started with two floors, I want to see if you get an extra floor since you leveled up,” he replied as he made his way down to the maze section. I followed behind me playing with his mane that billowed as he walked. It had to be a magical effect as there wasn’t any wind down here. “Would you stop it!”

I made sure to swipe my hand through the mane one last time for good measure before I flew ahead of him to where the moles were working. They were cutting the stone away faster then when they were first created. Starburst had called them mindless drones, but when I saw they were able to improve I felt they were far from mindless.

“Tokie!” I squealed when I caught sight of the cute mole with razer sharp claws. He Squeaked in reply as it tore a chunk out of the wall. I flew over and petted him or at least imagined that I did as my hand went right through him. I pouted after a few seconds of it. 

“Well girl?”

“What?” I asked looking back at him.

“Do you have enough space to make another floor!?” He asked with a shout, beating the ground with his hoof. 

“Oh.” I turned my head and stuck my tongue out before I flew to the center of the large clearing. I concentrated around me while feeling my Aether move into the hole. I waited for a long moment for the rush I got the last two times I created a floor. I was about to give up when I was knocked to ground by the rush of Aether exiting my body. 

The walls around us melted flowing into my core that had appeared in the center of the floor. I breathed heavily as the floor kept expanding. When it got almost larger than I could see from my spot I threw a worried look at Starburst. 

“Did I break something again!?” I cried as I moved behind Starburst. 

“I don’t know. This is all new to me too,” Starburst said sounding less like a grumpy old man and more like a worried teen. 

The flowing rivers of stone as well as other things that had been pulled into my core finally came to a stop. All around us, opened up a cavern that appeared to go on for days. My core was at the center, but even then, I couldn’t make out any of the walls. I flew up and it took me a good thirty seconds to reach the ceiling. 

Dropping back down like a comet. I pointed at Starburst. “What did I do?!” 

“Made a new floor,” Starburst answered neutrally but was looking around like he wanted to know the same thing. “Quick, check your status.”

I glared at him since this was his idea but did as he said.

Azaria Paris


Level: 2

Race: Dungeon

Type: Doll 

Sub-type: Goddess’s Chosen

Aether: 3,479/2,100

Floors: 3/2

Skills: Creation


Summon (7/112)

Teleport Matrix (1/1) 

Enchanter’s Melody

Uncontrollable Proliferation 


God Killer – Killed a God, albeit a weak one.

Undefeated – Remain undefeated. Enhances abilities (1.15*x) X being the number of attempts on the dungeon. X=3

The Surface – When a dungeon reaches the surface the world opens up to them. Aether hourly gain (+1)

“I got a skill called Uncontrollable Proliferation,” I said after looking to make sure everything else was the same. “And it did count it as another floor.”

“Floor? More like another entire dungeon,” Starburst mumbled. 

“Don’t look at me! I’m more of a prisoner in all this. I’m just playing this stupid game because I have no other choice!” I shouted at him and shot off. I still had to come up with an idea for this massive place. I didn’t even know of anything that could occupy this much space. I screamed at the unfairness of the situation. 


A few hours and a lot of screaming later, I came back to the core where Starburst still stood waiting for me. He seemed to be mumbling something to himself which he stopped when he saw me. I floated to a stop a few feet in front of him and we starred at each other without saying anything.

“Girl, no Azaria. Forgive me for the hard time I have been giving you. I was mad about my situation and I know it was my fault for causing yours, so I was un-right of me to blame you for my own misfortune. I have decided to help you in every way I know.”

I blinked at Starburst’s sudden declaration. I couldn’t help it as tears started to run down my ethereal cheeks. I shot forward and wrapped my arms around him. I never understood why he was the only one I could touch, until now. I could just barely sense him wrapping his body in a layer of Aether. It served no purpose whatsoever, but to allow me to touch him.

“STARBURST!” I cried tears and snot running down my face. Why does a ghost have snot?

Starburst let me strangle him for several long minutes before he finally cleared his throat. I gave him a pout but released the unicorn. “Azaria.”

“Just call me girl, I’m used to it now,” I said feeling weird when he said my name.

He laughed. “Girl. I am sorry, but I have no idea what we should do of this floor. It is much too large for you to create anything with the amount of Aether you have,” Starburst said with a looking at the ground.

“I know. We’ll just have to think of it as we go! It will be a carnival!” I said shaking my hands up and down like Maracas. That was when a lightbulb went off in my head. “That’s it!”

“What?” Starburst asked jerking his head towards me at my shout.

“A carnival! I’ll make an amusement park! It will suit my doll theme as there are usually cute mascots.”

“I’ve never been to one of these amusement parks, but it sounds like it will work. Good job, girl,” Starburst said with a horsy grin. I pointed my hands towards the ground and started my summon skill. “What are you doing? We don’t have the Aether to work on something like this.”

“I know. But I have no idea how make most of the rides. We’ll need an expert,” I said with a grin. 

I watched my Aether drop further and further. Finally, when I was still barely above full, the magic circle finished forming in front of me. An unnaturally tall doll that had to be close to seven feet formed in front of us. I wasn’t sure of the gender until the face formed completely and I found it was a girl. 

Slim would be un understatement. There was no way a human could live with a body like hers. There just wouldn’t be room for the organs. Pale white skin or plastic covered most of her body, expect for a leg and one arm. They were made of gears and wiring that sparked occasionally. 

She wore a leather jacket and pants with her unnatural smooth stomach exposed to the air. Part of her head was also composed of the gears and wires. She was beautiful, but it was a type that would make you have nightmares for a few weeks. She had a neck that was almost eight or nine inches by itself. 

The magic circle vanished, and she settled on the ground. She gave me a bow that wouldn’t have been out of place in an old Victorian based movie. Steam billowed out of her mouth as she spoke. “Mistress. T is an hon'r to meeteth thee,” she said. I raised an eyebrow at her speech.

“Same. I think,” I replied doing a mid-air bow that sent me spinning.

“What would thee like me to doth?” 

“First I need to think of a name for you,” I said screwing up my face as I thought of the dolls I used to have. “Emelia! That was an old Victorian doll I used to own.”

“Thank thee f'r mine own name,” Emelia said with another elegant bow.

“I’m going to have an amusement park here in the future. As I am a dungeon I know it will have to have death traps and all that stuff,” I said before Starburst even had to raise his voice. After the last party, I knew my lot in life was set. Maybe Lance would be able to reunite me with my parents, but I don’t know if they would believe it was really me. Even Lance who had interacted with me on several occasions still didn’t trust me. 

“A death park. While I knoweth of an amusement park from memories given to me. I shall needeth more knowledge ere I can maketh up hither,” Emelia explained or at least. I think she did. I would need more time with her before I could understand everything she said. 

If I understood her right, she needed to learn more about the amusement park before she could create one here. I nodded. I would have to have Lance bring some stuff on them. That seemed like the easiest plan for now. I spun as I thought about what to do. I supposed I needed to look at her stats. That might tell me more. 



Level: 3

Race: Sentient Doll

Type: Manipulator

Ability: Mechanic’s Knowledge

Matter Conversion


I widen my eyes at how many abilities she had just after she was born. Though, I had dumped more than enough Aether into her to pay for them all. We would have to play with them to see what the extent of her abilities were. For now, I was tired. Using large amounts of Aether usually did that to me. 

I sent my eye outside and saw that the sun was about to rise. I wouldn’t have the chance to work on the dungeon for most of the day either way. I could already see several parties in line to enter the dungeon. At the forefront, I noticed Lance who was talking to a few rather unsavory looking people.


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