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Chapter 19: Back on the Streets


Lance Teron

I heard a crash outside my room in the late hours of the day. The next moment, Azaria with Starburst, I still have to struggle not to laugh when I think his name, came through the trap door hauling what looked like a body. Starburst tossed that still living man to the ground in front of me.

“Here you go! A mister Friz Waldin. Level two Associate with the Association. About to be recently deceased,” Starburst said angling his horn that was dripping blood next to the man’s throat. 

I nodded and looked at the man’s features. While I felt bad about stealing his life, I didn’t have much choice. My own face would get me killed on sight with the monster features. I hoped the Scales would be able to hide them. Even if I wasn’t killed on sight as a rogue monster, as soon as people learned who I was, I would be thrown into the nearest jail cell.

The man was relatively good looking. What many people might consider roguish good looks. Personally, I did not see the appeal, but to each their own. I much preferred smooth and cute, like Azaria. I shook my head to clear the dangerous thoughts. Why was I attracted to a dungeon core? 

I felt my Aether flow through the Scales then I suddenly felt like I was wearing a mask. I touched my face and could immediately tell the difference as I had a five o’clock shadow on my jawline. Moving to the mirror, I checked and found that most of the man’s feature were now on me. 

“Amazing. I can barely tell the difference,” I said looking at the reflection from several angles.

“You should be good as long as you stay away from any dispelling magic. Not sure how common that is up… out there,” Starburst explained correcting himself mid-sentence with a look towards Azaria who had her hands behind her head and was noticeably looking in a different direction. 

“Alright. I’ll head out then. Other than evil people, is there anything you want me to bring back? For a reward, of course.” While I was all for helping Azaria and her dungeon. She had already made it clear that we had to play by some rules. I would make sure to get my due if I were to keep helping her.

Azaria started spinning in circles. “I want you to check on my…” her face contorted for a second. “on some people for me.” I narrowed my eyes. There was something more to this than met the eye. I would have to be careful. To this day, no one knew the reason behind the dungeons. I would not be the person that doomed the Earth to destruction.

“Sure, I can try,” I said pulling out my phone. When the mansion rose above the ground, I had signal for a second but that quickly vanished. I had a feeling it was due to Azaria’s influence expanding. I opened my notepad app and waited for her.

“Anna and Zarius Hig…” this time I actually saw her mouth close against her will. Still, the first names were more than enough for me. Everyone knew Anna and Zarius Highlock. A rich couple that became two of the most powerful people in a two-hundred-mile radius. Neo notwithstanding. They were relatively private people who emphasized the strong protecting the weak.

“Why do you want to know about them?” I asked my concern only growing. A dungeon core knowing about high leveled powered. This couldn’t be good news. 

“…” She moved her mouth but nothing came out. Finally, she couldn’t take the frustration anymore and screamed as she shot through the ceiling. 

Starburst starred after her for a moment. “Yes. I think that will be all for now. Let’s just concentrate on pulling some of the trash of the world inside so we can get her a bit more control,” he said shaking his head. I wondered at which part of that statement he was exasperated by. 

“Yay,” I said with a deadpan voice. Starburst spent the next thirty minutes filling me in on what they knew about the dead diver. It was all about what I expected. He was a real scumbag given that was who they wanted to attract to the dungeon. You needed to be a scumbag if you wanted to find others of the same nature. 

At the very least, I was relieved he didn’t have a family or anything that I would have to avoid. In fact, I would be lucky not to go to jail with how many crimes this individual had broken. 

“That about sums it up,” Starburst said as he finished explaining. I nodded. 


After Starburst gave me a few good gashes for effect, I limped out of the dungeon. It had only been three days, but it felt like it had been a few months. A full-on military detachment was present with two tanks with their barrels aimed directly at the entrance of the dungeon. 

As I stepped out, I only managed to count two dozen of the laser pointed at me. Guns weren’t two helpful past a certain level, but they could still pin a monster down for a few seconds to give the powered a chance to finish it off. 

I held up may hand, and over half of the lasers were lowered. I made it halfway to the terminal and another half lowered theirs. It was only after I had my ID scanned did everyone lower their weapons. 

Once everything seemed to be settled for the moment, I was taken to a side tent. One of the association members handed me a cup of coffee. “What happened?” 

“Not much to tell you. After the first party went in, we followed. We took out the left wing doll first since we had info on her, then made our way down the right wing. The music that comes out of the dungeon changed and everything turned red. The next thing I know I was the only one still alive.”

“A rage trap?”

I just shook my head. It was true I didn’t truly know what happened, so the less I said the better my situation. They went over a few more things with me but I gave vague answers about anything that they wouldn’t already know. At the end of it the association agent who was named Miller was scratching his head in disappointment.

“Alright. I hope this defeat doesn’t turn you off from heading back in. The more people that dive with actual experience the better chance we have of finding out more about this damn thing,” agent Miller said. 

“You don’t have to tell me. I know that better than anyone. I plan on tearing this place a new one for my associates it killed,” I said going for an angry grimace. 

Agent Miller nodded then handed back my card.

“Want me to call a ride for you?” he asked as he looked at my various wounds. 

I shook my head. “There not as bad as they look. I have some places I need to get to. If you’ll excuse me,” I said standing up. I didn’t want to find out if an MRI could see through magic. 

“Very well. Just sign here saying you refused to go to the hospital. Can’t have you dropping dead then your family suing us,” Agent Miller said with a morbid chuckle.

I made a quick scribble on the tablet then walked out of tent. I took a deep breath of the night air. For the first time in a while, I felt remotely free. I could walk away from this madness and find a new life for myself in another city. There was little that could stop me. 

Thoughts of my family flashed through my mind. I hadn’t seen either of them in over two weeks. While I was worried, I had tasks that needed to be completed. I’d amassed a little power for myself, but I was no where near Kyle’s level. 

He was a top level telekinetic that could crush me long before I got near him. Last I heard him bragging, he was near level fifty. I was barely a third of his level. Not to mention, I was mainly geared towards frontal assault. I would need to get some long range assets before I could think about taking him. 

After that was the issue that he was rich. I wouldn’t be dealing with just him, but also his hired goons. Plus, there was his “royal guard” as people on the campus liked to call them. His three buddies that would protect him with their life, if the rumors were to be believed. I would have to get through all that.

I took another breath of air then turned and started walking down the street at a leisurely pace. I stopped at the convience store that I once bought a bunch of random junk food. I walked in thankful that their hot deli was still open. 

“Welcome to FastGo. What can I do for you?” said the attendant that was obviously fighting to hold back a yawn.

I looked at the case for a moment. “I want a four… no make it an eight-piece chicken tender,” I said holding back my drool. “Add in a large fry.” 

“Anything else?” 

“Largest cup you got,” I said, deciding to go all the way. 

“Sixteen seventy-five.”

I handed over the money, ignoring the highway robbery. I took my cup while he grabbed my food and filled halfway to the top with ice, then soda. I walked back over to the counter and took my food. I hadn’t eaten anything warm or drank anything cold for the last two weeks either. I took a bite out of one of the tenders and chewed before the taste even registered. 

“That really hit the spot!” 


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